Double KO

A rare double knockout at the Legends of Fighting Championship mixed martial arts show in Indianapolis. The two fighters, Tyler Bryan and Shaun Parker, both landed punches to each other's heads just a few seconds after the start of the fight, and they both crumpled to the canvas.
When that happens the bout is scored a technical draw. It was the first fight for both Bryan and Parker, so both of them now have career records of 0-0-1.
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Okay, now what's with the referee? Did they just pull the first guy they could find out of a night club? What's with the t-shirt and jeans, yo?

I'd vote for the guy on the right to win because he kept his hands up.


I guess you can't please anyone here, everyone's bitching about this video not having slowmo replay, but when videos do have slowmo replays, they bitch about the unnecessary slowmo replay.


>> ^jimnms:
I guess you can't please anyone here, everyone's bitching about this video not having slowmo replay, but when videos do have slowmo replays, they bitch about the unnecessary slowmo replay.

Amen, brother. Hallelujah! I just KNEW there was reason you took over the religion channel.

I am SO goddamn sick of slo-mo replays that it makes this video a virtual godsend. I normally don't vote for videos like these either, but the complete ABSENCE of a replay alone made it worth the upvote.



Hey, we're striving for diversity and tolerance here, so praise Cthulu, as well!

And this is now my favorite kulpims' submitted video. No wonder - vote count reflects that, too. Good wtf, mate

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