50 Days of Trump - Jonathan Pie



Entertaining... and as far as i can tell... as spot on as it would be completely disregarded as (insert whatever deflection trumpers are currently a parroting here... here) fake news.


He missed it, Breitbart got the wire tap story from an unimpeachable source, infowars....meaning "Obama is making fish people" Alex Jones, together two of three sources Trump deems 'not fake news' the third being Fox and friends.....and random movies he mistakes for reality.


And here I thought we were all living under the same roof.

My mistake.


Good, a UK cunt is posing as an authority of USA politics and Trump. They why do we have CNN, CBS MSNBC.

What a loon. It is so nice to see the left blow its gasket.


Who's blowing a gasket again?

If this is all it takes to trigger you, bob... Hell, maybe the sift does need trigger warnings for you snowflakes?


Good, a UK cunt is posing as an authority of USA politics and Trump. They why do we have CNN, CBS MSNBC.

What a loon. It is so nice to see the left blow its gasket.

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