.50 Cal Sniper vs Watermelon (OMFG Edition)

Umm fake???, cause I would have peed my pants!

I dunno, this one actually seems legit:

We had some awesome ideas for a number of videos, but with not too many people in the area, and after seeing Hunter’s incredible shooting ability, we went with this life threatening trick. Seriously, the dude places 4 shots within a dime at 100 yards. Its unreal. I knew he was beyond even my best potential when he explained that he missed the 5th shot (went on the outside edge of the dime) because his heart beat was off.

I'm relatively convinced while going "wow, holy shit" at the shot.


I'm calling fake.

No Highspeed, I sincerely doubt that there would be that much of a delay in firing and the watermelon exploding at that distance (being as a .50 travels approx. 2,800 feet per second.)

But there's one very large oversight by them.

..The bullet never hits the ground.

At the angle the shooter is at, if he hit the watermelon the bullet would maintain its downward trajectory and eventually hit the hills behind the stander, causing a "poof" effect.


>> ^deathcow:

the poof in this case looks like it would be over the second hill, and about 1 pixel in size

You've obviously never had much range time. A 5.56 or 7.62 would kick up enough dirt at that range to be seen on camera (it appears the bullet should impact about 1.5 times the distance from shooter to watermelon). A .50 would make quite a dirt cloud, even with damp earth. I'd expect the dirt mass kicked up to be at least twice the size of the watermelon.


Of course it is fake. It is the guy that does all those super awesome videos such as rocket jumping and the various gun fight. He is demoing his special effect skills and the fact that you are all discussing fake or not is a testament to how good he is. Here are some of his:






I'm also wondering how this can be real because the 50cal rounds are very rarely used in rifles. Though I may be incorrect in this sense, I have never seen an old-fashion-designed and styled 50cal bolt-action rifle like the one this guy has. There are 2 50 cal sniper rifles that I know of... the Barrett M82A1 rifle is one I learned of some time ago to be an anti-device rifle, used for picking off devices from long range. The other is popularized by various video games like BF2, CoD4, MW2, and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 -- the M95.

To add also into the doubting mix is the fact that a youngster like him would be holding a weapon that can FIRE a 50cal round. I won't be surprised by people holding something that can fire NATO rounds. But a rifle that fires a 50cal? Sorry, my expectations for those capable of firing a 50cal round from a rifle is someone in uniform and one who has had years of marksman training.


There is no cloud of dust on the knoll because the shot that took out the water melon came from the grassy knoll behind him. The bullet you think hit the melon wasnt real so I guess it was kind of a "magic bullet."

I think that answers all possible questions.


This is not real (of course - since it would be really stupid to risk that).
Freddie posted this on the Something Awful Forums about how they blew up the watermelon:

"A quarter diameter bit of black powder is what we used. People expect the watermelon itself to be comped, but we do the whole thing as "real" which is what you don't expect."


I originally would have called this one fake, but I looked into it and my opinion has changed.

watch this video at 1:07 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tTAYFSnRW4

Now if you look at our video, at about :37 seconds, and hit play/pause quickly in order to watch it frame by frame, you can see the watermellon on one frame explding in the exact same way, IE, large white vapor cloud and an "unpeeling" effect on the back.

So, I am pretty sure this is real. I had originally thought they just stuck an M80 in there but it seems I was wrong based on this

Edit: Its very difficult to get the exact frame, but you will know it when you see it.



1)The guy who made it admitted it.
2) No dirt cloud
3) A .50 caliber bullet whizzing by your head only six inches away would TEAR your helmet to shreds and probably your skin as well.


I would have upvoted if he just came out and said "here's how we've rigged this watermelon to explode, now I'm going to put it on my head for your amusement, enjoy."

But no, we had to sit through acting. I hate acting.


The sole point of every single video that these guys put out is to do neat stuff with special effects. Every. Single. One. The debate over whether or not this is real makes me sad for the future of humanity.

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