ACORN Natl Spokesman Gets Kicked Off The Set By Glenn Beck

I posted this previously, but someone declared it a dupe of a 51 second video. This video is the full ~9 minute interview.

A note from the previous video:

Undisputed Douchebaggery. I am posting this because of what the ACORN spokesman is saying, not because I support Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck doesn't hate black people. He hates all people, which is why he spreads his hateful propaganda to get all of the sheep following him in his death march against everything good in the world.


Don't go on these idiot shows.
The best way to marginalize fox and right wing conservatism is to refuse to give them validity by your presence.

example: evolutionists are winning the day because they refuse to engage in the phony intelligent design debate.


On the previous post, I commented on how stupid the parallel was to bathing in the Burger King kitchen sink. A better parallel would be Burger King employees pocketing money from the register. I'm sure it's happening with more than 20 out of 13,000 employees.


God hes such a fuckhead.
Still so upset that the republicans lost fair and square in a fucking landslide.
23000 voters in vegas, thats how many they REGISTERED, not how many fraud voters participated.



Oh dear god.

I was expecting something O'Reilly-like but goshdarn this on a much higher level of douchery. This should come with a warning that it raises blood pressure to dangerous levels ...


He should have stood up and left when the d-bag turned his mic off. It was all a show so that Beck could look like he was in control, and in his mind "do what the people wanted." He even breaks down into child-like mimicry when he gets the data wrong on the registered voters. nauseating.


If the purpose of ACORN were reversed, that is, using questionable methods and hiring shady people (who keep getting caught) to boost Republican voter rolls, the obamedia would be screaming bloody murder (well, they scream bloody murder anyway, but probably more loudly).

Election fraud only happens when Democrats lose.

Obama won by less than 10 million popular votes. If only a 3rd of handout-seeking illegals voted, that's all it took.

It wasn't a landslide by any means, and since it was really two Democrats running for the presidency, even less so.

We'll see if The One actually gets to run against a real conservative in '12. That is, if America is still around.


>> ^quantumushroom:
If the purpose of ACORN were reversed, that is, using questionable methods and hiring shady people (who keep getting caught) to boost Republican voter rolls, the obamedia would be screaming bloody murder (well, they scream bloody murder anyway, but probably more loudly).
Election fraud only happens when Democrats lose.
Obama won by less than 10 million popular votes. If only a 3rd of handout-seeking illegals voted, that's all it took.
It wasn't a landslide by any means, and since it was really two Democrats running for the presidency, even less so.
We'll see if The One actually gets to run against a real conservative in '12. That is, if America is still around.

I only hope that Obama is running against a "real conservative" so that we can guarantee the 2012 election as well. John McCain was the only chance the republicans had and only because he is relatively moderate.

QM you really need to look at an approval rating every now and then.

Oh and one last thing, I do hope that when 2012 comes around that the America you want is not around. We tried that America, all it lead to was the loss of liberties and rampant greed from corporate America. We had 8 years of real class warfare and now We the people are fighting back.


I saw this minutes after it was posted, knew it should be posted but I just didn't feel like posting another news story. So I moved on knowing someone would sift it! So yes, totaly worth the upvote!! DOne Deal!


John McCain was the only chance the Republicans had and only because he is relatively moderate.

He lost because he was a moderate. Real conservatives always win elections. Most of the time.

QM you really need to look at an approval rating every now and then.

That was the problem. Republicans looking at the polls like some Clinton instead of leading and having principles.

We tried that America, all it lead to was the loss of liberties and rampant greed from corporate America.

Ah ha ha. The gigantic government the left so desperately craves is here. So far it's only made things worse.

Sorry, younger people, You've been lied to from Day One, raised in sissyfying government schools. Robbed of history and heritage, your future is a diaper and a car seat and whatever aid the government decides to give you after taking over half of your money.

Less money in your pocket, less freedom, less rights, less everything. A once-great giant, now sissified and bowing to little tyrants. That's the left's America, what will be left of it.


Wow for the first 7min I wasn't sure what pushed this video over the top in terms of douchebaggery but then BAM, grand slam from Beck not only did he send the idea of a reasonable interview completely out of the studio he managed to get slander, defamation and racism home. douchebag.


>> ^quantumushroom:
John McCain was the only chance the Republicans had and only because he is relatively moderate.
He lost because he was a moderate. Real conservatives always win elections. Most of the time.
QM you really need to look at an approval rating every now and then.
That was the problem. Republicans looking at the polls like some Clinton instead of leading and having principles.
We tried that America, all it lead to was the loss of liberties and rampant greed from corporate America.
Ah ha ha. The gigantic government the left so desperately craves is here. So far it's only made things worse.
Sorry, younger people, You've been lied to from Day One, raised in sissyfying government schools. Robbed of history and heritage, your future is a diaper and a car seat and whatever aid the government decides to give you after taking over half of your money.
Less money in your pocket, less freedom, less rights, less everything. A once-great giant, now sissified and bowing to little tyrants. That's the left's America, what will be left of it.

You forgot the "sissified" health care, where the average American isn't dying from a completely preventable infection or disease, but didn't catch it in the completely routine medical exam because they couldn't afford to go to. You forgot the "sissified" America thats leaving a healthy environment for the next generation.

You conservatives are fond of pointing out how Obama is morgaging your children's future, but if you had your way, your children would have no planet to live on.

You are a hypocrite in the truest form.


You forgot the "sissified" health care, where the average American isn't dying from a completely preventable infection or disease, but didn't catch it in the completely routine medical exam because they couldn't afford to go to.

No worries, the greatest, most advanced health care system in the world will soon be providing post-office quality, rationed care, if the Obamunists get their way.

You forgot the "sissified" America thats leaving a healthy environment for the next generation.

There are so many politicized, manufactured environmental crises by the greenvangelicals who can kep track anymore?

You conservatives are fond of pointing out how Obama is morgaging your children's future, but if you had your way, your children would have no planet to live on.

And yet it's countries with free minds and markets that have the cleanest environments.

All I ask of the socialists is

a) to acknowledge their way isn't the American way and never was until now

b) have the balls to document the disastrous results of letting Big Government ru(i)n your lives.


Way to "research" an argument. Seeing as Obama's coverage plan has yet to be released, and the people it will help most is those with ZERO Health care currently.

And when the majority of the science community agrees that global warming is man made, and agrees that it is becoming a major threat, then I think the term "manufactured" becomes invalid.

Lastly, offering social services is not socialism. Many democratic counties employ social services to maintain a functioning democracy. And I'll consider your concerns with "big government" when you acknowledge that deregulation allows for big business to take advantage of the little guy.

If I have a choice between big government and big business running my life I will take big government every time.

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