Glenn Beck - God Punished Japan With Earthquake, Tsunami

Why is this scumbag piece of shit still on the air?

Glenn Beck: "Our sponsor this hour is natural-disaster insurance. Sometimes praying isn't enough, that's why there's natural-disaster insurance, the insurance God would use if He were here on Earth."


This kind of thing is so fucking ridiculous. First of all Glenn Beck does it in the most recreant asinine way possible, 'I'm, not not saying that God didn't not cause the earthquake and send the tsunami to kill all those horrible Japanese people for not being American, cause that would be supposing God, but yeah he totally did.' At least Pat Robertson had the balls to right out say the crap he did.

Secondly, and more importantly, why the fuck do natural disasters have to have a human reason? Hiroshi Iwate was beating off to pictures of cartoon girls with impossibly large breasts, therefor, thousands of other people had to die. What about when earthquakes and other natural disasters just destroy plants and kill animals, did those animals do something, with their lack of free will, to piss off God? Are we to assume everyone who died was a horrible person who deserved it?

People need to stop with the kindergartner level of reasoning. Getting killed is bad, bad things should happen to bad people, therefore anyone who is killed is bad.
How about, shit happens regardless of where we are or what we're doing. Sometimes we're in the way sometimes we're not. There is no cause and effect between our actions and an earthquake, we can not decide to cause one by 'sinning'. We have no control over it.

And just to be fair apparently the the Governor of Tokyo said the quake and tsunami were divine retribution for the Japanese's egoism. So the crazy stupid magical thinking doesn't limit itself to the crazy and stupid in the US.


>> ^Crosswords:
Secondly, and more importantly, why the fuck do natural disasters have to have a human reason?

I've met a few people who's thinking is something like "God says he protects us, therefore if anything terrible happens it's because 'He' intentionally caused it for a good reason." Some people just don't like (or can't handle) the idea that very bad things can happen for essentially no reason and that we're powerless to stop them.

I don't know what Beck actually believes, but given his style I'm sure he'll find a way to tie this event to some ideology he disagrees with. "Japan implemented <random policy> and look what happened; God obviously dislikes <random policy> and people who support it."


Beck quote: "But I'll tell you this: whether you call it Gaia or whether you call it Jesus -- there's a message being sent. And that is, 'Hey, you know that stuff we're doing? Not really working out real well. Maybe we should stop doing some of it.' I'm just sayin'."

It was not a well-constructed thought, but it says nothing to the effect of God singled out Japan for its sins or that Japan 'deserved' it.

Tis a far cry from what Stenk and Friends are insinuating, but expect no less from "interpreters" who are anti-religion.


I can't wait to see what thoughts of sympathy Japan sends to the US on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

There's nothing like proposing god makes things happen to kill innocents to teach a lesson.


>> ^quantumushroom:

Beck quote: "But I'll tell you this: whether you call it Gaia or whether you call it Jesus -- there's a message being sent. And that is, 'Hey, you know that stuff we're doing? Not really working out real well. Maybe we should stop doing some of it.' I'm just sayin'."
It was not a well-constructed thought, but it says nothing to the effect of God singled out Japan for its sins or that Japan 'deserved' it.
Tis a far cry from what Stenk and Friends are insinuating, but expect no less from "interpreters" who are anti-religion.

So supernatural force causing earthquakes to send a message that stuff people are doing is not good. It is still a moron trying to place human causation on a natural disaster. He's playing the same stupid game he always does, 'I'm not going to say (blank is a blank) but wink wink you gotta wonder.'

And thus why I suggest he's got shriveled raisins for testicles because he's too much of a pussy to say what he actually means. I'm sure his fans would eat it up and his buddies at FOX would just go, Oh Glen you so crazy, but you make us a lot of money so we love you.


I'm not saying that Glenn Beck did or didn't rape and murder a girl in 1990, I'm not saying that.

I'm a person who doesn't see comedy as something that has boundaries and taboos. I'd also add that everything has a place and you have to find an environment that is receptive to your kind of humor. All said and done, I don't think think anyone should have been fired for what they said. Reprimanded? Sure, but to lose a job over something like this is just silly.


I loved Cenk on TYT, but now on MSNBC he's really upped his moral outrage. He's no better than Beck or O'Reilley for dressing up minor things as the worst things in the world. I'm not saying that MS-NBC told him to raise his vitriol to match his opponents for ratings, but not that I'm not, if you know what I mean.

*edit I'm looking forward to the day when Cenk's moral outrage doesn't get an automatic by into the top 15 by people who remember how cool he used to be.


Anyone who thinks god has anything to do with earthquakes or tsunamis is ah... should go back to high school because they [i]clearly[/i] flunked earth science.

I would like to say more but I'm sure it'd just piss people off. Then again it is glenn beck we are talking about here. The guy thinks he's the second coming after all.


Here we have the same gargle of atheists going out of their way to get pissed off at one man's opinion. It's fun to be offended...the religious equally enjoy being offended by what they deem blasphemous.

All right, you don't care for GB and wouldn't no matter what he said, but you would "respect" him more for saying what he "really" thinks? Read the quote. It implies something, but is so vague as to be meaningless.

Obama never says what he means and he's the President. For now.

>> ^Crosswords:

>> ^quantumushroom:
Beck quote: "But I'll tell you this: whether you call it Gaia or whether you call it Jesus -- there's a message being sent. And that is, 'Hey, you know that stuff we're doing? Not really working out real well. Maybe we should stop doing some of it.' I'm just sayin'."
It was not a well-constructed thought, but it says nothing to the effect of God singled out Japan for its sins or that Japan 'deserved' it.
Tis a far cry from what Stenk and Friends are insinuating, but expect no less from "interpreters" who are anti-religion.

So supernatural force causing earthquakes to send a message that stuff people are doing is not good. It is still a moron trying to place human causation on a natural disaster. He's playing the same stupid game he always does, 'I'm not going to say (blank is a blank) but wink wink you gotta wonder.'
And thus why I suggest he's got shriveled raisins for testicles because he's too much of a pussy to say what he actually means. I'm sure his fans would eat it up and his buddies at FOX would just go, Oh Glen you so crazy, but you make us a lot of money so we love you.


For me, it's not a matter of taking offense. I'm not even remotely offended and neither should anyone else be. Instead, I'm concerned about the ridiculously stupid things that humans have a tendency to do when they inject ideas of a rational agent into horrific events which had no manner of sentient involvement, simply because they can't cope with the reality that bad things happen and don't need a reason outside of the natural world.

You just have to read some history books to learn how many retarded things we've done because of that. And sometimes, it manifests in subtle ways.

So yeah, what he said - insanely stupid. Anyone who thinks that sort of shit is living 500+ years in the past.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Here we have the same gargle of atheists going out of their way to get pissed off at one man's opinion. It's fun to be offended...the religious equally enjoy being offended by what they deem blasphemous.


For me, it's not a matter of taking offense. I'm not even remotely offended and neither should anyone else be. Instead, I'm concerned about the ridiculously stupid things that humans have a tendency to do when they inject ideas of a rational agent into horrific events which had no manner of sentient involvement, simply because they can't cope with the reality that bad things happen and don't need a reason outside of the natural world.

You're not offended, yet you are concerned that people still attribute things both good and bad to the whims of supernatural deities. Is that accurate?

You just have to read some history books to learn how many retarded things we've done because of that. And sometimes, it manifests in subtle ways.

I've written it before and will again: anyone who ignores the good that religions hath wrought hasn't studied enough history or is being intellectually dishonest.

So yeah, what he said - insanely stupid. Anyone who thinks that sort of shit is living 500+ years in the past.

Faith is faith. Millions of people today still embrace this proven failure. But what are ya gonna do?


People commonly enslaved other people for all but very recent human history.
Many great things were accomplished.

I used to argue that the saving grace for religion was the stories were the inspiration for great art. In my advancing years I'm becoming increasingly convinced that this is bogus; great artists made religious art because The Church had money to spend and subjects to impress.
>> ^quantumushroom:

I've written it before and will again: anyone who ignores the good that religions hath wrought hasn't studied enough history or is being intellectually dishonest.
So yeah, what he said - insanely stupid. Anyone who thinks that sort of shit is living 500+ years in the past.
Faith is faith. Millions of people today still embrace this proven failure. But what are ya gonna do?

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