Yearly charter membership?

Shouldn't there be a yearly charter membership to make life easier? I mean, what kind of period of time is 5 months (150 days)? Why wasn't that rounded up to 6 months?

If you do add a yearly option, you could also offer an even bigger discount to tempt people... *hint hint*.

I was recently gifted a 20 day membership which has now run out, and I have to say I really miss my username all bold, colourful and sexy, and the bigger pqueue... *sniff*. I'd like to go charter permanently, but it seems very expensive right now, and judging from previous sift talk posts, the price has risen a fair bit over the years.

Is there an argument for lowering the price to get more charter members vs. higher price with less charters?

Just wondering.
dag says...

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Charter membership is due for a revamp with new privileges and possible different time periods - of course any changes will be retroactive to current charter members. Stay tuned!

deathcow says...

The highest rated person should get a special icon instead of just a crown. Make the upper crust fight for the unique distinction. More stats are needed.. not just top votes, but who gets the most votes per vid, etc. There must be 50 interesting ways to scatter your user data. Also blankfist name should randomly display in pink perhaps 5% of the time. Also I get autopaypal deducted every so often but have never seen a contributor thing, is there one? I thought I saw some people with contributor icons? And after $110 in donations perhaps a new achievement icon : )

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