Trolling the Discarded Items for Votes

So help me understand something. "Sesame St. - Big Bird Learns About Death (of Mr. Hooper)" was submitted and promoted to the front page two days after the identical link -- submitted by me -- expired in the queue. See "Sesame Street - Goodbye Mr. Hooper" in the discarded bin.

Firstly, I thought if something was discarded it was dead, unless it was submitted with a new URL it could never be resubmitted. Secondly, I hunted for this video day, after day, after day and could never find a valid link. Then I finally find a link -- that expired in the queue -- and a mere two days later someone "stumbles" upon the identical link, submits it, and it hits the front page.

I've seen this scam happen to me twice in just the last week or so.

I've double-triple-quadruple checked this, and now I'm fucking mad. What the hell is up with people trolling the discarded bin to get their votes on bronze-star backs? This is bullshit.
choggie says...

that is smack, man....wouldn't stand for it...won't stand for it!! Gonna raise some holy hell, goddamn.....gonna call ya'll out.....Who could do such a thing??? shameshameshame.....

think it's like a tribute or inspired them.....

karaidl says...

Okay, first of all, calm down. There's no need to be calling out other sifters and if you want anyone to answer you kindly, I would advise that you edit your comments to Sometimes on her post.

To answer your first question, you CAN sift videos that have been discarded with the exact same URL, just not the same title.

Secondly, most of the sifters around here are happy to lend a hand and save a video if you just ask. I called Rembar in for a save just a while ago, and he was happy to oblige. Just look at who's voted and ask. You had Firefly and Grspec both vote for your post, I'm sure they could have done something for you. The queue can be weird sometimes, and a lot of it depends on who's looking at the time.

Thirdly, title has a lot to do with it. No offense, but your title could have been better. It wasn't eye catching, in fact, it just looked like a regular Sesame Street clip. That's not something I would be particularly interested in.

There's no way somebody is trolling a discard pile, because there is no discard pile, unless you count the "Recently Discarded" section. So the only way someone knew that you had submitted it is if they saw it, then banked on it dying in the queue. Not likely, as one would assume that a video they enjoy is probably going to make it to the front.

And yes, there is a very good chance they "stumbled" upon it. I don't know about the rest of everyone else, but I go to other websites (Digg, for instance) to sift my videos.

coupland says...

karaidl, i didn't limit my comments to sometimes because i have noticed this on numerous occasions in the past few weeks. my videos being re-submitted mere hours after they expired in the queue. sometimes the re-submit even precedes the discard. weird, huh?

karaidl says...

Yes, I know that you're talking about multiple people, but when you put your comments right on Sometimes' post, that's pretty damn direct! It's not like it's tough to figure out who you were speaking about.

Could you give me an example of someone posting a video a few hours after the discard? Sometimes' post is a few days after yours. What, you're saying that she waited a couple of days before submitting it? Again, there's no such thing as a discard pile.

coupland says...

No Karaidl, you're not interested in my opinion, you're just humouring me. If someone in authority wants to continue this discussion then so be it, otherwise I am done.

karaidl says...

Okay, well, I tried to be nice about this, but if you're really going to insist on attacking other sifters and then disregarding me after taking the time to actually answer you, then fine, be a dick.

coupland says...

Good. Now anyways, the problem I have is that people are watching sifts like eagles and then re-submitting them the second they expire, to get the votes. If a bronze-star member can't resubmit the same crap a week on, then a gold-star member shouldn't be allowed to either.

Thanks for your consideration, and on anon...

djsunkid says...

? I don't think my ability to resift stuff has changed since I was a gold star.

I've sifted plenty of vids more than once after a title wasn't eye-catching enough, or not enough people saw it, or whatever. My own vids, that is. I've only re-sifted other people's vids a few times before, and usually by mistake.

What I did when I was still a bronzie was just made a private To Save list of vids that I liked that died in the queue. Since then I've been going through saving them. Sometimes, they are already on the sift since (woops, embarassing), and in at least one case a vid has bit the dust before I could save it.

vid stealing is ugly. I had a BUNCH of votes on a vid a while back, and somebody else had the same die in the queue. Theirs was sifted first though, so mine had to go. that sucked. I don't remember who that was...

MINK says...

ok now i don't get it. other people can post videos that were discarded?

whoah, that's big news to me. And it kinda sucks i think.

The "weirdness" of the queue is definitely a problem. Popularity contests always have this problem, there can be a fine line between something getting 9 votes and 45 votes.

Anyway, damn, people can repost my discards?

karaidl says...

Anyway, damn, people can repost my discards?

Yea, sure, think about it - Say I wanted to repost a video that died in the queue, posted by another member. Let's assume that member was inactive. Now, on one hand, I could save it, but if it were to die, who's going to keep the link fresh? You'd have to re-sift it all over again to get it back on VS.

Don't worry about it, the dead pool will make this all go away.

MINK says...

errr.. ok. don't understand, but ok lol

i kinda thought the point was that if it was discarded, it was discarded. (that's different to death).

Deano says...

Well you could deliberately discard your own submission with the idea you would resubmit later. A discard is not the end...

lunkwill says...

You should definitely be able to post videos that have been discarded by others. If, for example, I posted a video, changed my mind, discarded it and then never posted it again are you saying that that video should never be on the sift? At the end of the day the sift now contains one more video that you like, why should you not be happy?

lucky760 says...

Without divulging too much, believe me when I say this will no longer be possible in v3.0. For now, there's unfortunately nothing that can be done about this. I suppose it's really just a matter of fortune as it's the community who decides what gets votes, so if a re-submitter gets enough to publish, their post is just more fortunate.

looris says...

just one doubt, lucky.

If somebody "adopts" a video from the dead pool, can he change the title, yes?

Otherwise a video that gots discarded because its title sucked, would be doomed forever.

rickegee says...

It is better etiquette to save, but you have to be a gold star and be aware that a particular video died so that is often difficult. A dead/discard pool will go a long way to fix the problem.

I had a Miranda July discard that (I believe) two different Sifters rescued over time. As the community grows, sensibilities sometimes shift and voting blocs form that can salvage a marginal Sift..

Please raid my discard pile and re-post (go to rickegee profile, then 'Discarded'). I have had some incredible things (Pink Lady, Clogs) die on me recently.

doremifa says...

The same thing happened to me recently with an old Mr. Bungle film. The submitter had a different route to find it than myself (PW Hermann vs the rock group). I understand the fury. I couldn't even upvote the same clip.

lucky760 says...

Yes, looris. Once you fix a deadpool video, you are its owner so you can do with it the same things you can do with any video you submitted yourself.

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