Bailoutrage: Rachel Maddow

In a darkly amusing segment, Rachel goes through the application for the bank bailout program (TARP), which is ridiculously easy compared to applications for welfare, and muses about starting her own bank.
Congress rushed their bailout money through out of fear, now the banks aren't telling us anything because they weren't forced. The Fed is "blowing it" for future administrations who might need to take similar "unpalatable but maybe necessary government economic intervention."

Just incredible. I wonder if the next time I go to the bank for a loan and they ask me what I'm using it for, I can just get away with saying "I'd rather not disclose that?"


"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" - Emma Lazarus, The New Colossus

As with Katrina, our (U.S.) leaders have been given exactly that...and again it seems we see where their priorities are. WTF indeed.


No matter how bad the temporary pains seem, putting off the inevitable will only make the pains worse when the collapse comes. And it will come. Putting off the recession is what made the Great Depression so Great.

Somehow I don't mind so much, the government helping out the auto industry BECAUSE there are strings attached. But to allow the banks to continue to be irresponsible and unaccountable, without consequences, as they surely will be, who is to think that their behavior will really change?

Maddow's explanations make clear the discrimination that differs in between the financial class and the working class: If you are poor, and you screw up and lose all your money, you are left homeless. If you are rich, and you screw up and you lose all your money, you get free money with no strings attached.. Is that even a slap on the wrist?? Even Greenspan has pointed out that these organizations are irresponsible and unaccountable.

If a bad loan was administered, shouldn't those who granted the bad loan somehow be accountable for it? The people who end up homeless are not the bank execs who make what, thousands of bad loans, again and again? How is this fair? Where is the accountability of the institutions?

* I am beginning to increasingly believe that FIGHT CLUB GOT IT RIgHT back in 1999!

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