Videosift not on Wired's list of best video aggregators?
I found the link here atop my inbox. I have never heard of some of these sites, but I think the sift is a pretty glaring omission. As far as I know the sites don't have to actually host the original content to be included in this list (but I am not 100% sure about that).
Feel free to submit and vote for the sift on said site if you feel it is worth it.
Feel free to submit and vote for the sift on said site if you feel it is worth it.
It seems to me that said list is restricted to search enginges able to search for videos on several video hosting sites. VideoSift is not exactly that...
Wired = crap?
Um, it's a ridiculously crap list anyway.
The premise is that it's looking for the best video search sites, which can search across multiple video sites and then has Hulu and Vimeo as the first two entries... um... they are video hosting sites.
Crap list, and not one that Videosift belongs on either really, as it's not a comprehensive search across videos, but more a cream of the crop site.
Even though I will earn the ire of my friends in Kuwait, I must say I agree with Krupo, Wired is a shit magazine that is now more of a sales pamphlet for the latest gadgets more then anything else.
There is far more interesting stuff to be found in their website, especially the Defense and Security section.
By the way anyone can sumbit VS as a Video Aggregator though, I think someone should I mean it would only increase the traffic to this site.
The list seems to be made up of video hosting and search sites. I don't really see anything like VS on it.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Yeah, I don't think we would fit anywhere on that list - and not sure we would want to be in the company of many of those sites anyway.
(Except Vimeo - love them).
VideoSift defies classification again - suck it Wired.
Who the hell reads Wired anyway?
They have a knack for making technology dull.
Pish posh, who's wired? Nobody, that's who!
We like Hulu too! I'd like them more if they would stop this shitty 'imaginary regions' on the internet bollocks.
these guys must make a fortune on our account
good thing there's no flamboyant publicity about videosift.
don't let happen to the sift what happened to /b/
(from its users point of you, of course. for new comers everything is always fine)
hahaha I entered anyway...shoulda read your comments first. Oh well, everybody's attitude towards this list is akin to the loser kids that didn't buy a yearbook because they never got invited to a school dance. Fuck it...I put it on there, now go vote for it men, ladies, and dag...
lol...4 downvotes already. +1 up from me.
It's now 4 up, 4 down. Vote bitches!
" VideoSift defies classification again "
Yes and no and may-be...we'll see what predictable path or not she'll take.
Wired mag sold out to the man
It seems to have a bias towards aggregators of commercial-laden industry sites which suck ipso facto. If I could pay a subscription fee to see everything on Hulu without commercials, I might consider it a decent website. Until then, copyright be damned. If they had a system that would avoid showing the same commercial to the same person twice, it would be less offensive.
^"good thing there's no flamboyant publicity about videosift.
don't let happen to the sift what happened to /b/
(from its users point of you, of course. for new comers everything is always fine)"
Excellent point, as an outsider looking in, it is easy to spot the high-colonic needed, to eliminate or or otherwise dispel, the ever-increasing, douche, dweeb, and dingleberry element, from this playground of nobel beginnings-Some folks simply need to post video content, and shut the fuck up.
Rules and decisions by majority vote, should send this place into the toilet if some high art does not return or otherwise take over-Voting. What a Concept. For most monkeys who think that their participation in National Elections for example, holds much more than some pseudo-symbolic satisfaction sensation, well...what can be done with damaged goods but to return them to the manufacturer to be repaired or replaced? Oh, suppose one could be satisfied with the defective product....Welcome to Planet Now.
>> ^deadcalm23:
^"good thing there's no flamboyant publicity about videosift.
don't let happen to the sift what happened to /b/
(from its users point of you, of course. for new comers everything is always fine)"
Excellent point, as an outsider looking in, it is easy to spot the high-colonic needed, to eliminate or or otherwise dispel, the ever-increasing, douche, dweeb, and dingleberry element, from this playground of nobel beginnings-Some folks simply need to post video content, and shut the fuck up.
Rules and decisions by majority vote, should send this place into the toilet if some high art does not return or otherwise take over-Voting. What a Concept. For most monkeys who think that their participation in National Elections for example, holds much more than some pseudo-symbolic satisfaction sensation, well...what can be done with damaged goods but to return them to the manufacturer to be repaired or replaced? Oh, suppose one could be satisfied with the defective product....Welcome to Planet Now.
Hi Choggie
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