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Austin Stevens bitten by a cobra

daxgaz says...

i was hoping the snake would bite him a few more times.

I rough-house with my dog and generally i can get out of the way. But, about 1 out of 20 times he gets his whole mouth around my arm or hand. he never bites, because he loves me, but shows me very clearly that if you play the odds and even if you are generally faster and smarter, you will get yours one day. based on that i am smart enough to know never to fuck with a poisonous snake. apparently, this ass hole does not have a dog to teach him such lessons.

Dogs catching treats at 1000 FPS

1970s video game designers were pretty much high 24/7

Seth McFarlane's Family Guy Spoof on Mad TV

How many oranges to charge an iphone?

daxgaz says...

up-vote for the extremely high production values in a clip that i can't immediately tell the purpose of. Was this a commercial for something? Hopefully not iPhone, because it comes out looking bad in this I think.

We Are The World 25 For Haiti - Official Video

Doug Stanhope - Abortion is Green - Newswipe

daxgaz says...

while 1st world countries may not be increasing in population much, they do FAR more damage to the earth per person. So, he still has a point that is relevant everywhere. Take out one American, and it makes a lot bigger difference than taking out several people form a developing country.

"I just got Attacked by those damn geese!!!"

A good solid Safety rope is essential

The world's most generic news report - Newswipe

Flying F*ck RC Helicopter Toy Review

Reason #147 to be scared of clowns...

Bikini Waxing Tips -- how to prepare for your next Brazilian

Funnier with each return viewing...

daxgaz says...

i saw something like this live. In my high school they had an odd form of cross-dressing day. I never understood it, but many of the students participated. One of the guys was wearing a dress and some of the other students were teasing him about it, so he attempted to kick them and the same thing happened to him. It was hilarious, but the guy was a psycho, so i did not laugh until i was well out of his sight.

Jesus Shooting Santa

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