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What knife fights are really like

Penn & Teller on the Anti-Vaccination Movement

dbalsdon says...

To be fair, this episode of P&T Bullshit! does have a doctor on it who, wrongly, argues against vaccinations. Turns out, that he's the same doctor Jenny McCarthy uses.

Just as we all know there are good police officers and shit police officers, the same applies for doctors( of medicine). That's life.

Captain Disillusion - Penguin Slap Debunk

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

dbalsdon says...

"The budget for the Monica Lewinski sex scandal investigation was $6.2 million and $3 million was set aside for the non independant 9/11 investigation. Crazy"

Funny.. they could carry out one of the biggest crimes of all time , and cover their tracks, yet keeping an affair secret... too hard.

Angry Guy on Hell's Kitchen Wants to Fight Part 2

dbalsdon says...

sirex, I assume you don't even watch the program? If you did, you'd surely know that near enough every 'eviction' process, from season 1, has been the exact same.

Everyone who watches the program knows the process, every contestant on the program knows it aswell. And Joseph knew aswell.

The only difference between this 'eviction' and previous ones, was that the teams had to each decide, together, who they were nominating, so it wasn't exactly like the people who were gonna be named, didn't know already. Red team named their two easy enough, and all Joseph had to do, was give the 2 prearranged names, and a reason for each one. Simple request, but he chose to be an ass about it.

ETA: Somehow called Joseph, Jason in my original post. Corrected now

Dara O'Briain on Homeopaths and Nutritionists

Last Humans on the Moon

dbalsdon says...

I'll answer your question, with a question....

How do they retrieve the video footage that comes from the camera that is mounted onto the External Tank during shuttle launches?

Jimmy Carr - "Mother Theresa Looks Like My Balls"

Colbert NOM Parody

2 British police officers get pwned by cameraman

dbalsdon says...

"The cops had no right of coming onto his property, imo"

And imo, the guy had no right recording something which had nothing to do with him(the police stopping/speaking to the bike guy)

2 British police officers get pwned by cameraman

dbalsdon says...

"when he noticed the police harassing a youth opposite his house"
Sorry, but I must have missed the meeting when it was decided that, whenever the police speak to someone, it's classed as harassment. We have no idea what they were talking about, so theres no right to claim it was harassment.

When they came over to him, they weren't exactly harassing the guy. They asked him to put his camera down, which he (rightly) didn't do. They told him why they thought he should put it down(which was wrong), and after being corrected, they called a supervisor to check up on it.

Other then not apologising for the mistake just before they left, they did nothing else wrong. But to be honest, I can't blame them for wanting to get away from the gobby shit as fast as possible.

And to the sifters shouting 'Police State!!'. If that were so, this footage would've never made it to the internet, and that guy would've probably been arrested. Take a nice little vacation in China or North Korea with your video camera, and see how real, polite, and respectful police officers handle this situation.

South Park - Women Name Their Queefs Too

Recovering from Our Loss (Wtf Talk Post)

dbalsdon says...

Any chance downvoting could be disabled/limited for a while? With every video at 0 votes, will getting -3 votes still cause videos to be discarded or declared dead?

Penn and Teller on Letterman - Sawed in Half trick

The Most Amazing Accident On Road Produced By Rain

dbalsdon says...

Wow. I had seen a shortened version of this before, which only showed the first burst of water. Didn't know it happened again almost immediately afterwards.

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