Elderly couple run into a cloud of flies.

This occurred in Iceland last summer,
an elderly couple ran into a cloud of midges, small harmless flies,
while on their boat at Mývatn (Lake of Midges). The couple seem to be
locals who are a bit surprised by the size of the cloud. The lake is
situated in an active volcano area and surrounded by wetlands.

m: look, the cloud is coming our way, look.....
w: oops....
m: i cant believe this, this is incredible, this is like a hurricane. its coming (laughs)
m: no wait, im curious...just put something on your head.....wow...this is like a grasshopper plague.
w: start the engine please....
m: ....alrighty, just put something on your head....

(after starting the engine)

i can barely see....this is like a mist...my eyes are full of
flies....ufff, its over.... can i see your back...its black in
flies....how does my face look?
w:.....you are dark haired now!

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