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World Record For Boob Pressing In Public

TDS: Rick Santorum's Conservative Rhetoric

Bill Maher - New Rules (February 17th 2012)

MaxWilder says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

When are the taxocrats going to take receipt of their fookups, aka 'sh1t that doesn't work and never will'? Do we have to end up like Europe before anyone wakes up?

>> ^MaxWilder:
It has been overly clear that since the impeachment of Clinton the Republicans have increasingly become hypocrites in every conceivable fashion. They prosecute others for laws they have broken themselves, they demand respect that they do not give, they cannot open their mouths without lies spewing forth then accuse the opposition of misleading the public.
And they do it because the idiots in their camp eat it all up and ask for more.

What the hell do you have against Europe? No question that a few of the countries have screwed up their economies (because the bankers drove the global economy into the ground), but aside from that, what is it? They talk funny? They smell bad? They don't make good cheeseburgers?

You keep talking about Europe like it's some hellhole, but it's actually beautiful, and many of the countries over there provide a vastly better standard of living for their citizens.

I love the US, no doubt about it. But I'm not gonna stick my head up my ass and pretend we're the best at everything, because that is nowhere near the truth.

You want to talk about shit that doesn't work and never will? Let's talk about supply side economics.

Converting Nerve Impulses to Muscle Stimulation

Deep Voiced "Sixteen Tons" Acapella.

MaxWilder says...

I find it hard to believe this is real. Not because he doesn't "look" like he could have that kind of voice, but because the sound of his voice is rock solid and extremely nuanced while the man is nowhere near the mic and constantly changing position. I could totally be wrong, but I don't think you get that kind of recording outside of a studio.

Edit: Awesome version of this song, whoever actually sang it.

Bill Maher - New Rules (February 17th 2012)

MaxWilder says...

It has been overly clear that since the impeachment of Clinton the Republicans have increasingly become hypocrites in every conceivable fashion. They prosecute others for laws they have broken themselves, they demand respect that they do not give, they cannot open their mouths without lies spewing forth then accuse the opposition of misleading the public.

And they do it because the idiots in their camp eat it all up and ask for more.

Christina Ricci - 7 Minutes in Heaven

How to find your way home

MaxWilder says...

>> ^therealblankman:

I like her, but I'm not sure she should be so specific on the internet. There are some weird people here, and I'm sure Vic Toews already knows how to track her down.

In order to find her house you would need the starting point, which is not provided.

Of course we all now know that the map starts in Alexandretta, on the pilgrim trail from the Eastern Empire.

Obama Promises Vs Reality

MaxWilder says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:


Who me?

I agree with the video. Obama has done nothing substantive on the issue of money buying political power. But as long as he doesn't start talking up war with Iran, I will choose him any day of the week against those warmongering Republitards.

It's simply not possible to do anything substantial from the top down. There are too many bought politicians. If there's going to be change, it must be demanded by us. And as long as the conservatives have half the population duped into being corporate lemmings, that change is unlikely. Things are going to have to get worse before they get better.

We're going to have to have about 75% of the people who understand what the banks, military industry, and pharmaceutical corporations are doing to us before rational minds will be able to overpower the corporate spokes-holes. At that point the politicians will know for a fact that they will be only get elected or re-elected if they make progress re-balancing the economic system.

Gale Force Wind Sends Wheelie Bin Flying In Edinburgh.

Escaping Baby Panda

Death to Pennies

MaxWilder says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

I didn't realize that adding the tax at checkout was a distinctly American stupidity.
My family owned an ice cream parlor for 10 years when I was a kid/teen. From day one, we included taxes in our prices. A small cone was $1 and a large cone was $1.25. We did the math when it was time to pay our taxes. It made it easier for the customers and it made it easier for us when we were ringing them up.

I believe that is illegal in the states. Small businesses can get away with it, though.

Kids play on suspension bridge during storm

New drug kills fat cells

Robert Reich Defines Free Speech (hint: it's not money)

MaxWilder jokingly says...

>> ^bareboards2:

"Lady Outside Wal-Mart Allegedly Pepper Sprays Fellow Customers: In an attempt to get the best deals. Another Wal-Mart customer was shot outside his car in an attempted robbery."
"Black Friday got off to a dark start in the U.S. as several shootings, a bomb scare and a pepper-spraying shopper marred the annual post-Thanksgiving buying blitz."
Terrible terrible things are happening on Black Friday. Let's condemn them all as nasty stinky hippies.

Naw, you got them all wrong! Those are good honest citizens who are modeling their behavior after the wonderful police officers who keep us all safe!

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