VideoSift People

If you are in the top 15, (or soon to be) could you please try and have an avatar of some kind and your profile filled out? We are making a "VideoSift People" page for the new site and will be including you as major contributors!
dotdude says...

What about an undesirable default image to encourage folks to find an avatar. One organization I know always threatens what will be used instead if a picture is not submitted.

Once the top 15 all have the 100 gold star status, we’ll want to know what’s happening below the top 15. Are there any plans to make it easier to see the 16 through 30 (or even more than that) . . . a next 15 button or some such.

Krupo says...

Ooh, next 15 or something like that would be rad. That's probably where you'll see the fiercest "dogfights" for votes/rank, 9 through 15 notwithstanding. <grin>

I'll get right on filling out a "real" profile as soon as the exam's over - 1 day down, 2 days left. More on my exam from hell here:

If you're scared or annoyed by the accounting babble, skip down to the last three paragraphs, which I find either insane or amusing.

sfjocko says...

given the change, does it matter that i change my avatar with my mood, whim, and state of mind?

krupo: a counting school. cute. reading through some of your postings, i find i'm very glad not to be you right now.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

No I think we've all grown to appreciate your multiple personality disorder sfjocko.

Yes. I like the the idea of the next 15 Krupo. So much to do, so little time. Lucky??

What should we use for a default image?

Krupo says...

dag (and Lucky) - sweet. as for default image, I'd be happy to dig something up - should I post the Wigmeter to Flickr?
Or Baltimore sanition, c. 1960 (from the set of Hairspray, being shot in Toronto):

I can find stranger things if necessary.

sfjocko - thanks for reading and ... being glad to not be me.

As long as someone finds some perverse joy in not suffering like I am, it's all worth it.

That, and passing. As long as I pass, it's *also* all worth it... too bad I have to wait until November for results. But first, two more days of writing to go - huzzah! Time to go to sleep before midnight for once...

[Note: the title of the blog (ACS) was inspired by my niece - that's what she thought "Accounting School" was... so it's like an eternal tribute to her. ]

dotdude says...

>>What should we use for a default image?>>

How 'bout a little "beanie" with a propeller? Maybe blue and gray to match the color scheme?

Is SiftBot going to be shiny like the logo?

Krupo says...

(free use?)
(not free?)

lucky760 says...

Off the top of my head, I think a close-up of the dirty, old "paint bucket" sifter (perhaps with a '?' painted on the side to denote the mysterious nature of the user) might make a good default, but I also like the dumpster. Also Mr. SiftBot needs some updating. Throw some blue sunglasses on that new logo up there and there you have him. ;-p He's such a sweetheart.

swampgirl says...

no offense, but the top 15 doesn't look like they're going to be touched any time soon. The next 20 afterwards is what interests me. The ranking changes almost daily.

The top 15 or 100 stars I consider the 'elders'

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