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volumptuoussays...Woah, where the hell is this?
Alps? But why is there a Utah tag?
Almanildosays...Upvote for the sheer length of the ride.
vairetubesays...they thought of everything, even a ski lift to get back up... so awesome.. i just realized that whole town is probably made up of the track inspectors and ride operators, and businesses to feed them... utopia!
smoomansays...that is a long ass ride!
mintbbbsays...>> ^volumptuous:
Woah, where the hell is this?
Alps? But why is there a Utah tag?
In the beginning of the video it tells you this is in Park City, UT
MSevensays...i am pretty sure this was NOT filmed in Utah (according to my information the average density of coursing germans, or ADOCG is pretty low there.) is the webpage of the manufacturer of these rides, and i guess theres a similar one in Utah. But this was mostlikely filmed somewhere in the Alps (either germany or austria).
CrushBugsays...That was some impressive camera work. I don't think I could have kept it on track as much.'s really quite hypnotic after a while.
mintbbbsays...Okies, I am removing 'utah' from the tags. They do have one there, must be a tamer version =) No matter where, I'd love to try one of these!
9671says...These are all over the place in Switzerland. Almost every mountain has one.
Fun Fact: The longest alpine roller coaster like this is in Switzerland.
BillOreillysays...I kept waiting for it to actually get interesting.
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Terrible) - requested by BillOreilly.
gwiz665says...This looks hella-fun.'d be more fun if it was just a straight line of track going down the hill with none of that zig-zaggy turn crap.
QuadraPixelsays...The one in Park City is a blast! Even though it's shorter, it's scarrier because, you can control your own speed, and if you go too fast you will fly off the track around a turn (my cousin did that once)! It's pretty damn fun.
quantumushroomsays...Meh, but that guy had fun...
Throbbinsays...One day I want to live in a place that allows me to take this ride home after a days work.
eric3579says...If there is a heaven it will be filled with roller coasters
spoco2says...In no way is this terrible... sooo. *nochannel *happy *actionpacked
siftbotsays...This video has been removed from all channels (Terrible, Happy) due to invalid channel assignment - nochannel invoked by spoco2. Please review the FAQ to learn about appropriate channel assignments.
Adding video to channels (Actionpack, Happy) - requested by spoco2.
StukaFoxsays...Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting: the only reason to go to Utah, EVER.
Hive13says...Wow, that looks so awesome. I'd love to ride that.
burdturglersays...That's what she said.
13377says...Man, that would have been so much cooler with a wide angle lens. Still so cool!
sometimessays...the address listed is not correct for this video. how do I know?
google map satellite view.
the utah one has 4 tracks that appear to be concrete and follow a very different path.,+park+city,+ut&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&split=0&gl=us&ei=fLaQSdqjJ4HasAPZqaGVCQ&ll=40.650071,-1
13735says...i love 2 red hanging thingies toward the end that smack you in the face...just in case you fall asleep during such a long ride.
Kruposays...>> ^jacobrecker:
it'd be more fun if it was just a straight line of track going down the hill with none of that zig-zaggy turn crap.
And then you die.
I rode one of these in Europe - it was awesome - but it was even more insane - it came with a brake so you wouldn't go flying off the turns (wonder if this one maybe has that too? Hmm... quite likely actually, esp. when I see that yellow sign at the end, I think it was the 'brake you idiot' warning, just before the red ribbons) - it wasn't on rails but rather in a tube-like thing. It had the same ribbon array though!
I should probably upload the vid sometime because I'm pretty sure I recorded the ride. Not as long a ride as this - maybe half the length. ... ah, one clip is enough
davidrainesays...I guess he stopped filming before heading through the exit that leads straight into the gift shop.
Duffmansays...I've always called them a toboggan not a roller coaster. *shrug*
rgroom1says...very anticlimactic
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