YouTube Disdain

Im getting very sick of YouTube for several reasons:

1. Fastforwarding is hardly useful as it often will not stick to where my cursor is pointing. If I skip through a video or try to rewind back to a specific point, it can get really difficult and Ill end up watching 30 seconds of something over again just to get to where I want to be. Did I describe that right?

2. It seems so go down too often, which makes this site almost moot as most posts are made with YouTube.

3. The loading times are horrible. I feel like its quicker to upload a file to YouTube than actually watch it.

And to end on a good note, Ill have to complement YouTube on its great job at providing easy access to the best videos on the internet (and thanks to videosift for making it even easier to find those best videos)
dag says...

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I share your frustration Anliz. I think YouTube videos are made with Flash 7 which makes them more widely compatible with browsers, but perhaps not as smooth on the interface front.

Actually I'm not sure if that's the reason, more of a guess. YouTube have made a few improvements since launch. They now include the duration of the video in a counter, and give a "This Video No Longer Available" Message. They used to just hang.

joedirt says...

Wait until Congress passes their anti-Net Neutrality crap. Then you'll see a slow YouTube. Of course, you can always go over to Yahoo Videos and get speedy results. Don't worry, the internet will forget about YouTube in about two months.

daphne says...

Ya, I wish there was another option. Video Share sites are out there, but they either require you to download a client to watch full videos (ick) or they don't have the community features that YT has.

Honestly, the only reason YT is the most used is because of all the free publicity. And the wackos. If other Video Share sites would court "stars" and beef up the community, people would leave YT in a heartbeat.

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