You can trust Dr. Fauci. We can't trust Donald Trump.

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Ya got to give it Trump. At least he was honest when he admitted he's not responsible.


Those who shirk responsibility abdicate authority.

It won't be a miracle, but it's going to feel like one.



As if there was ever any question...
Responsible husbands don't raw dog porn stars.
Responsible fathers don't hit on their daughters incessantly.
Responsible businessmen don't repeatedly plan bankruptcies as a self enrichment scheme.

The thing is, since he said it, I now HAVE to question it. ;-)


Ya got to give it Trump. At least he was honest when he admitted he's not responsible.



Only a moron AND liar could ever claim herpes ridden Dopey Don the daughter diddler, the proud forcible fingerbanger and syphilitic mass rapist, repeatedly convicted fraud and charity thief, sponsor and beneficiary of the Trumpandemic, biggest loser, bankruptcy magnate, ender of jobs and destroyer of economies is, in any way, superior to above reproach Biden, especially in morals or ethics.

The only thing he's done well is explode the debt and deficit at unheard of rates....probably 5-7 trillion already this year alone between loss of revenue and unethical massive unsupervised socialist handouts to his family and administration members, and endanger Americans causing > 90% of Covid cases by his ineptitude, dangerous suggestions, profiteering, and total lack of leadership.

Your desperation is strong enough to taste.


MEGA 2020 way better that Finger banging JOE!


" explode the debt" by shoveling out coin to PEOPLEduring this covid mess.

You can give you coin back if you feel so badly.
"> 90% of Covid cases by his ineptitude, " Such Factual BS



Only a moron AND liar could ever claim herpes ridden Dopey Don the daughter diddler, the proud forcible fingerbanger and syphilitic mass rapist, repeatedly convicted fraud and charity thief, sponsor and beneficiary of the Trumpandemic, biggest loser, bankruptcy magnate, ender of jobs and destroyer of economies is, in any way, superior to above reproach Biden, especially in morals or ethics.

The only thing he's done well is explode the debt and deficit at unheard of rates....probably 5-7 trillion already this year alone between loss of revenue and unethical massive unsupervised socialist handouts to his family and administration members, and endanger Americans causing > 90% of Covid cases by his ineptitude, dangerous suggestions, profiteering, and total lack of leadership.

Your desperation is strong enough to taste.


In part, he has more than one iron in the debt exploding fire.

He exploded the debt long before Covid.
The checks alone would have exploded the debt, but that was less than1/4 of the money spent on just the Trumpidemic his lack of leadership and understanding made 10 times worse than it could have been, and that's being generous, and that two trillion + doesn't count one dime of the trillions more in lost production....and he wants to spend/grift trillions more, but not a dollar for checks to taxpayers...maybe in late October but not now.
Then there's his tax cut for the rich, stimulated the economy and created jobs great, didn't it? (Hint, of course it didn't, it just bankrupt the treasury while jobs and the economy dissolved, his normal business practice, but America is the Trump Casino this time).
How much have his trade wars cost?
Then there's that short bit of wall nay fence Mexico didn't pay for, getting more expensive every day.

You're the one who is hyper anti socialism, and you were incredibly outraged at the size of the debt before Trump and insistent he would erase it term one, but you're keeping your socialist handout even as your boy raids and bankrupts the treasury with your blessing, aren't you.


" explode the debt" by shoveling out coin to PEOPLEduring this covid mess.

You can give you coin back if you feel so badly.


Lol. Facts are always BS to you Trump Chumps....

Real fact is that at this point it's closer to 95% because he is pretty much solely responsible for the resurgence of phase one thanks to his urging his cultists to deny science and make not wearing a mask and ignoring social distancing an exercise of freedom, causing much of the resurgence, and has done nothing to prepare for round two, so that number is guaranteed to rise.


"> 90% of Covid cases by his ineptitude, " Such Factual BS

luxintenebrisjokingly says...

don "the 'j' is for genius" thought ingesting disinfectant was possible.* the dumbest guy in the room. king clod. the dude of hebetude. the emir of incoherency.

ignore grouchy, heed fauci.

* imagine him getting UV via the colon during his tanning bed sessions? then his twitter tantrums - on his true throne - might have been replaced w/a 'higher' need.

"gee. the president hasn't tweeted in a while? don't know why, but he sure is going through the ice pops!"


His punctuation and capitalization is off, that's all....

Mega 2020? Way better, that finger banging Joe!

See, it makes sense, he's finally come around to seeing Joe, no matter what he's accused of, is way better!


Mega? That? Give you coin back?!

Time to end your shift Bob #3278 you're getting too tired to remember your english training.


Still doesn't entirely make sense. Make Europe Great Again?


His punctuation and capitalization is off, that's all....

Mega 2020? Way better, that finger banging Joe!

See, it makes sense, he's finally come around to seeing Joe, no matter what he's accused of, is way better!

newtboysays...'s about his administration....
Make Everyone Get Attorneys.

Or perhaps...
Moscow Emissary Governing America


Still doesn't entirely make sense. Make Europe Great Again?


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