Taming of the Queue

Well after many discussions and rule adjustments, it looks like the queue is tamed – at least for now. Of course it is still a “work in progress.” I figured I had to use the title before someone else did . . . running, ducking, grinning . . .
Krupo says...

LOL, I'm glad you simply posted a blog entry about it. I felt like doing it but really didn't feel like spamming the blog, since I plan to write about other things tomorrow.

99 vids. It's like New Orleans once the flood levels went down from 6 metres to 1.5 ...

joedirt says...

One issue I have though is that you technically can increase your number of frontpage posts. Before it was 3 submissions per day even if they were frontpaged. Now, technically, if you got 9 vote on a video in the first hour, you can submit more. Might not really be an issue unless we have a lot more queue lurkers voting stuff up.

Krupo says...

True, but if the vid is good enough to rocket up to the front page in hours rather than days, then you deserve the ability to post more - it's really a good positive reinforcement mechanism, I'd argue.

In reality, few people ever score solid gold in such quick succession, reducing the "risk" of excess postings, eh?

dotdude says...

>>99 vids. It's like New Orleans once the flood levels went down from 6 metres to 1.5 ...>>

When the queue goes back to normal levels here at least most things are back to normal. New Orleans is still dealing with looters, new crooks, crooked contractors, broken pipes, shortened business hours (places that used to be open late), higher costs of living, lawsuits, FEMA trailers, levees (not quite fixed yet), etc.

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