Super Secret Beta

I've been watching inspiring videos lately about how the "new web" is solving little problems for people.

One of my little problems is sourcing good video to submit to VideoSift. I tend to visit all the other community sites and see what's new there, and then compare it to VideoSift.

To this end, I've been working on a little project that I hope will make it easier to source good video to submit to VideoSift.

Basically it's a chronological list of posts from most of the big video aggregators (including us). Video is displayed on the site next to a button for easy submission to VideoSift.

It's like a feed reader- the big difference being that you don't have to go off to the host site to watch the video. (hence the "scrape" name )

It's rough around the edges, and needs aesthetic help- but I wanted to get it in front of Sifters early for feedback and ideas.

Login: beta
Password: s1ft3r

Thanks for your help!
schmawy says...

Bottom of page:

"Do you prefer a bit of community served with your videos? Join us at our sister site VideoSift"

So it's a straight to the vein video web page. That certainly has it's place. Good idea. Is it somehow linked to our super sekrit formula "hot" tab?

dag says...

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It's just reading from the front page - but it might be an idea to link it to the Hot page instead, as we seem to be overpowering the other hosts with our plethora of front page posts.

Also Lucky modified it so the submit to videosift button probably won't show if it's a video that's already been submitted to to the Sift.

8383 says...

perhaps once user options are added (assuming they will be) the ability to filter providers would be a good idea, so sifters could hide all the sift videos we've already seen.

dag says...

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We are scraping:

Of course we will add more to this list.

It updates ever 2-3 minutes.

That's a very good idea Zeph about a filter. Would it be better to filter via check boxes- or something like a select box where you can display only videos from a single host?

Also, yeah paging will come eventually Fedquip.

kronosposeidon says...

It might help with quality, or it might not. I think if VS users start looking for videos at Scrape Up to post, it will make this place more like the other aggregators because it will tend to homogenize all the aggregator sites. I think it's bad enough as it is when certain sifters treat their queues as RSS feeds from Digg

Think about it: If the people at I-Am-Bored and Milk And Cookies start going to Scrape Up to upload videos we've already sifted here, and then we have people here grabbing videos from those sites via Scrape Up, and then the Diggers and Stumblers start marking a lot of the videos at Scrape Up, then the content will start to become more uniform at all those sites, including ours. And to me, brothers and sisters, that would make this place boring.

Now one could argue that even without Scrape Up there's a lot of 'cross-pollination' going on already, and I wouldn't disagree with that. I've already seen a number of our popular videos suddenly get front-paged at I-Am-Bored and College Humor, for example. However I see Scrape Up significantly accelerating that process, especially as it grows in popularity.

Now I am not TOO concerned, because this place has enough members who've found their own little niche in which they post videos that are well outside the mainstream. However, even if a few of those obscure videos start getting picked up by the other sites, then I think VS might lose the biggest edge it has always had: Its IMMENSE variety. How many other sites have Dr. Who getting Rick-rolled, Stephen Colbert, Manila's City of Garbage, the history of the string bikini, and beautiful Slovenian caves, all on the front page at the same time? But if even one or two of those got front-paged at other sites because they conveniently found them at Scrape Up, then I think it decreases our competitive edge.

Of course everything I just wrote could be the ether talking and not me.

Fess up, dag: Are you attempting to out-Digg Digg Video?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hmm, out-Digg Digg Video. nah.

Good points raised about cross-pollination though.

Honestly- I've got about 4 or 5 other sites that I go to to look at Videos, and maybe find interesting stuff that we've looked over. I'm just solving my own problem of not wanting to deal with 5 different interfaces. I honestly thought to myself "it would be nice to see what videos other sites are publishing" .

I played with feeds but always had to click through to the sites to watch the video.

Laziness is the mother of invention in this case. I do believe that aggregators are the best way to find interesting content at the moment. Granted, we are the best - that goes without saying- but I do sometimes see interesting stuff on other sites that would make good inclusions to the Sift.

joedirt says...

Dag i think you need the date and number of views.

Also, it appear that you give too much weight to the video site icon. Most people don't care whether it is found on digg or whatever. You should make a colored background that corresponds to each video sift maybe with the site's logo faded at 50% transparency.

Thumbnails seem to me to need to be bigger. I know you were going for clean and minimal, but it's just hard for me to figure out what the videos are about. can you add a hover text or maybe some of the original tags, or even scrape the category.

Like.. Category: News & Politics or even Channel

joedirt says...

I also have been thinking of an automatic video submission like a ten 10 digg videos for the day insta-submits. Also maybe the decription could be a wiki..

But I think it would be ok to mainline straight to a hot queue.. or a place where people can click an Adopt button and make them their submission.

joedirt says...

Also I recommend adding in the autoplay=1 to the embeds when they pop up where possible. And on the popup embed window you might also want to include a direct link the to video page like or (I realize on most embeds you can click the player to go there, but it might also help out SEO)

In the pop-up window maybe also display the text description from the page, but I understand not wanting to scrape or store extra stuff, and I'm not sure about how kosher that is.

Also the grab embed area would be good to add the little javascript that highlights and copies it automatically when you click in the box like some other sites have.

But definately a snapshot of a video sites rank/votes/views would be useful.

kulpims says...

i agree with most things joedirt mentioned, but keep it minimal, i like these smaller thumbs. and some description (float text?) would be great. categories would be cool, but again - if kept simple, no need for 66 channels...

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