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The Westy Affair (Sift Talk Post)

Failed attempt at the barred practice of siftquisitions (Sift Talk Post)

Fjnbk says...

Umm... I wasn't running a Siftquisition at all. Notice that I expressed no opinion whatsoever on the matter. I just felt that a poll could provide a simpler and faster gauge of public opinion on westy. Hobble me if you want, but I just thought of it as a poll, nothing more.

QI - What's The Commonest Metal In The Human Body?

To Ban... Or Not To Ban... westy (User Poll by Fjnbk)

Fjnbk says...

That doesn't make sense. You're just obfuscating everything with lots and lots of words. So all disrespect is equivalent? Wha? Please, stop speaking like a post-modern philosopher.

To Ban... Or Not To Ban... westy (User Poll by Fjnbk)

James Randi debunks Matchbox Witchcraft

Fjnbk says...

Somehow, I suspect that the caller wasn't from Lawrence Livermore, although that's just a hunch. There are some dumb scientists, but I'd expect them to have been weeded out at that level.

Michael Jackson debuts Moonwalk - 1983 Motown Show

Palin Resigns as Governer of Alaska!

MJ 'borrowed' his signature moves from his favorite movie..

Change is Coming to VideoSift (Blog Entry by dag)

Why is America not Hiring? (+ more economic analysis) (Lies Talk Post)

Fjnbk says...

Sure, public schools could be a monopoly, although they're not a very active monopoly, and private schools, especially homeschools, have a great amount of leeway in how they go about teaching. Of course there are regulations on schools, but at the very least, schools should be required to teach things that are actually true.

You misinterpreted my point regarding the DMV. It's not that the DMV is our only bulwark against anarchy, it's just that arguing against the DMV seems rather unnecessary and nitpicky, stuff that someone would do if they didn't want any government regulation whatsoever. Most people would be more offended by more meddlesome institutions like the Federal Reserve, the SEC, or Medicare.

BicycleRepairMan (Member Profile)

Why is America not Hiring? (+ more economic analysis) (Lies Talk Post)

Fjnbk says...

I beg your forgiveness for the state of my channel's CSS file. I'm not very good at that stuff.

How on earth are public schools a monopoly when private schools exist? And even the most extreme libertarian agrees that the government should provide regulation and public goods. Arguing against the DMV borders on anarchy.

I'm actually missing the 1920s right now. Even Coolidge and the Republicans then understood that government regulation can increase wealth and prosperity.

In reply to you, deedub, not everything is about job creation and wealth. And everything eventually recovers in the long run, but people are forced to live in the short run.

VideoSift 4.0 Feature Request: Star Re-Distribution (Parody Talk Post)

I need some help (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

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