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Ambulance, gets hit by car, crashes, and flips over

Ambulance crash that'll need an ambulance called.

Can't imagine what was so important for that minivan to get in the way of the ambulance which I presume was in the midst of a call, sirens on and everything.

That kind of selfishness is really appalling.


>> ^Trancecoach:

Can't imagine what was so important for that minivan to get in the way of the ambulance which I presume was in the midst of a call, sirens on and everything.
That kind of selfishness is really appalling.

ugh, how selfish of them. they wanted to crash so badly that they pulled out in front of an ambulance!

or, from a non-insane perspective, it looks like the driver of the van didn't see the ambulance in time while turning during a green light. even ambulances are supposed to slow down at red lights, to make sure that nearby drivers are aware of their presence before crossing. does it really look like the driver of the van was making a mad berserker dash across the path of the ambulance in an attempt to save precious time?


It appears that the minivan breaks in advance of the ambulance and then proceeds to accelerate through the intersection. Sure, the ambulance might have slowed down before going through the red light, but according to reports, the ambulance was on its way to hospital with a 7-month-old baby and his parents and medical crew on board.

>> ^solecist:

>> ^Trancecoach:
Can't imagine what was so important for that minivan to get in the way of the ambulance which I presume was in the midst of a call, sirens on and everything.
That kind of selfishness is really appalling.

ugh, how selfish of them. they wanted to crash so badly that they pulled out in front of an ambulance!
or, from a non-insane perspective, it looks like the driver of the van didn't see the ambulance in time while turning during a green light. even ambulances are supposed to slow down at red lights, to make sure that nearby drivers are aware of their presence before crossing. does it really look like the driver of the van was making a mad berserker dash across the path of the ambulance in an attempt to save precious time?


What it looks like is that the minivan driver wasn't paying any sort of attention to oncoming traffic, green light or not. There's nothing obstructing his view, in fact the car going the same direction as the ambulance sees it behind him and stops. Ambulances slow down at red lights usually for the cross traffic that may not see them. It's a rare day when they get clipped by someone making a left turn in front of them. You would think they would see a van with flashing lights screaming towards them.
>> ^solecist:

>> ^Trancecoach:
Can't imagine what was so important for that minivan to get in the way of the ambulance which I presume was in the midst of a call, sirens on and everything.
That kind of selfishness is really appalling.

ugh, how selfish of them. they wanted to crash so badly that they pulled out in front of an ambulance!
or, from a non-insane perspective, it looks like the driver of the van didn't see the ambulance in time while turning during a green light. even ambulances are supposed to slow down at red lights, to make sure that nearby drivers are aware of their presence before crossing. does it really look like the driver of the van was making a mad berserker dash across the path of the ambulance in an attempt to save precious time?


>> ^Trancecoach:

Sure, the ambulance might have slowed down before going through the red light, but according to reports, the ambulance was on its way to hospital with a 7-month-old baby and his parents and medical crew on board.

All the more reason for the ambulance driver to exhibit more caution, no? Don't get me wrong, the driver of the van fucked up, but ambulance drivers can't assume everyone is going to drive properly and just plow through red lights. I've never seen an emergency vehicle drive straight through a red light without slowing/stopping to make sure it was safe, first.


Just too add to this.

Drivers should be looking in both directions at *every* green light, any driving instructor worth their salt will hammer this in to you but it is still often quickly forgotten. This is not only for the sake of emergency vehicles, having any presumption about how other drivers will behave is a very silly thing to do.

Look up how much red light cameras make in your area, your perspective of a red light will perhaps change. The delay they leave between lights helps avoid most crashes but it won't prevent all.

Simple habits, like checking your blindspot, 3-second gaps, half a second checking a green light. All the common accidents would be avoided. So simple. >> ^Xax:

>> ^Trancecoach:
Sure, the ambulance might have slowed down before going through the red light, but according to reports, the ambulance was on its way to hospital with a 7-month-old baby and his parents and medical crew on board.

All the more reason for the ambulance driver to exhibit more caution, no? Don't get me wrong, the driver of the van fucked up, but ambulance drivers can't assume everyone is going to drive properly and just plow through red lights. I've never seen an emergency vehicle drive straight through a red light without slowing/stopping to make sure it was safe, first.


I love how the stupid fucking idiot woman turns INTO the ambulance because she was probably doing her fucking nails or something, and then.. THEN... She leaves her fucking car in the middle of the fucking intersection and GETS OUT and starts walking around like a god damn motherfucking dipshit.

Seriously, how do people like this have licenses? It fucking pisses me off. $10 says she's asian too. No that's not a racist remark, it is a statistical one.



it does not appear to me that the ambulance attempted to slow down at this intersection. i've never seen an ambulance do that before stateside. they always slow down -- often nearly to a stop -- even when traffic is relatively light.

in that case, the ambulance REALLY should have slowed down. just because the driver of the van made a mistake doesn't mean the ambulance driver is bereft of responsibility for that accident. if either driver took more precaution at the intersection there wouldn't have been an accident.


>> ^ForgedReality:

I love how the stupid fucking idiot woman turns INTO the ambulance because she was probably doing her fucking nails or something, and then.. THEN... She leaves her fucking car in the middle of the fucking intersection and GETS OUT and starts walking around like a god damn motherfucking dipshit.
Seriously, how do people like this have licenses? It fucking pisses me off. $10 says she's asian too. No that's not a racist remark, it is a statistical one.

Rule of thumb: usually if you have to disclaim a statement by saying it isn't racist, IT IS. The driver isn't even a woman. If you watch the video, you'll see the driver run with a limp toward the ambulance and you can clearly see that it is a white male. Where are your brainless statistics now? Open your eyes before you open your mouth next time.

You're the same idiot who said Obama will be the first and last black president because of his reported abuse of war powers. How exactly do either of these videos have to do with your racist projections? Is that really the first factor that comes into your head when analyzing a situation -- "duhhhh, how can this be blamed on colored people?" I dunno if you're trying to be funny, but your comments are neither humorous nor clever. You should try and forge a different reality for yourself, because you really only serve to alienate yourself from the majority of your fellow humans, especially the intelligent ones.

PS. I will take cash or check for that $10.


Statistically more than half the accidents in Russia are caused by Asians? O RLY? If I wanted to be pedantic, and I generally do, you imply that more than half woman-caused the accidents in Russia are caused by them doing their nails, which is incredibly sexist. (I assume that the driver is female, I didn't notice but if you say so, and I assume you are referring to some statistics which show Asians are involved in more accidents per driver - which doesn't mean that more accidents involve Asians, especially in Russia which I would consider to be European ethnicity.)

As for getting out and walking about, I think maybe she is hurt and in a lot of shock, not stretching her legs and thinking about shoes and boys and ponies.

At least I finally found a reason to use the O RLY meme.

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