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The Secret World Of Ants: An aluminum cast of an ant colony.

Helicopter with wrecking ball dominates a cliff side

F*** The American Mustache Institute

daxgaz says...

wow, i have so much to say on this subject, but i will try and be brief.

^NordlichReiter. A good, vintage style, double edge using razor and badger hair brush is where it's at. Everyone should get off the cartridge addiction.

this guy is right. if you got no chin, then guys can grow one and should be proud to do so.

However, if you can't grow a decent beard, then don't. no one will know if you shave. That's my suspicion for the debate between the two sides. There are many guys that can grow a mustache, but not a decent beard. instead of admitting their weakness, they make up silly rules about beards.

Not to get on a high horse about this, but at my company we have an annual beard and mustache contest and I am a the current and two time champion, so i feel i speak from a (odd and fake) position of some kind of beard authority.

finally, i do give credit to a big mustache. Beards just hang there, but a big mustache is like a pet. When you eat, it eats (and often, you accidentally eat it). It requires grooming and training like a pet. It can easily get smelly like a pet (and you can't avoid a pet that lives directly under your nose). Yeah, so if you like having a gerbil attached to your face, big mustache is the way to go. I speak from personal experience on this one.

Curb Your Enthusiasm - Big Vagina

Use your head to increase the range of your car remote

daxgaz says...

i have a clock radio next to my bed. Sometimes it get's a bit of static in the signal and when i go to adjust the tuner, it clears up on touch alone. so i have to lay there and touch the thing or turn it off. Seems like the same principal to me. I have no idea why it works, but i suspect the human antenna theory.

The Galaxy Dress has 24,000 LED's


Everything is everything

daxgaz says...

so this was odd for me and a bit tough to watch. I'm just a tiny bit drunk (not hammered, but nicely buzzed) and there were so many satisfying bits in this that it felt creepy. for some reason when they take something stupid and random to it's completion, it feels like a primal urge in me is fulfilled. odd, i know, but there it is.

Lock Detects Secret Knock

Andrew Bird - Lull, Live

This guy is a Beast- Ramon (The Diamond) Dekkers

Chris Matthews to Conservative Party: SPEAK ENGLISH

Reality TV Show to Convert Atheists

daxgaz says...

^ potchi79

You can't assume that all Atheists are smart and logical the same way you can't assume stereotypes of other religions are true either. There are lot's of people raised Atheist that don't know all the logic holes and just know they don't believe.

Chris Matthews to Conservative Party: SPEAK ENGLISH

daxgaz says...

that one is an ass because he constantly yelled at, talked over, and put words in the mouth of his guest. If you have a bad guest that won't answer a question, it's fine to call them out on it. But screaming at them lowers you to the level of Bill O' and company. They are asses and anyone that replicates their behavior is also an ass. Like i said, just because you are right on a issue does not excuse poor behavior, even if it seems to be the norm now on news channels.

Watch a news show on PBS and see how they handle things. They often get bad guests and they often hold them accountable, but they do so without looking like an unprofessional ass.

Chris Matthews to Conservative Party: SPEAK ENGLISH

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