Baby Survives Plane Crash in Dad's Arms

Plane crashes in Utah, video captured on phone. Infant survives in father's arms.

According to that report:

"The pilot reported that while climbing through about 5,800 feet mean sea level (msl), the engine lost power. Despite multiple attempts, he was unable to restart the engine. The pilot initiated a forced landing to an open snow covered field."

Congrats to them for keeping calm, on the first watch I thought it was all going normal until they crash landed.


That's the worst place to try to land. Power lines typically cross highways, not to mention cars and putting others on the ground at risk. During my flight training I was taught to go fields or dirt roads. If a highway is the only place to put down in an emergency, the best place is to land between two lanes which avoids the danger of cars, but you still have power lines, signs and other things in the median to deal with.

The point in an emergency landing is to survive and not worry about the plane. Most people get killed or injured when the pilot tries to save the plane.


Looking for a place to land?? how about the giant effing highway shown 50 times in the video, what an idiot?


I would typically agree with you except it is generally shown to be wide open, well cleared, quite a thoroughfare. I imagine the pilot is familiar with the roads. I know which major roads I could land on up here for example without any type of wire crossings. Every plane landing on road event up here I read about ends up with fine people and fine aircraft. I'm not saying land on a road in downtown or Los Angeles. I'm saying look at the big ass road under the aircraft with no cars and no apparent hi tension wire crossings.

You might expect that a local pilot be familiar with major roads, like highway 89/91 pictured in the video. Take a look around on 89/91 and see if you think it looks safe:
That's the first major road seen in the video.

I think that's five lanes? I saw two cars on the entire stretch in the video. (Not the easiest to pick them out.)

From air:


Power lines are very hard to see from the air. Fuck they're not easy to see from the ground either when you're going 70mph. Next time your driving down the highway keep an eye out for them and see just how close you are to them when you're able to notice them. Now imagine being in the air, landing with no power to go around and have one come into view that close.

It might look fine from up there, but with your engine out and only one chance at putting the plane down safely do you want to take a chance and go for the road then find a power line in your face or a car(s) that you didn't see before or do you go for an open field with no obstacles?

I knew a pilot that got killed landing on a road. He was a regular at the airport I worked at during the summers. He owned a construction company and would regularly fly over and inspect his construction sites. He flew in to the airport one afternoon to get fuel, the next day I was reading about his crash in the paper. After he left the airport he flew to a construction site. He had engine trouble and decided to land on a road near the construction site. A truck pulled out in front of him and he tried to pull up to avoid it, but there was a power line in the way which caused the plane to nose dive into the ground and catch fire. The crash site wasn't far from the airport, so one day I drove out there. There was a perfectly good field next to the road he could have landed on, but I'm guessing he went for the road to avoid damaging his plane.


why is everyone sad / annoyed after crash landing. Are you kidding me?
I'd be so pumped up, I'd jump around and say all sorts of things and cheer.

"dude did you see that shit!?!? we could of died!! WE JUST survived a plane crash!"

sorry about your plane?! who cares you are alive


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