"The Chinese sustainable building company, Broad Group, has yet attempted another impossible feat, building a 30-story tall hotel prototype in 360 hours, after building a 15-story building in a week earlier in 2011.
You may ask why in a hurry, and is it safe? The statistics in the video can put you in good faith. Prefabricated modular buildings has many advantages over conventional buildings.
Higher precision in fabrication (+/- 0.2mm).
More coordinated on-site construction management.
Shorter construction time span.
Lower construction waste.
Also many other health and energy features are included in Broad Sustainable Buildings (BSB)
The building was built over last Christmas time and finished before New Years Eve of 2012." - YouTube
EMPIREsays...Love it. This type of construction has to become the construction technology of the future. Much more efficient, already pre-tested for sismic resistance, and I'm guessing cheaper as well?
rich_magnetThe title should be more "30-Story Building Assembled in 15 days". I'm willing to bet more than 15 days went into prefabricating all the parts. I'm also skeptical of some of the claims: 5x more energy efficient (than what, and how is it measured?).
Still, pretty neat. I wonder what it would be like to stay in that hotel.
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nanrodUnfortunately all painted surfaces contain lead and melamine
legacy0100Probably the same dudes who built this one:
freernutssays...The IKEA of buildings.
mxxcon>> ^legacy0100:
Probably the same dudes who built one:
es, this is the same company.
mxxconYa, as if China needed to build any faster than what they are doing right now
Some estimate that China has as many is 60 million unoccupied apartments in such ghost cities.
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lucky760As the video just plays twice, I've updated the embed to start in the middle, so *length=3:04.
siftbotThe duration of this video has been updated from 6:07 to 3:04 - length declared by lucky760.
spoco2>> ^mxxcon:
Ya, as if China needed to build any faster than what they are doing right now
Some estimate that China has as many is 60 million unoccupied apartments in such ghost cities.
That's amazing. And scary. This SBS report is just sad, a country building with no need... it's going to come crashing down at some time.
And it's so sad that they are building so many apartments with prices that make them useless to the millions that need them, so therefore are completely useless. Whereas if they were providing them as affordable housing for those that need it they'd be killing two birds with one stone. They'd keep their GDP up as they so desperately want to, AND they'd be increasing the standard of living for their people.
Baffling why it can't be that way.
poolcleanerAny architects here? Is prefab really the future of architecture and is it safe?
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