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Will a drop of Water on the Anvil make it explode?

Asmo says...

Interesting tale, but smiths strike their anvils to insure that the hammerhead is pointing in the direction you strike. Hammer handles being round, over the course of hammering it's very easy for the head to slip out of alignment with the arm wielding it. So you tap the anvil with the hammer to straighten the face.

An authority figure offers an intelligent rebuttal

Asmo says...

45 votes and counting...

The problem you have is that you cannot look any further than the last post you disagreed with. There are dozens of videos showing good police officers doing their job, ie. helping the community. Negative commentary goes hand in hand with cops abusing their power or breaking the rules because they think they are above the law.

If you believe cops can do no wrong, you're as fucking moronic as a person who believes cops can do no right. Fortunately, both groups are an absolute minority around here.

NaMeCaF said:

Good luck getting this upvoted on VideoSift mate. With the pathological cop hate here, you'll need it.

THE BOOK OF HENRY - Official Trailer

Badger burying a cow

Asmo says...

You know that you're next right? \= )

And Planet of the Apes my ass, it'll be Planet of the Badgers...

00Scud00 said:

Sadly, shortly after this was filmed the camera crew was discovered and then buried. Nobody films the Badger Mafia.

Rex Murphy | Free speech on campus

Asmo says...

Watch further, particularly his videos on authoritarian regimes. His issue is that controlling language with force is a hallmark of classic far left regimes (ie. Lenin/Stalin's Russia, Mao's China etc), so his beef is not only with the uni, it's with the government and the deluded (or worse, calculated) morons who think that state sanctioned and enforced speech is a "good thing".

He has spent decades studying authoritarianism and makes compelling arguments as to why the current "SJWs" are almost identical to the precursors of other authoritarian regimes.

I don't ask anyone to take anything said at face value, but Peterson does the due diligence for his arguments, and will often defer answering a question if he doesn't think he can offer a well reasoned response. I've yet to see a single video where he has said anything negative about trans people (as opposed to saying negative things about a government law to force language), yet he is described as a homophobe because it's far easier to label him to discredit him than to actually listen to what he is saying.

enoch said:

in my opinion,dr petersons only real gripe,and valid argument,is against the university of toronto,and how they handled the situation.

i have watched a number of dr petersons videos on language,and the psychology behind language,and the societal and cultural impacts of language,and even the abuses that can arise with the misuse of language and the inevitable conflicts that can arise.

i have also seen peterson speak to a group of protesters and have watched them settle down and actually have a conversation with him.

so i think peterson has a beef with the university,and not the addendum to an already existing law,although that is not his contention.i simply do not see where he can take it to that extremity,when there is little evidence to support it.

i dunno..seems kind of a waste of time in many aspects to me.

Rex Murphy | Free speech on campus

Asmo says...

Obviously didn't look very far, I've been very supportive of minority rights in general. I just don't think much of people shutting down debates with white noise (or the lickspittles that support them).

So don't engage then, I'm not twisting your arm. /grin

Imagoamin said:

No assumption made. I looked at your past comments.

But, this comment only solidifies why there is no point in engaging with you.

Rex Murphy | Free speech on campus

Asmo says...

Oh, you weren't talking to me? Sorry cupcake, you put it out there on the internet, and despite Sift being leftward leaning, I don't recall seeing signs that this was a safe space where only your opinion was allowed to be ventured and no one was allowed to respond.

Typical SJW. If I'm not with you, "Shut up. SHUT UP!!! KEEP YOUR HATE SPEECH OFF MAH FORUMS!!!!" /eyeroll

I would have given you a more thorough and reasoned reply, but let's face it, it wouldn't make a dent on the white noise of your position. You've made your assumptions about me clear as day and nothing I say will change that, so why bother?

In which case, all I have to say is: Have a cup of concrete and harden the fuck up princess.

Imagoamin said:

I wasn't talking to you and I was offering someone who seemed genuinely interested in the other side some view of that side. I'm not interested in the vitriol from some rando on the internet who has made being "anti-sjw/anti-feminist" an identity.

Rex Murphy | Free speech on campus

Asmo says...

1. You don't speak for all trans/POC/gays etc, so you can only describe your personal experience. There are a number of documented trans people who agree with Peterson and don't want the state strong arming people in to mouthing the words...

2. Peterson does not promote transphobia, he resists being forced to speak certain words. They are not synonymous. If the fuckwits yelling their heads off spent the time to listen, they'd understand that.

3. Peterson was fine with the idiots at the event chucking a trantrum because it showed them up to be the intolerant idiots, not him. He was calm and reasonable, and if they had listened to him then put questions to him, they may have advanced whatever cause they claim to represent. Instead they came across as a pack of morons. /shrug

4. You talk about drawing lines around things, lines that should not be crossed, but without people daring to propose going outside those lines, gay rights would not be a thing... You see? It takes a brave person to step outside the lines and propose something that may be offensive to some. Same with women rights, transgender folk etc.

5. You have the right to be offended. You do not have the right to not be offended.

6. Mobs strongarming people in to silence has far more to do with Nazi ideology than resisting being forced to speak certain words. It's okay to punch Nazi's right?? \= )

Imagoamin said:

Wasn't there, but I'm sympathetic to their cause.

I would say, like the people quoted in the article linked by Scud, these people aren't against "stepping out of their comfort zone" to learn. But there are certain norms and boundaries to ideas we hold in both every day discourse and academic discourse.

Some of that is how we don't entertain the idea of bringing back phrenology or that the earth is flat in serious discussion. But, unlike those antiquated ideas, other sorts of ideas lead to real and harmful consequences to marginalized groups. Ideas like entire classes of people either not being worth basic human rights or specifically targeting them for dehumanization/harassment.

I think people who shut down events like that or ones where Milo Yiounappolos specifically singled out trans individuals are weighing whether giving a larger audience to ideas like "these people aren't normal/don't deserve basic rights" is worth the real harm and harassment that follows. People see it as essentially saying, "Hey now, lets hear what these National Socialist fellows have to say about Jewish people without all the whining, ok?"

And these things aren't really as cut and dry "they don't want to hear differences of opinion" when every single trans person, person of color, gay person, etc has had these "differing opinions" yelled at them or forced into their life on a daily basis.

I had no idea cats liked bread this much

Giant Chicken

Waiting for the wave !!! Pool in Chengdu (China)

Best way for removing cedar shingles

Fully Restored Hupfeld Phonoliszt-Violina

Finding out you're getting a new heart

Asmo says...

"So I can go home tomorrow?"

My fucking heart was torn out at that point. All the best to him and his parents.

Crushing Adamantium with Hydraulic Press

Asmo says...

If someone can't work out that this is fake, then they are already stupid and are not likely to get worse for watching this...

It's a bit of bloody fun, lighten up.

artician said:

*lies, please? I see this, and all I notice are the complete lack of reality-grounding measures.
Let's not make the planet stupider for someone's bullshit movie universe.
"Adamantium is a fictional metal alloy appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics."

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