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Hoverbike Scorpion-3

Asmo says...

Yeah, and therein the problem lies. We have so many great ideas but they all rely on power that we cannot supply enough of in the form factor required.

This is a funky idea for the lab, but without some form of extremely efficient high energy engine/battery etc, it's basically useless.

Payback said:

I think they filmed 4-5 "flights", each about 25 seconds before recharging.

Cat Tries To Steal Food From Dog Regrets It Instantly

Asmo says...

Cat thought process: "I will secure this tasty tidbit from this moro.. OWWWWW HOW DARE YOU YOU FILTHY PEASANT!!!"

Dog thought process: "CHIP CHIP CHIP CHIP... Furry chip? CHIP CHIP CHIP"

Bill Maher - Milo Yiannopoulos Interview

Asmo says...

I prefer listening to Milo's entertaining jibes compared to the tantrums and virtue signalling of the left. If you watch one Milo video, watch the full UMass presentation with Crowder and Hoff-Summers.

ps. Ignoring the right did wonders at the last election. ; )

Oops he did it again - Paul McDermott

Love with a VR boyfriend

Cassie - Next Generation Robot

Asmo says...

I don't think that's the problem...

"If you had a robot, you wouldn't hesitate" (to send them in to the fire)

That's the one that's going to end humanity...

yellowc said:

Can these people stop kicking these robots when they want to test stability? I mean how archival abuse footage do you want to give the propaganda machines when they start the uprising for robot kind?

Just like nudge them with a soft pillow with a smiley face on it or something.

Hitting the Sun is HARD

Top Democrats All Agree with Trump's Immigration Plan / wall

Asmo says...

This just in, politicians are hypocrites...

Hold em all to their words, but don't expect them to care or for it to matter.

Liberal Redneck - Muslim Ban

Asmo says...


To add some extra context, the 1 in 20 reply was after an Australian minister in the current government said we were wrong to support Lebanese immigration back in the 70's because of 27 some odds 'accused of terrorist support' types in modern Australia. Someone fired back the 1 in 20 statistic to poke holes in what has been a generally good thing for Australia, ie. integration of other cultures.

The rhetoric from the minister dried up pretty fast, because the figures were so awfully unbalanced that no sane person could try to continue to make the point without making a complete fool of themselves. Trump obviously doesn't have that problem (well, doesn't seem to care if he does make a bigger horses ass of himself).

newtboy said:

Absolute hyperbole and false equivalency.
Those pedophiles aren't radicalized, so they don't count. Only Muslim pedophiles are evil, those 1/20 Catholic priests are all clinically insane and so not to blame.

What is it about Catholicism that it makes normal people act like they have mental issues?

Liberal Redneck - Muslim Ban

Asmo says...

Not that I support one or the other side of this retarded argument...

But in Aus, something like 1 in 3000 Australians of Lebanese descent were accused (not convicted) of being involved in terrorist planning/actions etc. And Australians lost their shit about it.

1 in 20 of Australian Catholic clergy have been convicted of child molestation, which closely matches a US study of 107,000 clergy turning up 1 in 24 odd. No one seemed particularly perturbed...

Pro tip: The west is more concerned about muslims/arabic types because they're brown and strange (to us), even though your child is far more likely to be molested by a pedo than he/she is to be killed in a terror attack. Though I hate using it, seems like a "won't some one think of the children moment".

Hrm, wonder if you can deport catholics back to the Vatican...

transmorpher said:

And that's exactly what I mean about the left being dishonest. False equivalencies are just one of the things I read all the time. Whether on purpose to prove a point, or genuinely naive.

Bill Burr Doesn’t Have Sympathy For Hillary Clinton

Asmo says...

That's the funny thing about an anonymous vote, you don't need to be emboldened to be a bigot at the poll...

You need to be emboldened to come out on the street and wave awful signs around, but not to vote.

And bigots are the most motivated (along with authoritarian control types, many of which sit to the left of center). They are more likely to vote at every election even when the candidates don't necessarily fulfill their beliefs.

All things being equal, I'd hypothesize that Trump won because the centrists and disaffected Sanders voters ditched Hillary rather than embracing Trump. She didn't make mistakes, she wholesale spat in the face of many groups she just didn't give a fuck about, and it came back to bite her in the ass.

SDGundamX said:

So, in my mind, it's both things. She absolutely made mistakes AND a shitload of emboldened bigots came out to vote. It was the combination of these things that caused her downfall.

Maru becomes a Luger!

There are now More Solar Panels than people in Australia

Asmo says...

The technology to load shift is available, but getting it developed and implemented is one of the components that is missing from the overall power strategy in Aus.

Energy companies, like Ergon (Queensland) are actively trying to limit input, with a hard cap of 5kVa input for residential, and sometimes even as little as 3kVa in some more remote areas.

And while technology like liquid vanadium battery cells (long life, expandable by adding extra tanks of liquid electrolyte) exist, they are still prohibitively expensive.

There are plenty of solutions, but little appetite from the companies and governments, and very little knowledge among the end users. So while we're throwing cheap Chinese panels on rooves with gay abandon, I think it's a little early to brag about what a rampaging success Aus solar is because "lots of panels yo!".

newtboy said:

Actually, the load shift problem has been solved. You use a dual reservoir small hydro system, pumping water uphill with surplus daytime power and generating it on demand. It takes space, but is relatively inexpensive and is essentially a near maintenance free battery that's as big as your reservoirs and pumps.

There are now More Solar Panels than people in Australia

Asmo says...

Few points...

We have no options for serious load shifting to utilise all that solar power in the evenings when it would make a difference. And power companies refuse to trust it for baseload power, so they still generate what they estimate they need for base load,and pay for rapid generation to handle spikes. Most electricity generated from home solar in Aus is wasted.

Without battery backups, the best production of the day goes to the energy company for 8 cents, and we buy back power from them (generated by coal of course) at night for 36 cents. Our energy companies aren't going to pay a premium for power they really don't give a crap about.

Most panels in Aus face north/east, to generate the largest amount of energy. When most people aren't home to use it. Instead, panels should face north/west to generate the most power in the afternoon when we come home from work/fire up air conditioners/start cooking etc. And even then, the power than is generated is but a fraction of what is consumed during peak periods due to the setting sun.

Annnnd most people in Australia do not even check their systems to see if they're still doing anything... It's estimated 14% of all home solar systems are currently non-functional due to faulty panels, inverter or both.

Until the point in time comes when energy companies can create a way to load shift solar production to ensure continuity of power, or household power storage units pricing comes down enough to be viable, non industrial solar in Australia is mostly feel good propaganda.

And while a number of coal plants have closed recently, it's not due to lack of demand as solar take up reduces requirement for coal fired power... It's because the plants are not viable any more to run and owners do not want to run at a loss. Each one that closes represents a significant portion of our overall generation being lost, with no core plan for continuity (wind and solar are not being considered as a core strategy currently).

I'm all for saving the planet, but the science/facts on solar outweigh the feel goods. Perhaps instead of patting ourselves on the back, we should be thinking about a better plan.

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