Recent Unpleasantness

I've unstickied the earlier thread because I think that the message has gotten across.

Keep in mind that behind all of our avatars are real people. I didn't see much compassion in that thread at all. And although from the outside, you can say "oh it's just the Internet" - if you've ever been singled-out for rough justice on the webtubes (I have) - it stings baby.

I do think Fedquip is contrite, and the dissolving of his Collective and his public flogging is, seriously folks, punishment enough.

So please, pitchforks down all.

Also, I've already mentioned it in an earlier post - but personal abuse is not acceptable - in public threads, or profile messages. I think we will need to codify this in the guidelines.

Choggie - you are an interesting, and quirky part of this community - but couching abuse in free verse, does not make it more acceptable. Some of the PMs that Fedquip received from you were way over the line.

We're not going to censor anyone - but if we get any complaints, we'll convene a Siftquisition and put some potential actions up for a vote.

karaidl says...

Sounds like you guys got your hands full. Are you sure this counts as self-promotion, though? I know it does by Videosift's standards, I'm not contesting that, but maybe those standards are little too strict. It was a good video. I didn't really think he had anything to gain by putting it on. From my perspective, it seems that he liked it, and probably couldn't find it elsewhere, so he took matters into his own hands and uploaded it himself, maybe?

I mean, it's not like you have stupid kids making videos of themselves falling down like in Break. It was quality stuff.

That's my two cents.

choggie says...

The language, and sentiments, we all share, are individual-
Perception is key, for that is the filter...the sift iffya will...
Unpleasantness. Whatever do you mean? I really hope someone does complain...louder or as obvious as has been done already-
This perhaps, leads to the next iteration of ideas/vortices/-
if the two way out is the only way....? then the duality resides-judge, jury, electroshockthearaputicexecution.

James Joyce said it best in Finnegan's Wake....but who knows what the hell is going on anyhow???

CO-nsider myself flogged as well, good riddance to feddy, and best of wishes to us all.....(leave when I'se good and feddy, dammitt!)

Say no to Drugs

joedirt says...

What did I miss??

I'll have to dig up my previous comments. I'm really, really getting tired of this weirdo bored people that are running around dead'ing all the videos and not telling anyone. Do they know the process is automated?

(And thankfully there are other people who are doing the opposite, they are collecting a list of dead videos and informing people and NOT marking them dead immediately)

Then you've got these other RULE NAZIs. Look, my hammer of justice is merciless also, but except for one rant about RacistMan comedian, I only come down on self-promting new users, and corporate ass-spammers.

Can we just calm down and ask ourselves.. Is there any harm here.. Is this making sift a better or worse place.. Is this an annoying homemade piece of crap, or something that is siftworthy. Then look the other way... That's what I do.

karaidl says...

I'm advocating the same thing as Joe. No one can deny the video was up to Videosift's standards. Let me ask this - How many of us on this site have videos we would like to upload, but can't due to restrictions? How many of those videos are of decent quality that would better the community?

Was it really a selfish act by Fedquip? Or was he trying to share something important with us? In my opinion, he did it for us, not for himself.

There's no telling how much Videosift could be missing out on here as a consequence to the overly strict rule on self-promoting.

aidos says...

I think you'll all missing the point of the danger of letting it through. Go back and read what went on so that you understand why self linking is bad news (hint - it's all about subversive advertising).

Anyway, we've been through this already. Right now everyone should be concentrating their efforts on how the rules can be amended so that this doesn't become an issue again.

Deano says...

Right I just caught up with all this commotion, what a way to start my Monday, lucky I'm not working much today.

I'm with Joedirt, BL698 and others who seem less up in arms about this then others.

We might want to more clearly define what the community wants out of the site and how it gets there. Dealing once and for all with self-linking would be a start. A blanket ban doesn't seem right given that if you want to share it's an easy bit of subterfuge. There needs to be some granularity here as self-linking must surely be going on all the time but I doubt it's harming the website. It doesn't seem reasonable to take a black and white approach UNLESS we desire simple, brook no argument rules, albeit ones that can be easily sidestepped.

As for Fed his collective never really registered with me and while I may have voted for some of his videos I didn't click through to the subdomain (til today and right now it seems alive and well). The discussion about defining collectives and their rules should be an entirely separate discussion but seems to have been tacked on as an additional charge.

In the meantime, in light of the existing self-link rule, I dont see why he shouldn't remove self-linked vids and one's that contain links back to his blog/s. But banning, dissolving the collective as it stands? I'm not sure what that really achieves. And ultimately it's up to the administrators as to whether Fed's account stays. I think they have made reasonable arguments so far.

aidos says...

Yeah, I mostly agree (though I feel quite strongly about the dangers inherent in self-linking). Things were said in the heat of the moment that were a bit out of line (some excessively so), but I hope it doesn't scare Fedquip off (I appreciate his contributions), I'm sorry if I caused any offense myself. It's really time to move the discussion over to how the rules about self-linking can be enhanced for everyone's benefit.

Deano says...

Aidos I don't think anyone has said anything too bad apart from Choggie and the whole discussion across these threads hasn't been as bad as I was led to believe when I saw Dag's post on the matter.

After all, this isn't YouTube

raven says...

Agreed with Deano... I think the majority of us handled this situation to the best of our capacities and I don't think that guilt should cause any of us to go back on our statements at this point. My sentiments about the self-linking, embedded advertising, and the collective issues remain (I will deal with those collective matters in another thread as they are pretty much outside of this discussion)... I welcome fed to stay on at the sift but I still feel that TAYTV is an entirely different animal from the other collectives and should be modified to reflect this... I'm thinking Swampgirl's proposal is a start:

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