Why are there no sift forums?

I think it would be a nice addition to the site. You have plenty of users who can moderate it and it would give everyone a place to hang out and chat without gumming up the comments. This would also allow for more community interaction and be beneficial for the collectives too.
grspec says...

I guess I was thinking something integrated into the site that could be direct linked to videos, use your existing login, etc. Non-integrated forums with a separate signup often fail. The sifters coffee house has appear to be in the beginning stages of being over run with spammers.

Seems they have a pligg to vb bridge so it would appear possible.

just my .02

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It's also a philosophical choice. I like forums - but we're trying to keep the community oriented around the videos, and working together.

Forums are a cocktail party- VideoSift is a quilting bee.

If you need a drink - head over to Sifter's Coffee House, and ask LadyBug to break out the strong stuff she keeps behind the counter.

raven says...

I agree with your points dag... but it would be cool to have a forum linked to a collective, maybe like a mini-forum where all the horror geeks (for example) can get together and talk. I've tried to open up the comments section of my collective for such discussion but I don't think people really visit check on them with that in mind. The format needn't be too advanced, could be arranged just like sift talk, but it would be cool to have a discussion space linked to each collective.

James Roe says...

yeah, i've also been a little bummed that the comments area of my collective hasn't taken off. I am not sure that a forum is necessarily the right solution though. It could be that people just want to watch videos.

gorgonheap says...

I agree with dag and James. I enjoy interacting with other sifters but I think forums should be an offsite thing. (i.e. like Ladybugs coffee house) I'm here to watch videos. And get ideas for my low budget college films that always end with the words 'fin' in white letters on a black backgroud and involve deeply emotional visuals like, drugs, or violence. Then I expect people to say "My what a unique film that was." Ok, now I'm off topic.

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