Siftbot is a cruel bastard

Why is siftbot still emailing me to tell me that my video is about to expire? To rub it in? There's nothing I can do without the ability to requeue, so I really don't need siftbot reminding me of my failures via email. Can I turn this off?
Oatmeal says...

Can't we ban siftbot for spamming not only the comments, with useless notifications of invocations, but also our inboxes with reminders of our own failure?

Krupo says...

>> ^Fjnbk:
I liked the feature, even when requeue disappeared, so I could shake my fist at my computer screen when I got the e-mail.

Same here.

>> ^lucky760:
>> ^Peroxide:
instead of requeueing can on re submit?

No, because videos in your personal queue are still active, so if you resubmit the same video, it is a dupe and will be discarded.

But in theory someone could *-kill a vid and resubmit, say, if it only got 1 vote, eh?

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