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Chinese names translated - Qi

Fjnbk says...

There aren't many English names that end up alright when translated into Chinese. One exception is "Kevin." In Chinese, it's "kai wen" which means "triumphant and civil."

You can make other names sound good in translation, but then you need to get VERY creative with your pronunciation and choice of characters.

"Your Friend The Rat" from Ratatouille DVD.

NetRunner gets his crown, forcibly collectivizes peasants (Politics Talk Post)

Michael Jackson is Dead, Joins Farrah Fawcett (News Talk Post)

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

Fjnbk says...

Mark Sanford has been an idiot on the fiscal and monetary front, but he's never said that much about moral matters. Yes, he voted for Clinton's impeachment, but it's disingenuous to paint him as a Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell type politician.

>> ^Psychologic:
>> ^deedub81:
YEAH!!! We should just lower the standards! Anyone who isn't perfect can't talk about morals! You have to be flawless in order to encourage others to be good!

What about people who try to pass off their personal prejudices as "morality"?

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

Fjnbk says...

Honestly, I feel bad for the guy. His behavior has been inexcusable and he's been an annoying idiot when it comes to the stimulus, but it seems that he really regrets his actions here. Ensign was different, but Sanford is taking all the blame on himself and being gracious towards his family. His life is completely in ruins; we don't need to pile on now, make our jokes, and laugh.

Fantasia - Night on Bald Mountain

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The Decemberists - The Mariner's Revenge Song

The Sift, Thoreau, and Civil Disobedience (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

Fjnbk says...

rougy, I'm pretty cynical. But I don't think that we've reached the point where the only thing we can do to achieve the change we want is to drop out of society. Not everyone in politics is rich and well-established. There are always the exceptions, and those exceptions can end up doing a lot. Look at Robert La Follette, or Paul Wellstone. Heck, Minnesota elected Al Franken as its Senator. Sure, the powers that be are strong, but they're not invincible.

Even if you think that it's a no-win situation, it seems a little... petty and histrionic to just up and leave. It's not going to achieve anything in terms of changing the U.S., unless there truly is a mass exodus of beyond Biblical proportions. It's more in line with slacktivism.

It is the ideal solution if you think that you're responsible for yourself alone. I'd probably move to Sweden if I thought like that. But if you feel any social responsibility, then you can't just abandon the others to the wolves. I see your point, but I don't think we should start imitating Ayn Rand novels just yet.

Extremely cool real time video effects

Reporters getting OWNED compilation

The Sift, Thoreau, and Civil Disobedience (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

Fjnbk says...

>> ^rougy:
The best thing that a person can do to protest America's actions and policies is to stop being a part of it by removing yourself from the system entirely.

Go Galt? Doesn't seem very effective or serious...

I think running for public office is the best way, practically and morally, to achieve positive social change. The best practical way is to become dictator of the Earth, and the best moral way is to stick to your principles entirely and shun the unbelievers i.e. go Galt or revolt with arms. But running for public office is the best hybrid of the two extremes.

*Quality topic.

Stupid Spoiled Whore - VIDEO PLAYSET!

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