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Old man jamming out to Metallica

Asmo says...

Not old in the slightest (42) but I love the looks I get blasting Mudvayne at the lights from 'kids' (ie. 20 somethings).

Yes, we don't all hand in our fun cards and get Zimmer frames at 30 folks!

Horse understands the struggle

Horse understands the struggle

China Skyladder Competition

Asmo says...

2 thoughts.

The human knee, he won't have one worth shit in about 15 years.

And, is this an official race or just some guy doing it for shits and giggles? The number of random fucking mouth breathers who see him coming and just kinda stay put... What's the point of having a course if no one can run it due to the random sheep on the route??

Undulatus Asperatus Sunset

I Tried Medical Marijuana For My Chronic Pain

Asmo says...

Gotta love the internet where twats engage in the fucking typical "reading between the lines and pulling something I didn't say out of their nether regions" shoot from the hip bs...

I don't suggest for a moment that MJ (or any other herbal concoction) is the first stop for medical treatment in the slightest, but it's obvious in this video that, despite multiple surgeries and obvious use of many prescription drugs (she notes that opiates don't even touch the pain) that she was not getting relief... In the context of the video, and noting that her results are anecdotal, if it does result in relief for a person, it's worth trying right? Particularly if you are afflicted with constant agonising pain for which standard medicine hasn't provided a solution?

For instance, my wife suffers from long term depression and panic attacks. Therapy and medicine didn't help (in regards to drugs, it did more harm than good), but acupuncture actually made a significant different (for whatever reason). Should everyone ditch psychology for being turned in to a human hedgehog? Hell no. Should they try it to see if it helps? Why the fuck not?

I'm sorry about what happened to your dad (I'm guessing due to your aim at homeopathic rather than medical that he was on a alternate "treatment" that did nothing to prevent his death?), but stop taking your trauma out on other people. My point was to people who have exhausted more orthodox treatments but who might be hung up on "drugs are bad mmmm'kay" in regards to medical marijuana treatment. Nothing more, nothing less.

Edgeman2112 said:

So, regarding your reply:

Sorry, but STOP. People die because of this stupid fucking philosophy. People also make millions off desperate folks like this lady in the video because of that mindset. 120$ for a bottle of sugary mint chocolate chip flavored water and 0.03% THC? Isn't that just diluted to no effectiveness like homeopathic tinctures? We can't use the homeopathic approach for medicine where, "oh if it doesn't work and there are no side effects than all is fine."

No, it is dangerous to think that way because many people focus ONLY on non-medical treatments. They either continue suffering or die like my dad.

New Zealand Distracted Driving PSA

Asmo jokingly says...

It's right there in the YT description, it's a channel featuring great ads from around the world. \= |

Kinda like an aggregation site bringing together disparate videos from around the web... I know, it's a wacky concept. /grin

I Tried Medical Marijuana For My Chronic Pain

Asmo says...

I doubt there are many people in the chan that wouldn't be accepting of MJ for medicine specifically, or hell, MJ for recreational use generally. But if you have anxiety about trying it out, particularly for care of a chronic treatment, consider this...

You'll test this for a few weeks of your life, and it may have shitty side effects or just not work. However, you might be living with pain for the rest of your life. Worth a shot? You bet your fucking ass!

HCT: Salt Recommendations Don't Line Up with Recent Evidence

Asmo says...

The supplement you are after is called "salt", put it on your food...

; )

jimnms said:

I rarely ever add extra salt to food, but after hearing that low sodium can be bad too, maybe I should see about taking some sort of sodium supplement.

Rethinking Nuclear Power

Asmo says...

Coal is responsible for many orders of magnitude more deaths and radioactive emissions than all nuclear incidents combined. But people don't care about simple things like facts or numbers. Talking about renewables when a significant portion of baseload power is still produced by coal is pointless. Let people have their feel good green tech (made in China, powered by a lot of coal of course ; ), but replace coal with modern nuke.

Denying the place of recent generation nuclear power as a viable strategy of supplying cleaner baseload power is much like denying man made climate change. Fucking moronic.

Thorium salt reactors do produce waste, but it's incredibly safe compared to breeder/lwr reactor byproducts. In fact, you can introduce older reactor waste in to the liquid mix in small amounts and the LFTR will break it down to less harmful components by accelerating decay in the core.

"LFTRs can also burn radioactive “waste” we are currently storing, made from the LWR units of today. We could actually reduce our radioactive waste using LFTRs and other Molten-Salt Reactors (MSRs) (more:"

So LFTR is a strategy for both power supply and cleaning up existing waste storage. Who'da thunk it??

spawnflagger said:

I don't see nuclear having a renaissance anytime soon...
Solar and Wind are already cheaper, don't emit CO2, and don't produce nuclear waste that has to be transported and stored in exotic containers for thousands of generations.

Thorium salt reactors also produce waste.

Nuclear does make a useful energy source for NASA space probes though.

Star Trek: Discovery - First Look Trailer

Its a fuckin emu!

Asmo says...

I love how Brits/Colonials figure casual abuse of the most horrific kind in to a friendly conversation about an unusual pet...



Blade Runner 2049 Trailer

The ultimate video game turned movie...STRAFE!

That is NOT going to rub out

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