my15minutes says...

well, considering who i'm making the recommendations for, i take it i'll have to dig into fairly obscure territory...
i just recommended Children of Men in my last comment elsewhere, for instance, but you've probably seen it.

hmm. ever see Silent Running, with bruce dern?
if you haven't, don't watch this trailer until you have, as i think it gives away far too much.

that was one of my sci-fi favorites growing up, along with this.
which also gives away too much of the plot.

Farhad2000 says...

Children of men is a big favorite of mine, I watched that movie many times, I loved the cinematography and I ended up reading P.D. James' book as well.

I don't think I have seen either Silent Running or Time after Time, I will definitely check them out. Thanks.

dag says...

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I watched Invasion the other night, and was actually pleasantly surprised. It's a remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers - and it was kind of neat that the message was that Zoloft, Prosac etc are making us into the replacement people.

At least that's what I took from it.

dag says...

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Soylent Green, Logan's Run and Dark City have been on my mind lately.

BrainStorm was a great movie with Christopher Walken and Natalie Wood's last before her untimely death.

bluecliff says...

Equilibrium (it's based upon a Philip K. Dick book, I think), is sort of fun - but not really the hight of cinema. Theres a clip of it somewhere on the sift, I'm sure...

Have you seen Stalker, or Solaris?
Thers also a strange Polish/Japanese movie that's Tarkovsy-ish - Avalon, about videogames in the future.
(I myself am not actually a Tarkovsky fan)

choggie says...

Yes....I was thinking the Quiet Earth while reading these suggestions.....

Zardoz B+ (Sean Connery)
This Island Earth (classic B)
Millennium-(b-film, great concept)

firefly says...

Outland (another Sean Connery one)
The Wraith
The Lawnmower Man (there’s a sequel, but I haven’t seen it)
Cube, Cube 2, or Cube Zero
Mission to Mars
Fantastic Voyage (classic!)

And if you want to see the most ridiculed, according to Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics (click "Movie Reviews" on the left), watch The Core.
You can probably find some other sci-fi titles there to enjoy also.

p.s. another vote for Time After Time, also a growing-up favorite of mine. When I see/hear Jack the Ripper I always think David Warner.

Farhad2000 says...

Damn I watched almost all of that.

I really liked Titan A.E. back in high school. Not enough animated films deal with space and the future (besides anime).

I watched Sunshine. I was sorely disappointed with the ending. It just got retarded in 10 minutes flat. I thought Event Horizon was much better.

The Thing I have on DVD. Best film Carpenter ever made.

Battlefield Earth I watched once. I thought it was shit but not as bad as some people claim it is. Travolta was really ridiculous looking.

Brazil is a great Terry Gilliam flick. Loved it.

The Cube movies I always loved.

blankfist says...

I guess I'm the only person who cannot get into those Cube movies. The story seems lazy and the acting tends to be sub par, though as I remember the first Nightmare on Elm Street had terrible acting, too.

Whatever you do, never watch this movie. Never.

Farhad2000 says...

I liked the Cube movies when they came out, I think they really have been surpassed over the years and haven't aged well. When it came out it was a different take on the standard horror/haunted house type of deal.

Thanks for the great list Eklek, and yes unfortunately I have watched almost the whole list. I was surprised to see Russian flicks like Kin Dza Dza and Ivan Vasevilich Meanyt Prafesiou, thought they are comedy sci-fi films more then hard sci-fi. Great films, though without knowing Russian one wouldn't really enjoy them, at least not in the same way as Solaris and Stalker. Yeah Stalker wasn't on that list though was it?

I got Fail Safe recently, so am gonna watch that. I haven't seen any of the newer flicks like Iron Man, because I want to see them on DVD and not in cinemas in Kuwait where they cut up movies.

Great to see lost of Anime on that list, especially Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Howls Moving Castle, Castle in the Sky.... though I never heard of The Girl Who Leapt Through Time so I will getting that.

Also first time I ever heard of The Holy Mountain and A Boy and his Dog... thanks to you all...

Ryjkyj says...

OK, it's really popular and you can call me a douchebag for it and you've probably seen it but I still have to recommend the Serenity/Firefly series because of the thread.

Eklek says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
Thanks for the great list Eklek, and yes unfortunately I have watched almost the whole list. I was surprised to see Russian flicks like Kin Dza Dza and Ivan Vasevilich Meanyt Prafesiou, thought they are comedy sci-fi films more then hard sci-fi. Great films, though without knowing Russian one wouldn't really enjoy them, at least not in the same way as Solaris and Stalker. Yeah Stalker wasn't on that list though was it?

I'll put the Russian ones on my list, hopefully I get the jokes..maybe there's a site full of spoilers explaining the dialogue's funniness..
Stalker is on this imdb list as well, a must see..

BTW about Holy Mountain (and El Topo):

videosiftbannedme says...

I'm always late to these things but here are some of my favorites.

12 Monkeys
Bicentennial Man
Deep Impact
They Live
The Thing
Light Years (Gandahar)
Men In Black
..of course, I'm betting you've already seen all of these. Oh well.

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