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joemawlmaawesome that he lifts him up after knocking him out. I assume this is to keep him from choking on his own blood and the pieces of his nose.
aaronfrno, i think it was more to make sure that he was face to face with the boxer and heard the mouthful that he had coming to him
CaptainPlanet420poor slugger, he was a good guy
PeroxideOkay, watch the dude in the red sweater, what the hell is he doing,
"oh hey, my friends are getting their asses kicked, ill just stand here...."
johnald128says...come on slugger me ol' mayte
CrushBugBOOM. That's ghetto for BOOM.
AnimalsForCrackerssays..."Heya, Slugger!"
karaidlwow, im really torn on this one. on the one hand, that kid was an asshole, and definitely got what he deserved. on the other, there was something disturbing about watching a grown man punch a kid.
EstuffingThat kid got exactly what was coming to him. Karma is a bitch, huh?
rembarKaraidl, I can't really say I felt the same conflict. The kid obviously felt he had the right to punch a boy on the ground, a girl, and an adult man. He got what was coming for him.
I don't have much patience for punk-ass bullies.
calvadosGood thing that boxer was there. Dropping the kid was totally justified.
08reydeHe got what he deserved and was let off easy in my opinion. He only got hit once (well, twice if you count hitting the ground like a ton of bricks). He didn't get hit multiple times or hit in the head. Good on ya, ex boxer!
Lolthiensays...Well, honestly, for all we know the 'bully' here just found out these guys and gals punched out his grandma and threw his dog off a cliff. Perhaps kicking the dude while he was down was deserved, most likely not. But I SERIOUSLY doubt this kid just started listening to the voices in his head and flipped out. I'd like to know more.
AlakLong time ago I seen this kid get into a fight with an old man in the middle of the intersection. The kid decided to walk on a red and the van swerved and spun out trying to avoid him. When the guy got out to see if he hit anyone, the kid went completely postal. The guy had to be 70 and could barely defend himself against a wired, crack addicts wild swings. By the time shock set aside and I got out of my car to help, another guy who was about the size of stone cold steve austin drove up in a big truck, got out and pounded the complete shit out of this kid.
Theres nothing wrong with a little poetic justice.
rembarLolthien, I highly doubt there's going to be any more information on the topic. On top of which, if he were really wronged, then why wouldn't the people he attacked hit back, and why would he hit a random passer-by (the adult man)? Seriously, folks, this ain't no Sherlock Holmes mystery, the kid's a dick and he gets KTFOed for it.
Oh, and amen, Alak.
loorisrotfl for the guy in red sweater, ahahahahha
supersaiyan93Instant karmic retribution....the best kind!
archchefsays...Seriously, red sweater kid is a pansy. I would instantly disown him as a friend.
The question I have though is, why was some one filming this??
dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
Good ol' HardCopy- bastion of quality journalism
sbchapmWhat if the filming was part of the whole thing. I think I've read about this somewhere: asshat goes nuts while buddies film it.
Maybe not, but it's a thought. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men (and women).
southblvdThis wasn't filmed by a random person with a camera. It definitely looks like this takes place in the UK and there they have lots of security camera placed around the cities.
Also, it looks like the bully was giving some kids some shit about something and some people came over being all, "WTF, mate?" and he didn't like it so he gave them some shit, too.
Then he got KTFO'ed.
looris@sbchapm: yes, that's called happy slapping, but usually it's just a slap, not a capcom videogame.
Klytusviolence is the only language the violent understand; here endeth the lesson
SlyrrNow - on a global scale - wasn't Saddam Hussein guilty of doing the equivilant of this to the Kurds and other ethnic minorities in his own country? And the US was the boxer who gave him his comeuppance?
The liberal left, Democrats, France, the U.N. et. al, would then be the cowardly sheep who stood by watching the bully while he attacked everyone.
Yet most of the folks on this site commenting and cheering the boxer for giving the bully the thrashing he deserved are the same ones whining that the US, Pres. Bush, et. al are 'evil' and should have done nothing.
Think about it.
rickegeeWow . . .great comparison.
But who or what in the Hard Copy video represents the full-blown civil war conditions and degraded infrastructure that were present in Iraq even prior to Operation Enduring Freedom?
The boxer was able to go catch a bus after cold-cocking the teenager. The States haven't quite had that luxury, have they?
Think before you act.
Farhad2000Slyrr that was the most uneducated thing I have ever read on this website.
H0Jusays...I wager 400 quatloos on the newcomer.
choggieYeah, the politics of global bullies are complex, in N. Korea's case, you have to rise to power a couple generations, turn your people into robots, and aspire to play the nuclear game before you get an ass-kicking letter from some concerned politicians, instead of a missle up your ass, and a painful re-programming of a nation project undertaken by a dominant and humanity-loving major world player.....But of course, the former Soviet onion, a coalition of France, Canada, etc.., nor the United Nations gives a fiddler's fuck either, about humanities collective progression into another as usual, and as complex, as it need not be.
There are painful, and simple solutions to issues, like this ex-boxer knew, and he was ready to take personal responsibility for his actions, for the sake of what was righteous.....
choggie2 MORE VOTES
choggietheronpoker - shanekearney - these two rocked you into the hundred club....congrats rembar
deathcowMy guess - I dont think the guy used legally justifiable force on slugger there. Slugger wasn't attacking him, or even paying attention to him. This guy decided on a incredible level of force to use against someone not attacking him. Also if the guy is a boxer and there is a huge disparity in the size between boxer and "slugger", thats a problem in court. It was a well deserved response, Yes! but would a jury call it justifiable? Probably not from this tape. I would guess he could have placed the kid under citzens arrest, forcibly detained him for the assault witnessed by many, in which case slugger would have got indignant and attacked him, and then he could punch him as such.
jonnyholy shit! wtf is wrong with you people???
Of course what the bully did was stupid and horrible. Did that make what boxer guy did any less?
Let me put it this way... Was Virginia Tech boy justified in wiping out all those he perceived to have harmed him? Were the assholes that decided to fly planes into buildings justified because they thought they were getting retribution on a bully?
FTLOG, get some freaking reason in your heads before you go cheering the next asshole that "takes down a bully". Because when it comes to world affairs, and international bullies, guess who most of the world sees as a bully!
jonnyand btw choggie... what makes you think the "hero" took responsibility for his actions?
The only thing I saw was him randomly drop a kid. I didn't see him take himself and the bully to a police station. Hell, for that matter, I saw no evidence that hero even witnessed the initial event. As far as that vid goes, one could easily make the case that he's the top bully putting a beat down on his underling for getting out of control.
jonnyI'm guessing the 'what?' is referring to my comments (sure to win friends and influence people), but if you don't get a bit more specific than that, I can't really respond with much more than, yeah?
bluecliffwell, you know, I really don't buy this elaborate scenario you expounded.
And you can't just equate people to countries like that. Politics and all that jazz,
jonnyBy elaborate scenario, do you mean the notion of the top thug putting the smack down on junior thug? I didn't mean that to be taken as fact, or even likely, only that there is nothing in that video to suggest that the guy was some kind of hero either. There is simply not enough information there to make any kind of reasoned judgement call. My point was, given that lack of information, I was a more than a little disgusted how nearly everyone seemed to be sucked in by the America's Most Wanted style commentary of the good samaritan doing the right thing. Short of the editorial voice-over, we have _very_ little knowledge of what's going on in that video.
(I'm not nearly convinced of this story either, but given what I saw, the most plausible scenario I can come up with is that our original bully was in fact out for one person - the guy he kept kicking in the head - and hit the others pretty much just when they got in his way. If he was really just being a dick, why not knock down red sweater boy too? Seemed an easy target for him, but he initially pushes him out of the way so he can get a clear shot at the guy he wants. If he was out for one guy, it seems pretty clear that there is a back story of which we know nothing. Maybe the kid in the black jacket raped his sister. Maybe he owed money for drugs. Maybe he was gay and our bully was out for a bash. Who knows? Not us, that's for sure.)
As for equating nations and people - I did not initiate that metaphor, just ran with it. But I think it's not entirely without merit. The point I was trying to make is that the view of who is a bully and who is the hero very much depends on where you're standing. Small scale - If that was my little brother that guy dropped, even had I known what my brother had done, hero would be going in for knee surgery. Large scale - if I had witnessed the most powerful nation on earth continually coercing or out right invading other weaker countries, I'd probably not view that powerful nation as the one that gave a bully his comeuppance, no matter how much I hated what one particular weaker country may have done.
rembarOh my fucking god, you guys. Seriously, I love this community because of all the deep thoughts you have, but c'mon.
A kid comes up, hits a grown man, a girl, and a boy, then proceeds to kick the boy when he's on the ground. And then he gets punched by a guy for being a dick. End of story.
Enjoy this for what it is - a little bit of righteous ass-kicking - and stop trying to imagine how the kid might have had a bad upbringing or his mother never hugged him enough or maybe he had to beat up three innocent people to save the world as we know it. And stop trying to draw analogies to international relations and conflicts. This kid is a dick. Bush is a dick. Doesn't mean we have to talk about the both of them in the same sift.
Now be quiet and enjoy the damn video, or Ah sweah Ah'll suckahpunch thah next one ah ya ta step outta line.
lucky760Oh... I mean... Interesting video. I'm shocked I didn't see this before now. Why don't you people tell me about these things?
It pleases me to no end when someone gets their just dessert.
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