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She's high as a kite after getting her wisdom teeth yanked.

SveNitoR says...

>> ^00Scud00:

39 and I've still got mine, I've always wondered how necessary removing wisdom teeth is because my dentist always seemed to eager to remove them, but never said they actually had to be removed. But if I ever need to have them removed I want to be 10x more out of it than even this chick is.

Don't remove them unless you have to. If intact they are often the last teeth to remain and are very good to anchor the "fake teeth" to.

>> ^diction:

Dentists in my country aren't doctors, so they can't put you under without an anesthisiologist there, thus most dentists just use local anesthesia for this kind of thing.

Same here as well. I removed one wisdom tooth about two years ago. Just local anaesthesia and then took a bit more than an hour since it was a new dentist doing it under supervision. It was pretty annoying, since the new one gave up after about one hour and the experienced dentist took a look, drilled like hell for a few seconds and then pulled the tooth loose... Sure wished he would've done it immediately.

Microwaves Ruin Everything

SveNitoR says...

Pretty cool video. I've done eggs, aluminium foil, CD's, disco balls and probably a few more which I can't remember. Pretty fun, but nothing close to what people fear. Things exploding due to heating up and pressure not being able to escape is not exactly hard to understand or predict.

I would've preferred it if they had shown the egg and fruits shortly before the explosion when the pressure is still contained but tries to escape.

Gaming Frog

Voice Actor Recovers From TMD By Taking Ambien

SveNitoR says...

>> ^bmacs27:

If it isn't fake, the diagnosis is probably wrong because it is likely a central not peripheral nervous issue. I was just watching the video with a professional speech therapist. She pointed out that not only does he have the temporomandibular joint issue, but he also seems to be having tongue and mouth shape ataxia. His facial symmetry is good, which suggests it isn't lateralized nerve damage (like you might expect from a tooth pull). Further, it is difficult to conceive of a mechanism by which pharmacology could have that sort of effect on "damaged wires" so to speak. It's possible he's simply the victim of a misdiagnosis, in which case I feel bad him.

I agree it seems strange that nerve damage from pulling a tooth would create such symmetrical symptoms. The deterioration of the symptoms seem to suggest whatever happened is still happening. Or maybe it is simply that the spasticity is becoming worse, just as it does in cerebral palsy?

The sad part is that he is lucky to have medication which can actually help him at all.

TED: Daniel Wolpert ~ The real reason for brains

TED: "Battling Bad Science" - Ben Goldacre

Compilation of Humans showing off

Seagull Catching 101

SveNitoR says...

>> ^critical_d:

I hope these fuckers get their eyes pecked out.

They seemed to be pretty nice to the bird except for catching it of course. We kill millions of animals each day including a lot for bragging rights. This bird escaped unharmed except being afraid.

Real-life QWOP

Anonymous warns of "Operation Facebook" on Nov 5 2011

SveNitoR says...

>> ^digitalbombdog:

Privacy on Facebook is only an issue if you put your private stuff on Facebook. And if you put your private stuff on Facebook, then it's not really private then is it. It's called SOCIAL NETWORKING. You are willingly sharing your information with everyone out there. People need to learn to just keep their shit to themselves.

The problem is that all your friends put up stuff about you and themselves. From there on anyone with that data can make educated guesses about you.

Stepdad - My Leather, My Fur, My Nails

Terminator 2 Sweded: Low Budgment Day

Japanese Obstacle Course bit Harder than American Gladiator

Stephen Colbert does It Gets Better video. Does it real.

SveNitoR says...

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

No, it doesn't work a lot of the time. But besides that, what happens when culture changes and bullies no longer affect people with verbal abuse? What happens when words don't have their desired pain? Then bullies move on to other means...that's all I am saying because we see that everywhere.
>> ^SveNitoR:
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
This is true and false. I knew many bullies who hurt people because they could--and it didn't matter if you showed them "feeling" or not. It didn't matter if you "gave" them dick, they took it regardless. Colbert is noting the vocal abuse, but there is a lot more than that.

Of course it doesn't always work, but he has a very good point in that if we re-frame the meaning of a word it will have less power over us. Similarly if we manage to change how someone else perceives a word we affect them. "Santorum" is a good way of illustrating that point.

I guess it is different in different cultures. I have not seen it everywhere. It is true though that some people will then use violence because they like to hurt others.

Bullies always made me very angry. I sometimes think the person being bullied should have the law on his side in the way that everything he/she does is considered self-defence.

Stephen Colbert does It Gets Better video. Does it real.

SveNitoR says...

>> ^bcglorf:

Good message, but I second a lot of people's comments on the need for more.
I think it's well agreed that the victims aren't the problem. This video only speaks to the victims, and hopefully helps them cope internally with what they are facing. The issue is that the victims ability to change the situation is very limited.
The real problem with bullying is that peer groups generally tolerate or even encourage it. The biggest effort that needs to be made, and where I focus at my kids schools, is to get the kids who are NOT being bullied to learn the importance of standing up for anyone they see getting bullied. The only true way to reduce the impact bullies have is to ensure they are outnumbered and opposed when they try to bully anyone.

I don't remember where I read it any more, but most efforts schools make are pretty useless. At least when evaluated scientifically. Most of the methods are spread by groups with economic interests, have very little effect and sometimes unintentionally make the bullying worse.

I stood up to girls who bullied/teased a friend once and it made very little difference except making me feel horrible as well. I know what I should've done differently now, but it is always easy to see afterwards.

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