DC Universe Online - Who Do You Trust Trailer

So many superpowers, so little plot.

I like the fact they got Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill for bats/jokes and its the usual DC plot. However.... its SoE. and if anything has ever been proven time and again, SoE can, will, has and will always ruin just about any mmo it touches. What starts as a decent idea, and begins as a good game generally always quickly descends into levels of horrible with SoE involved.


>> ^RadHazG:

I like the fact they got Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill for bats/jokes and its the usual DC plot. However.... its SoE. and if anything has ever been proven time and again, SoE can, will, has and will always ruin just about any mmo it touches. What starts as a decent idea, and begins as a good game generally always quickly descends into levels of horrible with SoE involved.

Wow it looked nice in the vid, then you mention SoE and go and ruin everything for me


That was very pretty but I didn't really like it for two reasons.

The graphics are a little "too good" which puts it in the uncanny valley, for me at least. And I didn't like the voice acting. That's important in a video game. This had a lot of "angry acting".


Okay, so that's Black Adam.. who is the 50ft Woman that we see falling over in the beginning? And who is that witch type character?

Also, is that regular Superman with his weird red eyes?


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