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Female Breadwinners = End of Society

MaxWilder says...

Part of my point is that I don't think gender roles are inflexible. There are going to be times when a man is truly happiest when he is at home spending the majority of his time engaged with his children's development. And there are going to be times when a woman is in her element when inundated with business concerns or creative obsessions.

But most of us won't be like that. Most of us, I think, will feel the greatest satisfaction following the guidelines our biology has laid out in front of us. Guidelines, not rules.

Jinx said:

How important are our biological differences presently? Can gender equality exist if gender roles are inflexible?

Women undoubtably play a very different role now and it is certainly not without problems. Most developed countries have aging populations due to family planning and longer lives, women give birth later in their lives and that creates certain health problems etc. It is important to remember that perhaps women winning bread is as much a product of our developed society as it is a cause. Why should we make ourselves slaves to our biology and chain ourselves to gender roles that have dwindling relavence. Humans are nothing but flexible. Perhaps instead of focusing on what might be lost with women stepping away from raising a family we should consider what society might stand to gain?

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MaxWilder says...

Agreed. This is something that the trash man did on purpose, and the guy in the car saw it coming. I don't think either expected there to be such big booms. The caps on those containers were quite sturdy, so the trash compactor was able to build quite a bit of pressure before they blew.

newtboy said:

I'll say it's a definite setup by the garbage truck driver. Watch him set, re-set, and re-set again the two sealed containers (that look to me like brand new metal gas cans). He has to get them just right so they pop.
Also note that he turns his back so he isn't hit by shrapnel.

High Voltage Electricity - Up Close & Personal.

MaxWilder says...

Correct me if I am misinterpreting what you are saying here, but in a nutshell, you believe that there is a better technology for mass distribution of energy that is being suppressed by current world leaders?

You understand how crazy that sounds?

I think the success of the Tesla electric vehicle company is proof that where current technology is lagging, there are now wealthy people who are willing to push for technological leaps, and profit nicely by doing so.

If there was a revolutionary power distribution technology, somebody would be building it and profiting by it.

chingalera said:

Above-ground, high-power transmission of energy with arcane technology, not unlike the switch from DC to AC that angered Edison and caused JP Morgan to ambush Westinghouse and cinch-up power for the indefinite future.
Timber and mining concerns wield massive influence in our retarded governments' around the world-Influential assholes whose empires stand to gain from the perpetuity of such back-ass-ward means of providing energy to paying customers work tirelessly to maintain their monopolies.

Anyone who naively believes that the technology does not exist NOW to eliminate the world's network of above-ground aluminum and steel might want to re-visit their knowledge extant of history, and that of the cunts who feed us shit and keep us in the dark.

High Voltage Electricity - Up Close & Personal.

MaxWilder says...

Sorry, could you explain what you mean here? What would Tesla want them to switch?

chingalera said:

If Tesla could see them now he may wonder aloud as to why mankind hasn't "switched" the hardware for the transmission of electricity....We'd have to explain to Nicola that unfortunately for mankind, the same cunts drunk on power and control are still alive and kicking.

Apple's dirty little tax secret -- Guardian

MaxWilder says...

Ugh. This whole "controversy" makes me sick. As far as I've heard, Apple has done nothing illegal, and is only now essentially being forced to lie in the face of congress. FIX THE FUCKING TAX SYSTEM. They need to stop saying "It isn't right" and start closing the loopholes they created. If you want companies to "pay their fair share" then bringing CEOs before tribunals to shame them is NOT how to accomplish that. Writing sensible tax laws is how to do it. These politicians are just duping the public into thinking that Apple is to blame, when all it has done is follow the law to its logical conclusions.

Kitten Refuses to Leave Warm Bath

Female Breadwinners = End of Society

MaxWilder says...

I really hate that they bring in (mostly) unrelated crap like abortion statistics, but the core of their argument here is correct.

Yes, correct, in my opinion.

I've been thinking about this topic a lot lately, and if you are rejecting what they say about female breadwinners out of hand, you are not thinking deeply on the subject.

Certainly, every woman should have the right to do with her life as she pleases. Whether that is career, family, or some combination of the two. But I think in the coming years there will be more and more people realizing that the average woman can NOT have it all. While there will be a few exceptions, most women will not be good mothers to their children while working 40+ hours per week, and ANYBODY who doesn't give 110% to their career will not reach the highest levels of that career.

Women need to be taught young that they need to make a choice and prioritize. If you look at young girls, you will see them fantasizing from a very young age about being a mother. You will see women of all ages fantasizing about marriage. And you will see feminists telling them that they are wrong for doing that. You will see society pushing and pushing and pushing for women to choose career over family while giving nothing but lip service to the importance of family. And if you look at the statistics, you will see this is beginning to have an effect on society. More women are postponing starting a family, and some are even working through the height of their childbearing years to the point where they can no longer find a suitable mate to have children with at all.

And if they do have children, the women are not at home to raise them. Sure, they are home for the first few months to a year, then they're back to work and the children are being raised by strangers. Mom comes home in the evening and asks how everybody's day was, exactly the way dad does (assuming dad is still in the family core).

This is not a popular sentiment yet, but I believe that gender roles existed for a reason. Just looking at male and female biology, it is plain to see that (in general) men are equipped for the tasks that require strength, and women are equipped to raise children. And for most of recorded history, gender roles followed biology. I believe we are beginning to see a reckoning. It won't happen in every relationship. And of course I think we should be very careful about judging others. I think you should take this information and apply it to your own life. What kind of a family do you want? Do you want to have two working parents and kids in day care, or do you want one parent to stay home? Are you going to feel more satisfied staying home with the kids, or leaving every day to earn a paycheck? These are questions that nobody can answer but you. I think that absent a serious internal drive, women should gravitate to careers that will give the maximum flexibility so that they can spend all the needed time with their children. I think that we should be teaching our children that they can do anything, but there are certain traditional roles that tend to bring people the greatest amount of life satisfaction. And I think we need to keep doing research and watching the statistics to verify or debunk everything I have just said, because I am fully aware that it is mostly speculation and gut instinct on my part.

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Interview with Milla Jovovich about The Fifth Element

MaxWilder says...

Great interview. Loved that movie. Her language skills were superb, most of her acting was excellent. The fighting... well... we can overlook one flaw, I hope. It just wasn't choreography that was appropriate for a petite woman against beastly warriors. Can't really blame that on Milla.

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This Harlem Shake video is going to get removed soon!

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