Colbert: Jeff Goldblum Will Be Missed


Tags for this video have been changed from 'stephen colbert, the colbert report, jeff goldblum, death' to 'stephen colbert, the colbert report, jeff goldblum, death, flesh storm' - edited by ponceleon


I was so damn happy to find out that Mr Douche himself Richard Wilkins had actually reported this on air. One more notch in his long belt of failure.

Really, I don't know anyone who likes him, or knows how he ever became an 'entertainment reporter'. So for him to be so easily suckered in like he was, well... it was bliss.

Don't let his douchenozzleness reflect badly on the rest of Australia.

Oh... and damn fine work by Jeff... very nice.


"I'm not dead yet!"
"Oi - he says he's not dead!"
"Yes he is!"
"I'm not dead!"
"Well... he will be shortly..."
"Look, Can't take him if he's not dead..."
"I'm Not dead - I feel happyyyyyy! I feel happyyyyyy"



Thats why I cant stand freaking Twitter. It's nothing but a bunch of dumbasses passing 2 sentences back and forth between each other. Most of them are useless 'I gotta go pick up some sausage for the 4th of the july now.' Who f'ing cares. I don't need waste my time reading everyone else' boring lives.

Twitter, it's the ass end of the 'social networking' world, where the non-computer savy who like to think they actually know wtf they are doing when they sit down in front of the monitor go. Geeks like myself were doing this crap on BBS' two decades ago. We've long since realized, whats the point?


>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
>> ^Xax:
I really fucking hate having to try and track down unblocked versions on The Comedy Network's shit site.

Upvote cause that sucks, FOR YOU!! can still see it!!! nananananAAaaa!!
(dont tell anyone in Norway. please.)

Yeah, what is that shit about? How come I can watch fine in Norway, but candians are somehow deemed unworthy?

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