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What Would You Do? Racism In An Upscale Store

daxgaz says...

i'll chime in for the lunatic fringe here. The racism was bad, but they are all consumerist whores paying for a bunch of crap they don't need and, statistically speaking, probably can't afford. of course most of them are going to to turn a blind eye to something bad that ruins their glutinous spending orgy. the whole thing is crap. crap i tells ya.

What is a Libertarian?

daxgaz says...

I'm glad we have a healthy debate going here

SO, what i have not heard from any of the pro-libertarian group is how corporate monopolies would not run absolutely wild and end up ruling the world. I'm not even exaggerating here. Already corporations control way too much and have insane amounts of power. If libertarian beliefs were put in to practice there would be absolutely nothing stopping giant corporations from buying up every piece of land and every natural asset and then subjugating the entire population. Who's going to stop them?

Also, what about the environment? Under the hard core libertarian stance i have heard, If i want to dump toxic waste in my back yard, who is going to tell me i can't? so what if it leaks in to the ground water. that's for some other guy to take care of.

What is a Libertarian?

daxgaz says...

the party of of the unashamed selfish. I've debated several libertarians in the past. when you get right down to it they don't care about anyone but themselves. the irony is, the ones i talked to were not in the upper 2% of the wealthiest of the population and would therefore be enslaved by their own cause. If you want to get down to it with one of them, ask them a few of the following questions:

if you are not rich and your road gets a pot hole in it, who fixes it?
if you are not rich and your house catches on fire, who puts it out?
if you are not rich and someone tries to kill you, who stops them?
if you are not rich and your kid gets very sick, who heals them?

the answer to all of these questions from a pure libertarian is "screw you. take care of yourself."
They are the party that most supports corporations controlling the entire society, though they don't often talk about it directly. It's a free country, right? if wal-mart makes enough money to buy run out all the competition and have a monopoly over the lives of every person on earth for their own profit, then good for them.
i really hate the libertarian philosophy.

Robot Sex Partners That Much Closer To Your Nightmares

Drunken History: Tesla

Drunken History: Tesla

MaxWilder (Member Profile)

You Need An Upgrade

daxgaz says...

my phone is 2 years old and i feel i'm in her boat now. everyone that knows my phone is that age asks me what i am upgrading it too. i say i'm keeping it because it's fine and they look at me funny. i hate cell phones.

Mythbusters' Biggest Explosion meets Cement Truck (1:53)

Pomplamoose - If You Think You Need Some Lovin

Chat Roulette Piano Improv

Google: trying very hard not to be evil

daxgaz says...

i can tell the company is basically good when a slick, scary video like this, which was probably produced by MicroSoft, doesn't make them sound all that bad at all. They seem like any other big company based on the information presented here, except not nearly as evil.

Palin says "God wrote on his hand too"

Cowboy at a Goth club

daxgaz says...

i would like to see this made in to a full movie. I would love to see a country boy go goth to a country concert.

this guy is true punk. it's not about a uniform, it's about pissing off the establishment, even if that establishment is a goth group.

Temple Grandin TED Talk - The World Needs All Kinds of Minds

daxgaz says...

i work in high tech with many folks that she describes and i am likely on the spectrum myself. I think she is the Rosetta stone of the two worlds and is absolutely genius.

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