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Tim Minchin, Geraldine Quinn - Hallelujah

9/11 Rare view of the south tower hit.

dbalsdon says...

FYI.. buildings that have been taken down by controlled demolition, don't leave molten steel

You might wanna read that section again.

"Any molten steel in the wreckage was more likely due to the high temperature resulting from long exposure to combustion within the pile than to short exposure to fires or explosions while the buildings were standing."

You seem to be of the mindset, that the fire was immediately hot enough to melt the steel(which obviously it wasn't), yet it actually took quite a long period of time for the steel to become molten.

It's entirely feasable, unlike, say... the idea that a whole load of CD guys can rig three whole buildings with explosives, without a single person noticing.

9/11 Rare view of the south tower hit.

9/11 Rare view of the south tower hit.

dbalsdon says...

"I posted this to strike up a logical discussion. Not a flame war, or a "you're a loony bin troofer" bullshit discussion. "

Lol. Like a typical truther claim: Complete bullshit.

"Ya'all are way too quick to pass us who don't believe the official story off as "whack jobs", but entirely too slow to offer up any believable explanations as to exactly what happened here. I'm still waiting."

*sigh* Still going with the: Nobodys giving explanations, crap? Again, bullshit. Explanations are being given. You're just being an ignorant little prick.

Lets face it.. You want believe (wrongly) Bush and co did it.. and nothing me, anyone else on the sift, or any expert says to you, will change that. The only reason you started this topic was to try and create a flame war. Meh, you've succeeded. Well done. Your first accomplishment in life?

You know what they call someone who does that? Follow the link to find out(credit goes to someone on a forum i go to, who I got the image idea from):

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

dbalsdon says...

Years ago, my Uncle had a great 'long-lasting positive effect' from using shrooms. Went paranoid, refused help and bricked himself into a building, so nobody could get to him... Thankfully, they did though, but still.. great positive experience isn't it?

He now keeps himself to himself, and doesn't go out really.

Whose Line is it Anyway - Scenes From a Hat

Whose Line is it Anyway - Worst Things to Say on a Date

"How can you two..." from IT Crowd.

Les Miserables - At The End Of The Day

dbalsdon says...

Ah. I see you used dharocks videos for these les mis clips. I reckon mistyahos are better, as she uses the original video, and hasn't dubbed in the 'recorded at an earlier/later date' soundtrack, from the official cd.

Steven Jones Pipes In About 9/11

The Office UK - Tim's Heart Quietly Breaks

dbalsdon says...

Few corrections for the description:
Dawn had left her job at the end of Series 2, and moved to America.
In this clip, they had come back for the Xmas party, and were just leaving to go back home.

Hilarious jokes about Atheists and Atheism by a christian

Lawsuit Filed Against Obama - Qualification Issue

dbalsdon says...

Bul shit. Obamas birth certifcate was released on his website, and the state of Hawaii confirmed it was authentic.

If this was even slightly true, Clintons(and if she hadn't, then McCains) campaign team would've brought it up already.

Is Jenny McCarthy a Danger to the World?

Governator: We will maybe undo Prop 8

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