May I suggest adding archive's wonderful video archive to the list? Their current player happens to be javascript based that points to a .flv. If you click on the "?" there is an <OBJECT> code you can copy and paste, you might have to change to embed to work for the submission filter, or be a diamond. Most of the videos are Public Domain, or at least Creative Commons.
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="320" height="350" id="FlowPlayer" data="">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="320" height="350" id="FlowPlayer" data="">
sounds cool, but it starts playing as soon as the page loads... can that be stopped? I'm looking at it in Mozilla.
This played when I clicked to SiftTalk and restarted when I clicked to comment.
Yeah, it's called FlashBlock FF extension. It's a miracle
Umm.. I'm working on it, there is an autoplay:false..
(Here are the settings I've found to be best:
showPlayList:true, **if using playlist
showPlayListButtons:true, **if using playlist
videoHeight:240, **if using playlist
They also have playlists.. I'll include one.
You know technically it is based on FlowPlayer shockwave to embed Flash video files (extension .flv).
So you could hack up the URL to play any .flv on the internet through the player ( and even use the play list feature.. Maybe I should look into hacking up some google do it yourself play lists.
Technically you could convert the whole site to one uniform player.
technically you could make a nice videosift skinned player?
yup. (assuming you can get at the YT and google flvs)
The skinning is pretty basic, but you can make it match colors and maybe a sifty icon.
I like the idea of the thumbs that rotate through (like on where you can rotate in ads of VS logo every fifth thumbnail.
(FYI image had to be dag since player only takes .jpg and there are no VS logos in jpg)
Awesome! *quality
Gold Star member batmanuel has awarded joedirt one published post for this quality Sift Talk contribution.
Am I to understand that we could have our own player?
By the way, the player worked fine for me in both AOL and FF. No autostarts here.
Raven: Mozilla? Upgrade to the latest SeaMonkey version (Mozilla suite is outdated and has security holes) and install FlashBlock extension: ...
OMG!! Read the comments, I had to enable the autoPlay:false
Just like anyone who posts videos will ALSO have to add that in. It was missing initially. FFS, it's not firefox or AOL or anything. (But Flashblock does rule)
And Karaidl, why the hell do you even have an AOL browser?? *sigh*
lol @ joedirt.
I too sent in a suggestion for this, so much great content to share!
Shup up, JD! Don't make fun of my browsing disabilities!!
keyword: loser
(nah I'm just kidding, go ahead and enjoy the heck out of AOL
I get a "movie not loaded" error message from Galeon, the Gnome web browser. It looks like it can't handle the ojbect tag correctly. Which is weird since it's supposed to use the same engine as Firefox. Gnome/Galeon sucks anyway.
Can Safari play this?
It's just shockwave player, so make sure you have that installed all the plugins.
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="320" height="263" id="FlowPlayer" data="">
Can you open the .swf direct?
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
This is cool. Thanks JD, we'll look at it seriously for the next round of host updates, coming soon.
Weird, I can't open the swf file directly in Galeon either. I get the same error message. I'm not sure about the problem being shockwave since there's no shockwave for linux and I have no problem watching the video with linux/firefox.
I can't watch this video with Galeon also.
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