Dog Pack Feeding With Patience.


See, the man is the government and the dogs are the sheeple accepting whatever handouts they can get.

In a glorious libertarian pack, the big dog would have killed the guy, eaten him, and bitched on the internet that he tasted poorly.


I ask my dog flower to go through her tricks before she eats, which is impressive...

Wait, Sit, lay down, bow, be a bear, jump, stand, walk like a human, high five, shake that paw, other paw, low five, back up, come here, hug, speak, whisper, OK eat...

she knows a few more... Forget them. I have been running out of tricks for a while now, thus the low five.


We have a Labrador and you may know how they are with food -_-;;, yet my brother managed to teach him so well that if we forget to give him the command to eat, he will sit at his bowl drooling for hours. I found this out the hard way... when he eventually managed to drag himself away from staring at his food long enough to come get my attention, a good couple of hours later. Needless to say I felt very guilty.


Kind of like torturing them, long pauses putting food right under their noses. Why not just invest in a trough, just uncover it and let them all go at it.


Whoa whoa whoa... this is nothing like torturing them. He has a large pack of powerful dogs, and he has to be the pack leader. The minute those dogs think he's there to serve THEM is the minute they bite a four year old.

This guy is doing them a great service, and I wouldn't have been upset if he waited another five minutes. Challenge your dog, give him or her a reason to feel proud. He is not denying them food, he is making them work for it.

I for one found this to be a very impressive display. None of those dogs looked beaten or hurt. Well done guy, and some of you who think this is torture either don't have dogs, or you have dogs that you can't let out of your sight without tearing shit up.


@Lolthien Agreed. This technique works great in our house with my dog (singular); I can't imagine the effort needed to scale it up to such a large group. We'll make our dog wait up to 10-15 minutes to eat after putting her bowl on the floor; when she gets her food she is praised, eats with a sense of pride, and most importantly learns about her place on our totem.


with our dog, he is fed after our dinner. Every night at dinner he is in command to lay down and watch us all have dinner. Then, after every person is finished, he is put in command while his food is set out for him and he is required to do a command or two before eating. This clearly communicates to him who is in control.

It may seam mean and it would be mean to do to a HUMAN. But dogs are not people and don't want to be treated like people. Treating a dog like the lowest member of the family is good for them and they like it. It takes the weight of pack leadership off their shoulders which is a relief to them.

When a dog is allowed to eat at their leisure, they are being told they are the boss and they will often act accordingly. The boss dog gets to bite inferiors if they are out of line and bark at inferiors and all other kinds of nasty behavior. There is a great book called "be the dog" that goes in to detail about dog psychology and i highly recommend it to any dog owner.

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