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Fido's Floodwater Faceplant

Robert Reich Defines Free Speech (hint: it's not money)

MaxWilder says...

>> ^marbles:

Good luck with that. Not that it's going to solve any problems.
I'd prefer we do away with the national theater of political campaigns all together and roll back the federal authority to it's original limitations.
And start attacking the shadow corporate government directly like ending it's continuous money tree called the Federal Reserve.>> ^MaxWilder:
I'd prefer to see some legislation put forward by citizens to enact public campaign financing, and some voting system reforms to end first-past-the-post.

Not going to solve any problems? It would eliminate the cash for favors system that corrupts all levels of elected officials!

And a Condorcet voting system would allow for elections of people who are rational centrists rather than extremists who block Congress from taking any action on any issues of substance!

I'm not opposed to returning some power to the states, but that does nothing to reduce the stranglehold that mega-corporations have over the political spectrum. And for the most part, "shrinking the role of Federal government" is just conservative doublespeak for ending social security, medicare, and every other useful thing the federal government does. I'd like to see the mess we would get into if the states all tried to provide their own defense! But that's not what you mean when you say "roll back the federal authority", is it?

This EFFING game! (Extremely hard quiz show from England)

Robert Reich Defines Free Speech (hint: it's not money)

MaxWilder says...

>> ^marbles:

>> ^MaxWilder:
It's time to Occupy the polls, and put the energy into publicly supported legislation.

And vote for the same Wall Street financed assholes that enable the fraud and corruption.

I'd prefer to see some legislation put forward by citizens to enact public campaign financing, and some voting system reforms to end first-past-the-post.

Robert Reich Defines Free Speech (hint: it's not money)

MaxWilder says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

All too easy, Slapnuts.

Now deny it cause the stats don't come from

>> ^ChaosEngine:
>> ^quantumushroom:
Drug use, rapes, murders and random deaths are in every camp, all the attendant chaos one would expect when socialists, anarchists, code pink commies and feed-the-flames libmedia descend anywhere. These protestors are not even 1% of the 99%.

Citation needed, motherfucker.

Idiots put all their links in an image, so you can't click on them and read the reports for yourself... hmm, I wonder why?? Oh, it's because there were no reported murders in the links! And no reported rapes in the links! Lesser events? Yes, a few. Completely unrelated events? Why, yes, several!

Here, for your reading pleasure, are all the links the right-wing crypto-fascist zombie airheads can come up with to marginalize the "dirty hippies" on the lawn:

Links originally from Pundit Press:

From Oregon Live: Primarily about a man who showed up at Occupy Portland, dismissed it as "an eyesore" and criticized its "lack of cohesion", and was arrested within days for starting fires. Also includes a few other accounts of minor drug posession, disorderly conduct, a weapons charge, and arrests of people for charges unrelated to the Occupy camp. Occupy Portland had a problem from near the beginning with homeless people joining the camp, and there were no services from the city or state to help them.

From Denver Post: A man who made an impassioned speech in favor of the Occupy Fort Collins camp was arrested as a suspect in an ENTIRELY UNRELATED arson charge.

From Gawker: A military veteran died of a self-inflicted gunshot, and the city used it as an excuse to halt all camping.

From Fox News: A "rash" of reports that consists of 1 accusation of sexual abuse and 1 accusation of sexual assault in Zuccotti park, 1 accusation of sex with a minor in Dallas, and 1 alleged sexual assault in Cleveland. Fox inflates this to "nearly a half-dozen" reports. The article also includes a number of unsubstantiated rumors of destructive behavior by Occupy protestors in various locations around the country.

From Komo News: A man accused of indecent exposure (completely unrelated to the Occupy movement) is arrested when spotted taking part in an Occupy Seattle protest.

From Redstate: Blantaly right-wing opinion piece which includes a number of links purportedly supporting the premise that the Occupy movement is full of criminals. The very first link is about the police entrapment on the Brooklyn Bridge. One of the links is the above piece from Komo News about an unrelated exposure charge. And another is about how Iran supports the Occupy movement (fear the boogeyman!).

From Reuters: This article is about the man shot by Berkeley police in a computer lab at UC Berkeley. No ties to the Occupy movement at all. But the Occupy protest was nearby, so it must be related, right???

From ABC News: A man is arrested for firing an assault rifle at the White House. He "may have spent time with Occupy D.C. protesters."

From The Daily Cardinal: Link broken; defaults to University of Wisconsin's Daily Cardinal homepage.

From New York Post: Article is about theives preying on the lack of security at the Occupy camp. Apparently all that police overtime is really helping...

So! All these articles, and they amount to... a few isolated issues that don't nearly account for all the numbers posted, and a couple of them are for unrelated charges where the person might have been caught in or near an Occupy event.

My overall analysis: Aside from QM being full of shit as usual, it's time to let the camps go. They made a splash, but now they are just being used as fodder for the right wing lie-machines. There are just too many unrelated crazies that come to the camps and interfere with the message. It's time to Occupy the polls, and put the energy into publicly supported legislation.

Anonymous goes after the pepper spraying cop.

MaxWilder says...

Guys! Anonymous is not one single well-structured organization! It's got a lot of people in lots of countries working under the cover of anonymity for what they believe is right. It might not always jive with what you believe is right. And in that case, you should not participate.

This is just one guy making a video. There may or may not be many more supporting him. There may or may not be many people following through on his recommendations. The choice to harass the jackbooted bully in question is completely up to you.

I for one will not be harassing him. But I completely understand the mindset of any who would wish to do so, and I will support anybody who calls for stronger penalties against police officers who inflict physical or mental pain without adequate cause. The cop bully mentality has to end somehow.

Christian Refuses A Sticker Reading 666, Now Can't Get A Job

MaxWilder says...

I bet you he was hated by his fellow employees. Nobody would fire him if it was just about wearing the number for a day.

I doubt we'll ever hear the result, but I'd like to know how this plays out.

Pong as Metaphor for OWS

Megyn Kelly Pepper Spray Thanksgiving

FAST Electronic Mouse Navigates A Maze In 4 Seconds

MaxWilder says...

Even the slow run is very impressive. There was only one time I say it checking a spot that wasn't logical to check (assuming it knew the center of the maze was the goal). And when it was backtracking it was fast! I know I couldn't make it, and I've never seen one like it. That qualifies as very impressive no matter how you cut it.

A Dumbfuck George W Moment You Haven't Heard Yet

MaxWilder says...

The man was just elected leader of the most powerful country in the world. And he didn't know one of the MAJOR territories of our closest ally. Prince Charles' formal title is "Prince of Wales"!

I would forgive him if it was loud and he really couldn't hear her and was making polite conversation. Otherwise, it's just Bush being the ignorant fuckwad that he always was.

Cat Doesn’t Give A Fig

Is Herman Cain A Joke, For Real?

who are the 99%

MaxWilder says...

If you could stop working right now and still live in the lap of luxury with no chance of going bankrupt from a downturn in the economy or surprise medical bills, then you are in the 1%.

Sure that exact percentage may be an approximation, but the point should not be lost in the numbers. There are people out there controlling our government and financial structures who work only to pull money towards themselves without any ethical boundaries. I'm not talking about Bill Gates or anybody else who struck it rich by making the right product at the right time. I'm talking about the inbred financial aristocracy who run the banks and produce the politicians. Everything they do, even when they donate thousands of dollars to charity, is calculated to bring more income. They push all the laws to favor them just a little bit (if not a lot, like the Bush tax cuts). They're running the country like a casino. The house always wins over time. That's how they see income increase year by year while average wages stagnate. That's how they get hurt less by economic downturns. That's how they recover faster when the economy stabilizes.

I'm sorry, but this video does a piss poor job of explaining how we got to the economic situation that we are in and where it is going. The income gap is real, it's getting bigger, and it is turning more and more of us into wage slaves. For the vast majority of us, we are just a few bad days away from bankruptcy. All you have to do is imagine yourself getting laid off, then getting sick with something serious, then having your "health provider" find a reason to cut off your support. You won't be able to find a new source of income while sick, and you won't be able to pay off your medical bills while unemployed.

That's my definition of the 99%, even if it is technically the 95% or the 99.9%.

Lobbying Firm's Memo Spells Out Plan to Undermine Occupy

MaxWilder says...

This should be intuitively obvious to the casual observer, but it's good when evidence can be shown along side the obvious for those who are being confused by the dis-information produced by the 1% and their lapdogs.

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