Sift Shop Contest Ideas?

As you're probably painfully aware, we run contests on The Sift from time to time to allow you wonderful Sifters to win prizes from the Sift Shop. In the past, we've run a variety of different types of contests, but before we gear up for another, I'm wondering if you have any ideas for a fun and interesting style of contest.

The contest should run for a week or so and should engage people and require them to do something --anything-- on or related to and/or It could be a scavenger hunt where we list a series of clues and you have to find all the right answers, or a treasure hunt where you use the previous clue to find the next clue, or... ?

Since you Sifters are The Sift's most valuable asset, I felt it a good idea to enlist your collective imagination. I'm really hoping for some unique, fun contest ideas. The best idea wins a prize! (A comment up-vote from Yours Truly. Yay!)
BoneRemake says...

Photo taking or video making contest with a validating SIft logo date on a piece of cardboard or whatnot. For topics, I dont know. Nice to get people off their ass' and then show others what they did in that time.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I had an idea based on something mentioned in another thread. How about an "anonymous week" wherein all submits are anonymous, and then revealed at the end of the week. Then, the top three voted posts win prizes.

lucky760 says...

@BoneRemake: That's a fun idea. I just wonder how many people would actually participate via photograph. (There's one way to find out.) Though, they wouldn't necessarily have to take a photo of themselves (many folks are camera shy), but at least just include some contest-specific message.

@residue: I like this idea as well. The game could be: maybe.

@dag: I'm in love with the idea of trying out the hidden queue submitter idea, contest or no contest. And if it's as successful as I'm imagining, perhaps it can be the permanent modification.

Anyone else?

BoneRemake says...

Yea I do not mean a picture or video of themselves, rather a video or picture that expresses where they went, via a Beer and burger, a head of lettuce you just planted in a farmer field, a burlap sack you recently used on a victim of circumstance or just a scene you saw after a walk out in your new spring time environment as per your respective hemisphere.

Recently, the leaves just opened up here.

I just figured people get away from the sift, capture it, and show something from that experience. I doubt you could vote it, it would just be an admissions thing I guess, but, who knows, you might be able to vote it, I am not to versed in this contest thing. I prefer to call myself a winner and leave it at that, no games involved.

gwiz665 says...

Sifter porn... naw, I'm kidding..

In more seriousness, I'd be willing to work on some flash games or something for a potential sift competition. I do games for a living, after all, so it would be a good exercise.

residue says...

heh, I was actually going to suggest maybe you could make something since you make some pretty neat stuff but I didn't want to volunteer you. It would be a nice way to keep any advertising internal to the sift rather than sending traffic to some other flash site.

maybe you could make a flash game involving penises or penis shaped objects of some variety

>> ^gwiz665:

Sifter porn... naw, I'm kidding..
In more seriousness, I'd be willing to work on some flash games or something for a potential sift competition. I do games for a living, after all, so it would be a good exercise.

BoneRemake says...

I realize what I wrote will not be answered, So I thought a Haiku would be better.

iPhone addiction
I must overcome. Oh, wait
There's an App for that.
--Chris in Waldorf, Maryland

BoneRemake says...

I REALLY REALLY DID NOT LIKE that last scavenger hunt, not one bit. It confused the shit out of me and I did not get very far. So its just another way to exclude the stupid people.

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