Donald Trump: 50 supporters explain why they love him

Idiocracy is becoming a reality. Let us all drink some Brawndo, belch and watch some more brain rotting reality TV.

Around 4:40, bring gas prices down a little more? I'm not sure where he lives but I am paying about 2.50 for a gallon of regular right now. Any cheaper and you might as well be asking for free gas.


as long as he stays anti political correct i like him

hell just run on anti-pc campaign my entire state will vote for him easily

we just expanded our gun laws last year to 'carry anywhere' lol that should pinpoint it.


Speaks volumes of how parlous the establishment is and how sick and tired people are of it that they will literally grab on to anything in the hopes of fixing things up.

Blame the people that allowed America to become the way it is for making Trump seem viable...

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