Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

Charlie Sheen addresses the President about 9/11 in a special video message, shortly after releasing his "20 Minutes with the President," specifically addressing 20 key points that need to be answered by a truly independent investigation.
Sheen's message is a call to action, not only for President Obama to address the pertinent issues, but for activists everywhere to pressure their representatives and leaders, wherever they may be, to 'be on the right side of history' and take back the country through peaceful revolution and true grassroots dissent. - youtuber

Good job Charlie Sheen.

It's nice to see a 9/11 questions video that cuts through all of the conspiracy bullshit and summarizes genuine unanswered questions that should have been covered in the 9/11 report.

Regardless of the conspiracy theorists there should still be an unimpeded independant investigation. I'm not sure why anybody wouldn't expect or encourage that.

The budget for the Monica Lewinski sex scandal investigation was $6.2 million and $3 million was set aside for the non independant 9/11 investigation. Crazy


Nope... sorry, stopped watching as soon as it went into that bullshit 'It looked just like a controlled demolition ergo it was'.

What utter drivel.

What utter dross.

Questioning who really planned and carried out the attacks is one thing.

Suggesting they were planned demolitions by the government, get stuffed.

Really, utterly, get stuffed.

Just because a building falls down in a manner that looks like what you've seen in controlled demolitions does not make it BE a controlled demolition.

They have NO PROOF AT ALL that it was, NONE. The 'Thermite' bullshit is exactly that, bullshit, the 'molten steel' arguments are completely bogus. It's all shit coming from people with no proper understanding of how things work in THE REAL WORLD. Their claims have been debunked time and friggen time again.

And if Charlie Fucking Sheen is their spokesperson now... well... good luck to you, really... it's CHARLIE SHEEN! You are pinning your hopes on him? F*ck me, that's sad.


^ Spoco2: why is it so unbelievable really? Has there never been government conspiracies or secrets? In your context of your argument the Government never killed Kennedy even after coming up with the idea of backing money to silver, pulling out of Vietnam, or dis-banding the CIA... Though i am sure it was one shooter with one bullet that went all nimbly bimbly bouncing around the car and pushing Kennedy back and to the left. That was how long ago and we still don't know all the facts on it.... I am sure as shit not that naive to think it was one guy from a 3rd floor book depository with a bolt action rifle... or the coincidences that Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Robert Kennedy were all killed within the same time frame... Or how about over throwing the Shah in Iran or the contras in Nicaragua.... Man the list is overwhelming.... Trillions of dollars in Oil will make people do i am sure just about anything....


And this was really the way you think a government would do it? First rig up buildings with explosives in secret without anyone knowing, then somehow get people to agree to be suicide pilots of planes, then have those planes be passenger planes so that they are not just killing the people in the buildings but those in the planes, and then have them be piloted into the buildings, and then demolish the buildings with explosives.


You really think they would do this? I know the governments do some seriously horrible shit, and that the attack on Irag was not driven by trying to get anyone remotely connected to 9/11... but you really think that the US government would create something this convoluted when there are plenty of simpler ways to create a reason to attack another country and make your populous afraid of an unseen bogeyman.

The problem with conspiracy theorists is that even blatant facts that kill their suppositions are treated as merely 'bogus information from the man' and discounted, whereas utter drivel masquerading as science that agrees with them is lovingly circulated ad nauseum.

>> ^NobleOne:
^ Spoco2: why is it so unbelievable really? Has there never been government conspiracies or secrets? In your context of your argument the Government never killed Kennedy even after coming up with the idea of backing money to silver, pulling out of Vietnam, or dis-banding the CIA... Though i am sure it was one shooter with one bullet that went all nimbly bimbly bouncing around the car and pushing Kennedy back and to the left. That was how long ago and we still don't know all the facts on it.... I am sure as shit not that naive to think it was one guy from a 3rd floor book depository with a bolt action rifle... or the coincidences that Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Robert Kennedy were all killed within the same time frame... Or how about over throwing the Shah in Iran or the contras in Nicaragua.... Man the list is overwhelming.... Trillions of dollars in Oil will make people do i am sure just about anything....


I'd like to hear about some of these Blatant facts that debunk the conspiracy theorists. If you could start with the free fall of the towers that'd be great, and the molten steel - that'd also be good - and the missing plane... please, I'd love to believe what you are saying, but study's i've seen using the scientific method haven't managed to debunk anything for me yet...
Oh I do remember there were some people saying there was no molten steel.....


Addressing Spoco2, and anyone else who "stopped watching as soon as it went into that bullshit"; try using your brain. Do you think a building, let alone two in consecutive order, would fall straight down, thereby avoiding any collateral damage to other buildings around them, by themselves? No, that would be extremely foolish. Perhaps it was God's hand, the very same that pointed the way so quickly to invading countries having nothing to do with this incident so soon after it happened, that prevented the buildings from toppling sideways?

Are you telling me that when a FUCKING PLANE hits a building, not only does the entire thing fall over, but straight down? Please, enlighten me because I am at a loss here. I'm serious. If you know so much, please share with us.


Since the official version of events has already been released, I would say it is up to the conspiracy theorists to provide their evidence that contradicts the official version. And by evidence I mean physical proof of bombs inside the towers, physical proof of a missile hitting the Pentagon, physical proof of anything that happened that directly contradicts the official version.

The evidence I've seen presented so far by conspiracy theorists, in this videos and others, seems to be mainly made up of eyewitness accounts on the day itself, a day that was so chaotic and confusing that there was loads of incorrect information being broadcast on all channels. Does anyone remember one of the original stories of the explosion at the Pentagon, before it was shown to be a plane? For a while it was being reported that a helicopter had crashed on the pad, or that a bomb had gone off on the helicopter pad. There was also story that there was a fire at or near the White House. Both of these events, along with many others that day, were proven to not have happened at all or had been confused with other events as the story was passed along. I'm not discounting eyewitness accounts altogether, but it cannot be your only evidence that something different than the official version happened.


Jaace, fire up google and you'll find dozens of sites that explain the physics behind why the towers didn't tip over, why they fell mostly straight down (not completely within their footprint as many continue to repeat over and over), and why they took so long to fall. If you explore beyond only the conspiracy sites there is tons and tons of information that explains everything.

Here is the very first that came up for me, that goes into great detail through the whole event:


Yeah, sorry thatavguy and Jaace... I've been there done that with nutters in the conspiracy brigade, it HAS been scientifically shown to be completely plausible and even likely that what happened did.

Everything you could possibly need to shoot down any of this dribble is to be found here A collection of resources and demonstrations that what those claiming that it was controlled demolition are talking out of their collective bums.

And I'm very sick of the 'wake up man, are you blind? The government is evil brigade, you believe anything they tell you'. No, damn you, I don't take everything spewed forth by the media on face value, I think about the sources, I look at the agendas at play, and I think for myself. These people have gone way over the edge and mistrust EVERYTHING except things brought up by those who have no good place talking about that topic.

Really... the more unlikely and unrelated the person is who is talking, the more they seem to believe them. The more that person seems to actually be knowledgeable about a given topic, or be involved in that area, the more they mistrust them and discount anything they say as being from 'the man'.

I'm done here. I've already spent far too long elsewhere on this ridiculous topic.

And the sad thing? They bring complete and utter mistrust and incredulity to anyone who questions things about the official version of who did the attacks, which is a far more valid question. But because they've muddled that up with their bullshit demolition plans they have made any questioning seem batshit crazy.

And for that... for that they have done us all a disservice.

And again

Charlie Sheen!


Some things to consider:

The towers had asbestos issues.

The insurance companies were held not liable in a prior to 911 court case for the asbestos removal, people don't realize sections of those towers were to become uninhabitable very shortly for being uninsurable.

Can you imagine the symbol of power to the world in NYC being a uninhabitable empty building?

The office that got hit in the Pentagon was the same office where they were conducting the investigation into the 2.3 trillion missing from the defense department that Rumsfeld announced on Sept 10... no more investigation.

Cheney had bought Dresser Industries in 1998 and that made Halliburton responsible for their asbestos abatement.

Halliburton Pays Dearly but Finally Escapes Cheney's Asbestos Mess

The World Trade Center was also a huge asbestos liability and realistically held very little value due to the overwhelming costs associated with the removal of said asbestos. It's funny how it all ties together, isn't it?

It was well-known by the city of New York that the WTC was an asbestos bombshell. For years, the Port Authority treated the building like an aging dinosaur, attempting on several occasions to get permits to demolish the building for liability reasons, but being turned down due the known asbestos problem. Further, it was well-known the only reason the building was still standing until 9/11 was because it was too costly to disassemble the twin towers floor by floor since the Port Authority was prohibited legally from demolishing the buildings.

The projected cost to disassemble the towers: $15 Billion. Just the scaffolding for the operation was estimated at $2.4 Billion!

In other words, the Twin Towers were condemned structures. How convenient that an unexpected “terrorist” attack demolished the buildings completely.

WTC Building 7 was a part of the WTC complex, and covered under the same insurance policy. This 47-storey steel-framed structure, which was NOT struck by an aircraft, mysteriously collapsed 8 hours later that same day into its own footprint at freefall speed — exactly in the manner of the Twin Towers.

Halliburton was legally responsible for the WTC's asbestos problems. It would have been fought out in court but Halliburton might lose. They couldn't do a controlled demolition because of the asbestos. Of all the buildings in NYC, this one was the one whose demolition would be most advantageous for the vice president of the United States. And the first responders paid the price, on 911 and later.

To add to the convenience, Silverstein had the towers insured against terrorist attacks so that not only would he get to stop paying for the lease, he would even get most of his down payment back.

He also claimed entitlement to be paid the 3.6 billion insurance sum twice, arguing that the towers were destroyed in two separate attacks. This resulted in a long court battle and resulted in him eventually collecting his billions.

In short, privatizing the lease of the property and making sure all physical evidence was quickly destroyed by recycling the steel allowed Silverstein to collect on the insurance policy instead of having to go through lengthy forensic analysis over who or what really knocked down the towers.

It doesn't prove a conspiracy but is again one of those important coincidences to take place for the whole thing to play out plausibly.

As for building 7, lets keep in mind that all paperwork for SEC investigation of ENRON and WorldCom were destroyed in its collapse, and the cases had to be abandoned. How much that was worth personally or in cold hard cash is up to anyone's guess.


Just so I'm clear about what you are implying: the WTC and surrounding buildings were brought down by loaded passenger jets because of costly asbestos issues in combination with a cover up of the Enron and WorldCom investigations, and part of the Pentagon was destroyed to hide an internal DoD investigation. What about the plance crash in PA? Just theatrics to make it all seem reasonable?

Do you really believe that there are people in this world that are so evil that they believe they are justified in making this happen at the cost of thousands of lives, and who would actually go through with it? And do you really believe that the people that helped said evil people are so loyal that none of them have come forward with evidence in the 8 years since? These are evil people you are talking about, corrupted and driven only by money and power, so why hasn't anyone of the thousands of required to make this plan happen come forward and written a book or given interviews that would earn them millions in fees? How many conspiracies of government have ever gone on without at least one person speaking up and bringing things to light?

You must live in a sad, fucked up little world if you really believe any of this.


So obviously you believe it completely, so there's nothing to discuss with you. You won't be swayed by any rational, reasonable evidence to the contrary, so there's no point in debating this anymore.


Did you bother to read the article or just decide to post something snarky? Popular Mechanics was reporting on the latest NIST report regarding Building 7, which determined that the building collapsed due to fire.


>> ^EndAll:
Some things to consider:
To add to the convenience, Silverstein had the towers insured against terrorist attacks so that not only would he get to stop paying for the lease, he would even get most of his down payment back.

Anyone who owns a building that was not only targetted by terrorists, but HAD AN ACTUAL TERRORIST ATTACK ATTEMPTING TO DESTROY IT BY BLOWING UP A VAN IN THE PARKING GARAGE, would be stupid NOT to insure against terrorists.


I would like to hear some of these things explained properly too. Many of the things in here are hard to explain, the thermite looking liquid fire that poured out of the towers, building 7, the pentagon plane crash. I can hardly imagine a conspiracy in this magnitude, but it's not a court marshal, I just want to get a real investigation and get the truth out.


It matters not whether it was controlled demolition or actual explosion. Or whether a real plane hit the Pentagon or not.

What matters is that the thick fog of bullshit mixed with truth has become so clogged up that I do not know any more, why or what actually happened, other than that I "saw it on TV."

What I do know, is that we should at least open the books, cases, and files again and make them available to every one. Let out the truth for free. Unbiased, and uncensored. Only then can we find out who didn't act on what, who did act on what, and who used it for personal gain. Exhaust all resources until there is no doubt.

I read the 911 commission book, and I have to say that I am not happy with that investigation. Politicization, and fear of the Bush White House marginalization.

Please forgive the terrible video. It was the only video I could find of the song I required.


^Irondwarf & Spoco32..Conspiracy right? Why 8 yrs and no independent investigation? The people keep asking for it or us crazies. Then help promote an independent investigation and then you will have the facts and you will only deal with a couple hardcore nutters that hold on to their own disbelief. Think about this if you were a Billionaire what would your life really be like? I mean you can have anything in the world, you can have any partner, you can travel anywhere in the world, you can build skyscrapers, you can kill anyone without retribution, you have now surpassed any legal system in the world, you have more power then me you or 99% of the population of the world. You then become a member of a small elite group of people that have nothing better then to continue to chase greed and power because these ideals have no limit or end because it is infinite. Or have you ever been in a skyscraper at the top and looked down at the people they look like ants. We are all those ants scurrying around and what would they care if one died or five thousand?

George Carlin's nutterism.....

Think this is the right movie - I watched it a long time ago - but it uses the Scientific Method - Ya know, seeing what happened, looking at possible explanations, being able to reproduce something that happened - like the destruction of the towers at free fall speed - its an interesting watch if you have a spare 2hrs. - 860 architectural and engineering professionals would like more information..... I think i would like some more too.


What evidence? The government had all debris and steel shipping out of the country ASAP and wouldn't let anyone near it to examine it! As well as all debris from the Pentagon!

And yes, Actual Thermite was found in the debris before it was whisked away!

>> ^IronDwarf:
Since the official version of events has already been released, I would say it is up to the conspiracy theorists to provide their evidence that contradicts the official version. And by evidence I mean physical proof of bombs inside the towers, physical proof of a missile hitting the Pentagon, physical proof of anything that happened that directly contradicts the official version.


What evidence? The government had all debris and steel shipping out of the country ASAP and wouldn't let anyone near it to examine it! As well as all debris from the Pentagon!
And yes, Actual Thermite was found in the debris before it was whisked away!

Yes, it is unfortunate that those materials are no longer available to be viewed. It would clear up untold numbers of these wobbly theories in an instant.

However, to continue believe that a conspiracy this big would have no whistleblowers is absurd to the highest degree. You would have to live in a fantasy world, having watched too many shitty action movies, to believe that to have participated in something this big wouldn't weigh on the conscience of at least one person. Oh right, the government and/or billionaire cabal would have silenced them, and subsequently anyone who would have spoken up about that mysterious death, and then anyone who would speak up about their death, etc etc etc. Doesn't that sound absolutely absurd and wholly unbelievable to anyone else?

It's almost like belief in these conspiracy theories has become a religion for some people. They believe what they believe because they believe it, and no amount of rational, reasonable explanation or debunking or actual proof will make them see things differently. It seems to become comfortable to believe because the theories are consistent and controllable, unlike life, which is often chaotic and unexplainable and uncontrollable.

Oh goodness, Thermite! It was proven that no amount of thermite could have done anything to the steel trusses inside the WTC, either through weakening them or cutting through the steel itself. There is no way to make thermite do the damage that all these ridiculous sites claim, like making a clean cut through steel. It burns way to quickly and chaotically to do anything to steel, especially stuff that thick.


The thing that gets me about conspiracy theorists is that we have so much evidence of how crap governments are at doing anything simply, effectively and quietly. And yet theorists develop incredibly complicated and unlikely scenarios for governments supposedly inspired by really thin motives to achieve truly incredible outcomes.

If governments were capable of these types of feats, they would be truly awesome and some governments would be achieving incredibly amazing things with these powers used for good instead of evil. The sobering truth is that the bad things that governments do are usually stupid mistakes like invading countries unnecessarily, or propping up bad regimes, or not monitoring financial sectors.

The kind of conspiracy described here, while exciting to contemplate, is a naive fantasy by those who don't understand the real power of government.

...or is it?


Hey IronDwarf
Take the time to view this "entire video"!
I am one hour into it, you want some incriminating proof - there it is...
Thanks, thatavguy.

>> ^thatavguy:
Think this is the right movie - I watched it a long time ago - but it uses the Scientific Method - Ya know, seeing what happened, looking at possible explanations, being able to reproduce something that happened - like the destruction of the towers at free fall speed - its an interesting watch if you have a spare 2hrs. - 860 architectural and engineering professionals would like more information..... I think i would like some more too.


No, there is no proof there, it's just more theory. Do you even understand the word 'proof'? Do you understand what it implies? What I've seen in that video is hypothesis and conjecture based on eyewitness accounts, previously debunked faulty and/or false information, and some science mixed in to make it all seem plausible. I'll admit the guy is doing better than most to make it seem like he's presenting you with "proof", but it's still totally manufactured.

I can't believe anyone who has compared an actual building demolition and the WTC destruction can say that they are identical, aside from the fact that they both fall downwards. The WTC buildings first fail right where the planes struck and where the fires were. The remaining bottom portions of the buildings remain fully intact until the point at which they are compressed and collapsed by the weight of the top portion of the building coming down on them. In the case where a building that has been rigged to collapse, all the floors are blown nearly simultaneously and the building falls straight down because it can no longer support itself. This is not happening when you watch any of the videos of the WTC collapse.


I can see how with lots of bad luck and bad construction methods two planes could take down two buildings. I can, just because there are still two planes left. The Pentagon is thick and strong, a plane would leave little damage. Ok, let me buy that one too then. It still leaves one plane. The 4th one with bogus phone calls, no black box, and a small hole on the ground as debries. The 4th plane that crashed amidst some woods, and what did it leave behind? A hole smaller than a suburban-type pool. Before taking over the commands, passengers called family for eternal farewell such as: "Mother, this is Alfred Burmington, your son, I'm on a plane that is about to crash. Good-bye. My voice doesn't sound like your son because I'm very shaken with this outrageous situation."

This loose end makes the entire story fishy and it's not the conspiracy theorists fault, it's the terrible investigation that decided to leave questions unanswered instead of explaining to us how the construction company responsible for the construction of the twin towers in the 70's which now is a big company tied to big interests fucked up the whole thing by not following protocol to achieve bigger gains, etc. Typical case of construction company corruption. We'd all be happy if those yuppies were put to sleep or incarcerated in a homo-bears-yuppy-fetishists-filled prison. What about admitting the possibility of a spy planting bombs on the pentagon? Oh noes, that would shake the public opinion of the US military seriousness and leadership. Well it's already shaken by the fact that no planes were intercepted on that day. And yes we all heard about the excuses for that. Maybe they're true but still incomplete as any other explanation.
But that small hole on the ground the 4th plane left, that's the kind of bullshit nobody should get away with. And like a loose string it will make the entire bullshit crawl methodically


>> ^IronDwarf:
However, to continue believe that a conspiracy this big would have no whistleblowers is absurd to the highest degree. You would have to live in a fantasy world, having watched too many shitty action movies, to believe that to have participated in something this big wouldn't weigh on the conscience of at least one person. Oh right, the government and/or billionaire cabal would have silenced them, and subsequently anyone who would have spoken up about that mysterious death, and then anyone who would speak up about their death, etc etc etc. Doesn't that sound absolutely absurd and wholly unbelievable to anyone else?

There are whistleblowers. Sibel Edmonds come to mind immediately.

Former heads of state, too..


sposo2 is correct.
there is no proof.not in any definitive sense.
there is only conjecture and suspicious coincidence,which leads to more questions which have not been answered satisfactorily.
this is where spoco and i diverge.
history has shown us that those who rule will exploit it's own citizens for it's own machinations,even if that device is wholesale slaughter.
read Zbigniew Brzezinski:
or chalmers johnson: (to give you context)

no body? then there is no case.
the REAL question to start with,and this can be verified,documented and is blocked at every turn,is the WHO and the WHY.
this has never been answered fully or even in part and what we were told has been proven to be not only false,but laughable.
let's start there.
so i cant blame anybody being suspicious of the governments accounts for 9/11.
their answers on these two questions have been suspicious from the start in their inaccuracies and outright lies.
try to avoid the physics and possible demolition of the trade towers.
not because your questions are invalid,but because the physical evidence is no longer there and to attempt to argue the validity of a government conspiracy with no physical evidence puts you in the hole at the beginning.
ask WHO and WHY.
even playing field.


Far too many unanswered questions. I believe they will some day be answered, but not any time soon unfortunately; Obama will here also be flaccid.

It's just a shame that Charlie Sheen is involved. I can't stand that no-talent doofus.


>> ^IronDwarf:

Do you really believe that there are people in this world that are so evil that they believe they are justified in making this happen at the cost of thousands of lives, and who would actually go through with it?

Yes. Apparently you weren't around during Viet Nam and have been asleep for the last 10+ years of the Gulf Wars.

Not thousands, but many Hundreds of thousands of lives have been pissed away in the name of western goals by truly evil men during our lifetime.


Memorare, you took my quote completely out of context. I was responding to the allegation that the towers were brought down because of a potentially costly asbestos clean up coupled with a cover up of investigations of Enron, WorldCom and DoD. I don't deny that evil people will make war for financial and political gains, I just don't think this event was perpetrated by our government or was allowed to happen through inaction.


>> ^IronDwarf:
I don't deny that evil people will make war for financial and political gains, I just don't think this event was perpetrated by our government or was allowed to happen through inaction.

So you don't deny that there are people in positions of immense power, who are evil? And that they will "make" war, to keep that power and further it? But the thought of allowing the 9/11 attacks to happen - oh, no, no way. Who would do such a thing? Those evil people you speak of are mostly neo-cons, and they had a stranglehold on the Whitehouse at the time. Bush wasn't even present in the Whitehouse when the attacks went off, and was stalled from trying to get there ASAP.


That's right, my belief in the existence of evil people in this world doesn't automatically lead me to believe that it was our government that was involved. There were other evil people at work that day. I don't believe what you believe.

I don't read paranoid conspiracy theories all day and make little connections in my head that make the world make sense, even if it's in a really twisted way. If any of these theories had a lick of proof to back them up, I would be interested to learn more. But every one of them is so convoluted and irrational, with nothing that approaches actual evidence, that I have to dismiss every one of them.


I apply Occam's Razor. The way the administration botched every other large crisis/operation during their tenure (Katrina, Iraq/Afghanistan, etc.) I have a very hard time believing they could pull of such an elaborate conspiracy AGAINST THEIR OWN COUNTRY.


The problem is if you guys ever did have another investigation no one would be happy. The terms would be too narrow or too wide. The wrong people would be appointed. Not all the evidence would be considered. And the answers wouldn't satisfy everyone.

I think you can spin an event like 9/11 anyway you want regardless of the evidence. And that's what we see happening all the time, with the internet as a catalyst. What surprises me is that there was a reasonably wide agreement that the authorities had forewarning. There was talk of incompetence. So what did it ever cost the politicians, CIA spies, policeman or government officials? Who saw the insides of a jail or lost their jobs? I'm surmising that no one did.


"The budget for the Monica Lewinski sex scandal investigation was $6.2 million and $3 million was set aside for the non independant 9/11 investigation. Crazy"

Funny.. they could carry out one of the biggest crimes of all time , and cover their tracks, yet keeping an affair secret... too hard.


>> ^spoco2:They have NO PROOF AT ALL that it was, NONE. The 'Thermite' bullshit is exactly that, bullshit, the 'molten steel' arguments are completely bogus.

You seem to be suggesting that you have a good explanation for all the molten steel. Let's hear it.

Proof is hard to come by because most of the proof was destroyed quickly. Some of the people who investigated this conspiracy (and lets be honest, even the official story is about a conspiracy) were scientists who knew how to find evidence of thermite, and in the evidence they could get samples of, they concluded there was sufficient evidence not to rule out thermite. It seems that the fires that supposedly caused the collapse were not sufficient to create molten steel, and you say it's all bullshit. So tell us the alternative explanation.

ps. I heard no mention of blame in this video. Of course, you wouldn't know that since you didn't watch the whole thing. Also, I hope you realize that the molten steel question is by far the least fundamental one. The simple concept of the pancake theory of collapse and the massive resistance against falling debris is easily the simplest matter involved that doesn't make sense in the scenario. The building simply fell faster than it would have if the official theory was true. These are serious questions worthy of answering. How could anyone honestly not want to know the answers? I'm not sure I want to know who was responsible, if not Al Qaeda, but I'm sure I'd like an explanation to the questions of what happened.


I think Elvis did it.

He was made of molten steel and asbestos, and then the other guy got terrorism insurance like three days before The USA WTC Attacks of 911 and also ran a fake-flag against the Pentagons, which was NOT AN AIRPLANE, but was actually lazers shooting from super hi-tech rhinestones on his cape.

Everyone was in on it. Elvis "died" a long time ago, to receive the proper training to pull this off, not even thinking of all the co-ordination with the Pelosi Elite Task Force, who then planted and lit thermite explosives all over WTC 41 and 47.

They knew some skeptics could catch on to their evil plan one day, so they thought "hey, lets send out some of the absolutely stupidest people on the planet to push the 'inside job' theory!!", knowing the public would never buy their shit, Pelosibot3000 XL thought of only one name...Reid.

"Harry! Get Alex Jones on the phone!" Cried PLB3kXL.

"He's so fucking stupid, dishonest and unqualified, absolutely NOONE will buy this shit 8 years after it happened!"

And there you have it my friends.

PLB3kXL has successsfuullyy pulled teh woolz over all sheeple's eyes.

And, also.

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