kronosposeidon says...

As far as aggregators go, I used to check out Milkandcookies, I-Am-Bored,, and Fark on a regular basis before I found this site, but now I hardly ever check them at all. However there is one video aggregator that I still check out fairly regularly: StumbleUpon video. I've been a Stumbler since its early days, and I still like it because of how it personalizes your selections. When I'm having a hard time finding a decent video through my normal, highly-classified methods I'll go there. I estimate that I've found about 10% of my published videos through StumbleUpon.

You know what would be nice? A random feature for this site. Maybe give each channel a "Random" button, just to throw an unexpected video at you. It would be a good way to give older videos some fresh exposure. The only way you get to see them now is if you actively search for them or if someone promotes them. Just a thought.

gwiz665 says...

I'm strictly a one-videosite man. If I have an aggressive itch I need scratched, I sometimes go to though, but our EIA has largely replaced that for me.

gorgonheap says...

Other video aggregators? So are you trying to weed out the disloyal to the cause of Videosift? I never go anywhere but here, no sir! You can even check my browser history, seriously it's this site alone, I never go any other place. Don't sick siftbot on me I'll be good, I never go to digg or any site like that, just here and YouTube. HAVE MERCY ON ME O' SIFTBOT!

my15minutes says...

those were the first 3 that come to mind, but in reverse order, in my case.

only because lasso was the one i found out about most recently. signed up yesterday.
a potential resource of immense *quality for everyone, there, i'd say.

Doc_M says...

A number of people use Neatorama to grab some neato videos. Of course, they always beat me to them... I typically just have something on my mind and I go hunting for documentaries on it. Or I'll see an old movie and go holy crap, I need to find that scene to post. That or someone on another of the forums I post in will post something fun. That's how I found that HBO intro I just posted. Word-o-mout. That and random searching for old stuff I liked.

guessandcheck says...

I will generally come here for 98% of my media. However, MovieForumz is great for streaming movies/shows and documentaries. I guess I still use the YouTubes as well, but almost solely for music related stuff that gets little attention here.

Fedquip says... old, I remember the days when you really had to hunt, I used to be an avid Farker as well, hell remember ebaums world?

I do go back to fark and have checked out their video section.

I used to (and still kinda do) follow the blogs -, Crooksandliars, mediamatters - Those websites were great in the early 00's when video blogging was still young, those guys really let picked out the gems from Television.

I have collected so many youtube subscriptions over the years I dont have to go far to find a good clip or two. I also have a few links that follow documentaries, Heres one that I just recently bumped into. I have more lists then I do hours in the day.

Otherwise I use Stumble Video as well...not as often as I would like.
When I have time I like to check out newer places, as Dag Mentioned Funny or Die is a great place from what I can see and Redlasso is still in Beta so it might be usefull for the sift yet.

CaptWillard says...

I get a lot of my videos from checking out blogs, especially the political ones. With my musical selections I generally think of a song I like then hunt down the video. I Stumble every now and then too.

RedLasso might be a good host, but since they're still in beta it might be best to hold off on them for a little longer. My biggest fear about them is that they primarily host TV content. That's not a problem in and of itself, but if the corporate bigwigs at the networks tell RedLasso to start region blocking then it will suck. They do it already with other video hosts that feature proprietary TV content such as Comedy Central and Hulu, so I can't yet see how they'll be the exception.

FunnyorDie and SuperDeluxe are good choices. Megavideo might not be bad. They're not great, but they're not any worse than Break or LiveLeak as far as content goes and we still host them. So I won't cheer if you choose them or cry if you don't.

I also think a Random button would be cool.

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