Fascist Cop Takes His Bad Day Out On Some Skater Kids

This is why your average person dislikes and mistrusts the police. This guy completely abuses his power and screws up these kids' view of the police for the rest of their lives.

For the record, I do not like police very much. In my experience they're mostly fascists, and way too self-impressed, esepcially if they believe that bullshit about "serve and protect."

Officer Ribieri needs to update his resume and see a psychiatrist. The kid he badgered was being as respectful as you can expect. The only way he could have made this officer happy would be to drop to his knees and pray at him.


First off, sweet name Enzoblue. Second, I don't think most police officers are like this. I am a Deputy Juvenile Officer, so I work with a lot of kids, and I find that if you respect them, they'll respect you. If I were that kid I would have turned the video into the department. If there is a followup to the story I would like to know. Thanks!


"You got that camera on? 'Cause if I find myself on Y..."

There's a couple of kids who will hate cops for a long, long, time. Nice work Ribiera. Harassing skaters. Go find some real crime, will ya?


I was going to upvote this video, but don't want to draw any extra attention to what I think is a pretty inappropriate thing to do by finch451. If that gets removed, I'll upvote.

And I hope there's no hard feelings here, budzos.


Upvote for sure. Regardless of posting his number this needs to get out there. Cops think its the law to respect them, its not.
Fucking douchebag deserves that skateboard in his face, picking on a kid like that.


I Say leave it. If he didn't want this kind of attention, he wouldn't have acted like this. This guy is a jackass. And a dude, well I'll let you Google the actual definition of this.

Finch, you leave that shit right where it is. As a matter of fact, in case you take it down, I'll put it here.

Salvatore Rivieri
4 Delight Ave
Nottingham, MD 21236-4118

Complain number: 410 396 3141

This one asshole ruined the credibility of his department.


The complaint number is fine. In fact, I'm glad someone posted it. But this guy may have kids or a wife at home who don't deserve to catch any flak for this, and if one of them gets hurt because someone here felt like raging against the police on an internet comment forum, you're going to feel mighty stupid.

Michelle Malkin does this kind of thing, folks! Let's not sink to that level.


As far as putting his shit out there - If someone wanted to they could find it. If you don't your shit out there, you need to be careful and make sure its not. Its on you to make sure that you protect your identity. Google me all day long. My shit isn't out there.


From the linked article above:

Reached at home Sunday, Rivieri said he was not aware that the incident had been recorded or posted to a public Web site. He acknowledged having encounters with skateboarders at the Inner Harbor last summer and told a reporter that he would review the video on YouTube.

"These kids, they've got nothing better to do," Rivieri said.

Erm... better to do than what? Show that you're a complete dick who has series confidence issues. The reason he acts like that is because he knows he looks like ridiculous with his enormous gut in that tinsy little police 'thing' he's driving around in, and the spandex uniform stretched taught across his bulging gut. He's embarrassed all the time, and so because he isn't secure enough in his own self, he lashes out at people with mock bravado in an effort to seem big and important.

He's a little man with a lack of education or enough brains to know what should really be focused on as a police man.

The right thing to do would have been to say, nicely, to the kids "Hey guys... come on, skateboarding isn't allowed here, ok? Take them someplace else. I'll be back in a while and if you're still skateboarding around I'll have to report you guys. I don't want to, so just take them over to an allowed area. Thanks guys."

No anger, no talking down, nothing, treat them as nice kids and they'll respect you back. This is not how to get respect.


This video makes me cry a little bit inside.

That said, I think that the fact that almost everybody carries a camera phone with them is the greatest possible tool to ensure that abuses of power and authority do not go unchecked or unchallenged. Officer Ribieri and his ilk should fear every moment that someone, somewhere will film their abuses and post them to the internet for all to see, just like this one.

This cop should lose his badge... but he won't.


This video makes me cry a little bit inside.

That said, I think that the fact that almost everybody carries a camera phone with them is the greatest possible tool to ensure that abuses of power and authority do not go unchecked or unchallenged. Officer Ribieri and his ilk should fear every moment that someone, somewhere will film their abuses and post them to the internet for all to see, just like this one.

This cop should lose his badge... but he won't.

edit: Holy duplicate post Batman! Admins- please delete.


this cop threatened the life of a 14 year old after wrestling him to the ground and taking his board. all for being called "dude." are you serious? he needs to be fired. no ill will to his family, but do we need that guy, with a gun and a badge, on any street, anywhere? I'd trust a crackhead first. at least i know what they want.


That is fucked up, I am sitting here, watching and thinking, what is that cop thinking??? And yes, fired is my recommendation too, this kid didnt do anything to warrant that level of abuse...


Yeah, it's nice to see that the whole surveilance society thing works both ways. Bet the The Man didn't think of THAT!

>> ^therealblankman:
...I think that the fact that almost everybody carries a camera phone with them is the greatest possible tool to ensure that abuses of power and authority do not go unchecked or unchallenged...


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Fascism, Pigs, Police, Power Trip, scary, asshole, F the police' to 'Fascism, Pigs, Police, Power Trip, scary, asshole, salvatore rivieri' - edited by Issykitty


^arsenault, I changed my tag to the officers name, and I apologize for my hasty tag done in anger. I was pretty pissed off when I added that tag. Seriously though, corrupt and abusive, not to mention racist and SEXIST cops are unfortunately not that uncommon, and this is speaking from personal experience. I live in LA County, and I can name a lot of instances where a cop behaved unlawfully or inappropriately, but I did not have a video camera or witness to back me up so I just stayed put, mostly out of fear. The way I see it, I couldn't help but picture how much WORSE it could get than this if, say, the kids happened to be of a minority ethnicity, or female, etc. etc. Please excuse me if I have a resentment towards abusive authority figures.

edit: I also wanted to add that I have mixed feelings about the posting of the said asshole's personal info. On one hand, I think it serves him right, but like it was already said, he may have a family w/ kids. That really ought to be taken down.


When I was in high school, I and a group of friends were playing soccer at a public park after curfew and after the park was closed. A cop drove up, told us the park was closed, and that if it applied to any of us, that it was past curfew. We told him we'd head out, and he told us to take our time. Not all cops are bad.


I think we need to take the "not all cops are bad" line and put it in perspective. The Police SYSTEM is bad, because it protects crap like this. Defend John Q Officer all you want, but the fact of the matter is that extending above the law status & weapons to people is always a bad idea, no matter how "good" you think these particular people are.

Giving cops cart blanche creates people who do this sort of shit (read The Lucifer Effect). Not only should this guy be fired, he should go to jail, just like anybody else who pulls this kind of crap. I don't care if you work for the government, or if being a cop is going to make prison harder on you, think of that before you assault people, and don't do it, that should apply equally to everyone.


This officer is should have handled this situation completely differently. Its so bad I cant watch/listen to it a second time. He should be punished but how? Suspension with pay isnt going to do anything. Thats like being in High School and being suspended. When your in High School thats awsome, free vaction day (almost). Community servive or Anger Management with Mr. Nickolson would be good.

Also, why is skate boarding illegal in many public places? I understand that its a dangerous sport and all, but how does it harm others? Someone please shead some light on this?


Many types and classes of people will avoid a public space if it's being used by skateboarders because they tend to be groups of young kids acting in a loud and rambunctious way. I don't see a lot of skateboarders being mindful and gracious when it comes to sharing public space. My thinking is, if people normally would be walking or sitting around a space, you should not be skateboarding there.

It can hurt businesses, create anxiety, etc.. you don't see guys with basketballs running around everywhere dribbling...

Skateboarders don't just ride the pavement. They jump and crash on everything, causing ugly scuffs and scratches all over permanent installations like guardrails, benches, etc..

Skateboarding is an insurance liability risk to property owners. With the state of tort law in our society, you don't even want to give someone the opportunity to hold you liable in any way for an injury. This is assuming they are cautious and really don't hurt other people. I've seen a couple people bumped and knocked down by skateboarders in my time, myself included.

Finally, and most important to me, it's just annoying and obnoxious. Just because a space is public or open doesn't mean it should be co-opted for someone's pastime. Skateboarders are one of the few groups who feel some right to go take over every public space.

I'm sure the kid in this clip WAS being a disrespectful little jerk, and annoying to the general public around him, before the camera started rolling, regardless of how inappropriate the cop's reaction was.


Sigh... been there, hated it.

I'm an ex-skateboarder (well, not really, I still build ramps and skate with my kids every once in a while), and I've been through this cr*p. Even worse is that when I lived outside the "land of freedom", I had less hassle with polizei and more freedom to skate places.

The reason, which is also an answer to Oblyvious, is the ridiculous law system which governs the U.S. I can totally understand laws making skateboarding illegal here, simply because of frivolous lawsuits. Companies spend 8 gajillion dollars on accident insurance each year because of people like me, who like to skateboard on someone else's property (county/state/city land counts too), and then, unlike me, when they get hurt, they sue the owners of that property.

If I were a business owner, I would gladly spend a few days or weeks trying to convince my local government to make it illegal to skateboard if it means saving me hundreds of thousands of dollars in insurance costs over the lifetime of my business. It may not completely protect me from the lawsuits, but it helps.

As for the officer... jeebus cripes! That guy should be publicly flogged. Not to overplay the devil's advocate though, but appropriately there's a video relating to this guy's behavior in the top 15 right now, the interview with the author of The Lucifer Effect. That book describes why this guy behaves the way he does, and it's not due to his likely small parts or his large gut.


>> ^finch451:
Salvatore Rivieri
4 Delight Ave
Nottingham, MD 21236-4118
Complain number: 410 396 3141

videosift is looking like SA forums now ^, lol. Um, do u all 'have stairs in your house?'

The cop is a complete asshole blowhard, not really into 'serve and protect'. We'll be seeing alot more of this behavior and worse in times to come IMO.


Personally, I love that this piece of shit's personal info is being posted. He's lucky his ass isn't in jail and the kid's family isn't suing him; he should be so lucky to get off with mere harassment.

"These kids, they've got nothing better to do," Rivieri said.

And you do, Rivieri? Have you got nothing better to do than harass, bully, threaten to kill, and physically and verbally assault children? This cunt deserves whatever he has coming to him and more.


People seemingly get more railed up about police abuses captured on video then the continuing judicial abuses committed by the Whitehouse. One affects a minority the other affects the majority. Kind of like whats going on right now in the Senate:

Senate Yesterday

After more than a year of wrangling, the Senate handed the White House a major victory on Tuesday by voting to broaden the government’s spy powers and to give legal protection to phone companies that cooperated in President Bush’s program of eavesdropping without warrants.

One by one, the Senate rejected amendments that would have imposed greater civil liberties checks on the government’s surveillance powers. Finally, the Senate voted 68 to 29 to approve legislation that the White House had been pushing for months. Mr. Bush hailed the vote and urged the House to move quickly in following the Senate’s lead.
Senate Today

N.F.L. Commissioner Roger Goodell will travel to Washington on Wednesday to meet with Senator Arlen Specter for a discussion about the league’s investigation into the Patriots’ spying on other teams.

“I have a lot of questions,” Specter said. “I’m hoping to get some answers.”

Specter, of Pennsylvania, is the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee. He first requested a meeting with Goodell in a letter in November. Specter wanted to know why the league had destroyed all evidence in the spying case and whether there was any indication that the Patriots had cheated when they played the Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl XXXIX."

From John Cole's Balloon Juice.

Life is Kafkaesque.


"This cunt deserves whatever he has coming to him and more."

Does his wife? His kids? Does a neighbor who may be hurt, or whose property might be damaged in any confrontation?

Now, maybe this guy is a childless bachelor who lives on a farm somewhere where his nearest neighbor is 3 miles away. That's doubtful, however, so don't you think it's wiser to be risk averse in this regard?

[Edit: Btw, I'm not conceding that this guy "deserves what's coming to him," or any such thing. I'm only saying that, in everybody's zeal to make sure he gets "punished," some of you haven't sufficiently thought through what the consequences might be of posting his information. You shouldn't let your anger towards him--justified though it may be--bleed over and create an apathy about the well-being of those who are innocent. If you do, you've begun to inhabit what can reasonably be called the domain of the childish and vicious; the domain of those like Malkin and Rove, etc.]


Judging by the Weenie-Mobile hes scooting around in, hes probably a peice of shit retard anyway. Departments don't generally throw their good officers on parking enforcement. So this guy has fucked up before I'm betting.


"Judging by the Weenie-Mobile hes scooting around in, hes probably a peice of shit retard anyway. Departments don't generally throw their good officers on parking enforcement. So this guy has fucked up before I'm betting."

This part, at least, I can't argue with.


Hilarious, he's all bluff, because he knows he can pull it on kids. "Call me dude one more time..." And, you fat pig? What are you going to do, DUDE? "...the sooner you learn that, the longer you're going to live in this world." Is that a threat, officer?

"You disrespected me, this badge, and my department!" No one is under any law mandating respect. I also love it that he seems to think he has authority over anyone -- "Sit down.. did you not just hear me?!" Uh, the kid is under no law to sit down, just because you said so, swine.

The best part is he finally realizes he's being filmed, and ends the video with an ultimatum. Which apparently failed. I'd love to hear how the called parents' opinions changed when they saw the video.

Dude Rivieri, do the world a favor and go pick a fight with a gang of armed drug dealers next time, instead of children.


Yes, all cops are like this...all cops should be not be trusted or respected. All cops, no exceptions. There are no good cops anywhere in the history of the world. blah blah blah

Fight the power, all you internet tough guys.


There aren't many people in the thread claiming it's all cops; I think mostly everyone gets the point that he's a bad apple. Is your suggestion instead that people roll over and suffer abuse, perhaps?


>> ^viewer_999:
"Sit down.. did you not just hear me?!" Uh, the kid is under no law to sit down, just because you said so, swine.

Actually, if you are being detained or placed under arrest (I'm not saying these kids should have been) then yes, the kids is under law to sit down.

>> ^spoco2:
The right thing to do would have been to say, nicely, to the kids "Hey guys... come on, skateboarding isn't allowed here, ok? Take them someplace else. I'll be back in a while and if you're still skateboarding around I'll have to report you guys. I don't want to, so just take them over to an allowed area. Thanks guys."
No anger, no talking down, nothing, treat them as nice kids and they'll respect you back. This is not how to get respect.

Seriously? Do you want cops to hand out stickers and candy to people when they break the law, too?

"Come on, guys! You know you aren't supposed to be robbing that bank. So if you please just put the money back, that would be great. I don't want to have to come back now!"

Ugh. No. Just no. There is a line between being authoritative and not being an ass. A cop should not just say "Please and thank you for obeying the law." That's an open invitation for people to basically say "fuck off."

And lawl at "weenie mobile".

Also, I'm sick and fucking tired of the over-use of the word "fascist". Just because some self-important cop is an asshole, that doesn't make him a fascist.


The expanding definition and opprobrium of the term "fascist" coincides with the expanding definition of freedom. "Fascist" has come to mean egregious laws or persons that go beyond a justifiable social contract by imposing restrictions that are not necessary for the public good or for preventing people from hurting each other.


The more I think about this video, the more I feel bad for the officer. Maybe the kids in the video did deserve the abbuse that the officer gave them. I dont know for sure, but those kids were probably being loud, obnoxious, and disrespectful to the general public. I dont know of an iPod or MP3 player that is so loud you dont realize a cop walking up to you in a bright yellow uniform or your friends talking to you. He must of waranted the abuse somehow I would think?

I wouldnt say that throwing the kid on the ground was a positive, but you know that these kids are never going to do be annoying or disrespectful to a cop again.

As a parent, who cares, wouldnt you want someone to smack your kid around if he/she was being disrespectful and you were not there? I for one wouldnt mind.

I just want to know what happened before the video starts rolling.


[i]but you know that these kids are never going to do be annoying or disrespectful to a cop again[/i]

Respect through fear is not respect.

Videosift seems to be going the way of YouTube with the amount of brainless comments in this thread.


Very obviously a troll... but just in case anyone at all thought to agree with
"but you know that these kids are never going to do be annoying or disrespectful to a cop again."

These kids are going to have LESS respect for cops now, not MORE. This doesn't command ANY sort of respect at all. What commands respect is handling it in the way I mentioned above or the way the cop treated Histnerd up there ^. Treat kids fairly and with respect and they will RESPECT you for that... not for being an overbearing douche.

Ok... continue ignoring the troll now...


at the risk of being hated on the sift... i do believe that cop does have a point... I realise he handles the situation in a less than successful manner, but the kid was being a punk, and skating in a banned area, and for god's sake, im a teacher and know what these little "angels" mouths can cause. There was no reason for this kids friend to start the video if everything was fine. Im guessing something happened beforehand, whether it be just a minor warning from the officer, telling them to stop skating which they simply ignored.

Im afraid, the situation aint that black and white as it seems... im moreso on the cops side.


Since when have police officers worn yellow and black? It makes him look like a traffic warden. A real fat one.

He is just a little moody because some real criminals managed to out run him by walking for more than 2 mins.


I work with kids and man, is he a lucky guy if he thinks THIS is backchat and disrespect. Personally I believe that a lot of the problems that we will have in our future is with kids having no respect for any authority, and this guy is yet another example of why. In my opinion, these guys should have some training in working with young people, as they are the next generation and it would help a lot to gain back some level of trust between the two again.

Btw, that cop is a prick, but I don't think he quite deserves his privacy denied just yet, although I get why you would put it up there.


Imagine for the briefest of moments that the guy doing this was not a cop. Imagine some random adult put a kid in a headlock, threw him to the ground, and stole his skateboard because the kid was being "disrespectful".

Imagine the outcry from that. The guy would be sued and possibly jailed.

Without an arrest, there is no difference between that scenario and what actually happened.

Police have only a very limited number of extra legal rights/privileges compared to normal citizens.


Pig scum.

Those kids are hardly bad boys, no way near hardcore trouble makers, at most messin' about & need a quick telling - and be off officer fat fuck.

That officer is a total and utter cunt, period.


>> ^kulpims:
he's suspended - with pay?!!? i don't get it...

Union job, and many jobs for that matter, protect you while you're being investigated.

Once you're canned, however, you're canned, so you wouldn't get severance, for example, if they concluded they have cause to fire you (unless they want to give you a small lump sum to reduce the chance of you suing to get something - just to save the court-time/money hassle).

Such is labour law.


Calling attention to one man's power-abuse issues , and an ill-suited profession accompanying them, is one thing-a bunch of people standing around in a circle agreeing that something should be done, another, and casting emotional votes and casting enough stones to bury the guy like kids during recess, well, that's more similar to something as dull and played and snooze-worthy, as watching paint dry.....
You are all this asshole, again, check a mirror, and find the juxtaposition-


>> ^papple:<
Videosift seems to be going the way of YouTube with the amount of brainless comments in this thread.

Um, hardly.

Choose any metric you want and any average Videosift thread will look like a Mensa society meeting in comparison to the Idiocracy you'll find in YT comments.

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