Songs to, erm... 'become intimate with someone' to

So, every now and again I get the urge to make a mix cd of music to have on during... personal moments with my wife.

And I'm obviously not alone in this (well, I doubt anyone else has done so in order to use while being personal with my wife... at least not for a few years), so I will start with some ideas of mine and a roundup of other people's lists.

I haven't made a proper mix CD list, but some pieces/cds I do love for such things are:

Enigma: MCMXC a.D. I love this CD, have listened to it more than any other one, probably because I do so while coding... but man is it erotic. Wonderful stuff.

The Princess Bride main theme: Quiet, peaceful, beautiful background music to make everyone feel all cozy and happy.

Chris Isaak: Wicked Game: That voice is sooo smooth, and the sound is so... well, it works I think.

Dave Matthews Band: Crash into me Had this one play at our wedding... although it's quite risque if you listen to the lyrics... sensual and sexy.

David Gray: This years love I love his music, as does my wife... and this one is just beautiful, and speaks of great love.

George: Breathe in now Pretty much anything with Katie Noonan's amazing voice could go here, but this is the most beautiful of their tracks I think. (And their most famous)

Jeff Buckley: Corpis Christi Carol That voice... what a voice he had... and this could make you feel like you're desecrating a church... which isn't a bad thing...

So, yeah, those are some of my ideas... here are some other lists:
Makout Music: Songs to F*ck by Some nice suggestions in here

Music to F*ck to I don't know all of the tracks, but I agree with some of those I recognize... actually, yeah, Kylie Minogue Confide in Me... that was a great track. Although if it came on when me and my wife were at it it'd be instantly over. "What the f*ck? Kylie? Really? Oh come on... no, I've lost interest now... go on, bugger off"

And then, of course, there are the ready made CDs:
Erotic Lounge Vol 1 They seem to go to at least Volume 6!
Music to Make Love By
Aphrodisia and so on, and so forth. But I would imagine that if they are like any other compilation CD out there it'd be a case of getting these and then making your own CD of the best bits of a few of them.

And hey, if you just want to get to the point, you could put this on

BUT, the question is, and it's because I value all of your opinions so much that I ask... what would YOU put on YOUR mix CD for having an intimate evening of carnal pleasure?
spoco2 says...

blankfist You sir, are a classy individual
Farhad Actually, you may be even classier
kronosposeidon That's got to be track one on my eventual CD... what lady couldn't be moved to erotic rapture with that... although I think for full effect, it may have to be a DVD of music videos
gm That would be an... intense... session
rasch187 HA! I'm glad this got a guernsey
Eklek A fine selection of quite nice choices followed by... um... yes
MarineGunrock Brilliant... (And on a note, I think the only track of theirs that my wife has ever got a smirk out of 'then we'll do it doggy style so we can both watch X-Files') And the tango... fantastic stuff
jonny I see you have a definite style in your taste in 'getting it on' music Well, at least until the last track... 8-O

So... yes. I thank you fellow sifters for your... erm... enlightening and most helpful responses

jonny says...

Like I said, it depends on the mood. Plump DJs is hardly romantic. It's for those time when you would describe it as fucking, not making love (though still with someone you're in love with, of course .

There's some other techno remixes that are pretty sexy.

not the mix I would use, but here's a decent example (probably worth stopping at 3:30, especially if you're at work!):

Roger Sanchez's remix of "Hella Good" is another (I actually didn't hear the original of this tune until fairly recently, and it is not nearly as good).

Of course, with electronica, you'll generally have to mix the songs, not just copy them together.

And, don't forget things like Ravel's Bolero, Clair du Lune, and all those other sexy/romantic classical pieces.

Really, the list of music that is bad for intimacy is probably much shorter. What music works really depends on who you're with and the mood. Even stuff like The Grateful Dead, or Benny Goodman, or NIN would work with the right partner.

spoco2 says...

jonny... ahh, yeah, see I would actually quite like those pieces in the right situation indeed, so they are great suggestions.

But, yeah I don't think it'd work with my wife.

And yes, it very much is a mood thing, you kind of need a collection of mix cds really:
* Sensual, slow, romantic, beautiful... The Candlelit CD
* Slow yet deep, bassy, sexy, raunchy... The Heavy CD
* Hard, raw, pounding, intense... The Fucking CD

So, yeah...

Plus there is also definite room for other mixes that ramp through all three kinds of music... but that would be very hard to time with what goes on I would imagine

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