What are your criteria for upvoting? (Or Downvoting)

I'm curious to know if any of you have a code, or personal set of rules that you use to determine whether or not you upvote (or downvote) a video. (What inspired me to ask this is that I recently noticed that most videos will receive dozens if not hundreds of views sometimes before getting that magical 10th vote...)

For me, it's mostly a mood based thing, but I do have some rules that I follow. For example, if I grow weary of a particular video before I reach the end, then no vote (up OR down...)

If I make it to the end, and enjoyed or appreciated the content, I'll usually upvote.

If the sound is bad, or out of sync with the video, instant downvote.

These are just some of the rules I try to follow; there are others, and perhaps someday I'll actually quantify them. What are some of yours?
Sarzy says...

I'm not sure about downvoting a video based on bad audio quality -- the embed could be replaced with a pristine one, at which point your downvote will remain regardless of how good the actual video is.

As for my voting philosophy -- if I like a video, even a tiny little bit, I'll upvote it. Otherwise I'll just leave it be. Downvoting feels a bit too aggressive to me.

Hybrid says...

Yeah, I rarely downvote. It's gotta be something I morally disagree with or is downright out of line and something I feel shouldn't be on the sift for me to want to click that down arrow.

Upvoting, I'm the same as Sarzy, if a video remotely entertains I'll upvote. Myself, I tend to look through the unsifted section a lot to try and get the good stuff sifted.

However, there are people here who downvote certain videos all the time. For example, there's a certain someone who seems to downvote any Family Guy clip he encounters. I'm not sure that's the best use of downvoting in my opinion, but I guess it's their right to be able to do that.

choggie says...

unsifted viddies first-
Hardly eveer hit the front page or the featured columns....sometimes my radar goes up on a particular viddy, i hit the users queued vids, and go on a rampage when I find more of the same...

Also, since status and bling means so much to some, i sometimes find a user 10 or so away from a milestone, then i get a few other users to help me bust their cherry-rather, I TRY to get others to share the love.....very few help me out, since they take voting so seriously when it concerns their personal sticks up their asses-VOTE VISCERALLY that's my motto!!

Oh....and as with our newset bronze, Playinwithfire, i tend to focus a lot of attention on makin' the females happy-There are so few here and so many douchebag 20-30-something-mental-pre-teen males here,and so few women...well, fuck man-gotta tilt the scales when I can...

marinara says...

some db (it was gwiz) told me i can't downvote for instance, every "Beatles" video, even though I hate 99% of Beatles songs. So now I have to downvote just stuff that i think other people think is downvoteable.

Sagemind says...

I scroll through each page and anything the catches my eye by thumbnail, subject or title (completely random) I open in a new tab. when I get to the end of the page, I stop and watch each vid in its own tab, and then close it. When I run out of Tabs, I jump to the next page and start again.

I up-vote anything that isn't absolutely blase.
If I had fun watching it - Up-vote.
If I learned something - Up-vote.
If I was inspired - Up-vote
If it caught my interest and made me research something regarding it - Up-vote

If it offends my sensibilities or doesn't belong on the sift - Down-vote. (rarely happens)

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