uhohzombies says...

Personally, I'm voting no because I come to VS with intent to browse many submissions by many sifters and to actively play a part in the community process while exposing myself to a wide variety of content that I may never have seen otherwise. I don't come here to sit on the same page for thirty minutes to an hour watching an entire television show. If you want to introduce the community to a show that you enjoy I think it can be accomplished well enough using clips of several minutes in length. Also, Hulu and others are region blocked. Despite the availability of methods to circumvent the filter, a great many internet users and less technically inclined VS members will not know this or be able to make use of such technology. They may find themselves annoyed by the steady introduction of new videos they cannot watch; a situation which may turn them off from visiting the site regularly in the future.

K0MMIE says...

Listen... if they put the full show on their site, even if its with commercials you should be able to submit it... that doesn't mean it will be SIFTED. But you should be able to submit it.

Dont police what we can submit. Its clear they want it on the net.

swampgirl says...

Fence sitters? What the hell?? So 4% of us are voting NOT to vote? geezwiz!

I voted yes. Full screen would be a great great GREAT option, if it doesn't put a strain on the site's resources.

OH, and they would need a channel or label invocation

Sarzy says...

But what we can submit is policed. If you don't believe me, try to submit a video with nudity in it and see what happens. I'd say more, but I think uhohzombies has done a pretty damn good job of explaining why this probably isn't a good idea.

>> ^K0MMIE:
Dont police what we can submit. Its clear they want it on the net.

HaricotVert says...

Opening up the 'sift for full episodes of syndicated TV shows just sounds like we're asking for Cease and Desist notices. I don't think it's possible to fully police it once you open the floodgates, the whole "making sure the episodes posted are allowed to be posted."

Another concern would be the huge influx of new videos that would quite possibly be "auto-stars," that is to say, there would be enough automatic upvoting on an episode just from at least 9 other fans of the series that it would become a ritual of "Oh look, there's *TV SHOW NAME HERE*, guess I have to upvote it." Well, we already do that anyways, but now it would just become even more blatant.

blankfist says...

Yes, what's wrong with full length TV shows on the Sift? I probably most likely won't check out the latest episode of Lost on here, but I don't see any reason why it couldn't be on here. If you don't want to watch a long TV video on the Sift, then don't watch it. But, I don't see why it couldn't be offered for others.

Stop being Sifting purists - allow some variety!

Doc_M says...

If you can't show full-length episodes, you can't really show documentaries as you really need the whole thing to get the point.

Of course however, if a network does not want its content posted on ...say... youtube or the like, we should not allow it here. That's just copyright infringement. If they allow it, we can allow it. I understand that's already in our Rules FAQ.

K0MMIE says...

>> ^HaricotVert:
Opening up the 'sift for full episodes of syndicated TV shows just sounds like we're asking for Cease and Desist notices. I don't think it's possible to fully police it once you open the floodgates, the whole "making sure the episodes posted are allowed to be posted."
Another concern would be the huge influx of new videos that would quite possibly be "auto-stars," that is to say, there would be enough automatic upvoting on an episode just from at least 9 other fans of the series that it would become a ritual of "Oh look, there's TV SHOW NAME HERE , guess I have to upvote it." Well, we already do that anyways, but now it would just become even more blatant.

I HEREBY ORDER YOU TO GO TO NBC.COM or HULU.COM OR ONE OF THESE OTHER SITES! They have an embed option in them! Granted there will be commercials... but they WANT you to watch them!

raddishs says...

I initally thought about voting "no" but really, I'd love to find some new TV shows to watch.

I understand the flooding issue and if it becomes a problem perhaps an option similar to NSFW, where you can hide them from your account. Or maybe another tab, like TVSift, where it displays TV shows only.

HaricotVert says...

>> ^K0MMIE:

I HEREBY ORDER YOU TO GO TO NBC.COM or HULU.COM OR ONE OF THESE OTHER SITES! They have an embed option in them! Granted there will be commercials... but they WANT you to watch them!

That's not my issue. I have no qualms against networks that actually put up their shows and embeds and encourage them to be shared. The point is that NOT ALL NETWORKS AND SHOWS DO THAT, and what is going to stop people from posting full episodes of those shows?

joedirt says...

A few issues need banged out first.

REGION BLOCKING can be a big deal. Maybe nbc.com isn't region blocking, but what about CBC or BBC, etc. The sift might become a mess.

COMMERCIALS are annoying. Almost all of these full episodes have some autoplay commercials or post/pre-video commercials. I personally think these full episodes need to be contained in a seperate part of the sift. But regarding commercials, it won't be long before ALL video sites have them. YouTube, LiveLeak, Vimeo, they all will soon. Trust me.

I'm going to be very annoyed when ever new episode gets posted when it first hits the internet. (ZOMG, the lastest Office / SouthPark !!!)
I'm also going to be annoyes when someone posts every Outer Limits episode ever.

Also, most of these places are pulling their content after a certain time. Comedy Central does this, and I think more will.

P.S. I voted for Edwards in that poll above.

MarineGunrock says...

I think that full episodes would destroy the sift.
Everyone and their brother would be sifting them left and right, and because everyone loves it, people would vote for it. - I really can't make a compelling argument due to the amount of alcohol I've imbibed over the past few hours.

blankfist says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
I think that full episodes would destroy the sift.
Everyone and their brother would be sifting them left and right, and because everyone loves it, people would vote for it. - I really can't make a compelling argument due to the amount of alcohol I've imbibed over the past few hours.

FYI, I did NOT upvote his comment because of his "full length videos will destroy the sift" chicken little spiel. I upvoted because he is drunk, and so am I. Well, not drunk but I certainly would get another DUI if I ventured out on the road in this condition, but I'm sober enough to say my ABCs backwards. Wanna hear? Didn't think so.

jwray says...

>> ^raddishs:
I initally thought about voting "no" but really, I'd love to find some new TV shows to watch.
I understand the flooding issue and if it becomes a problem perhaps an option similar to NSFW, where you can hide them from your account. Or maybe another tab, like TVSift, where it displays TV shows only.

We already have that, and it's called the 1sttube channel.

>> ^legacy0100:
Even if the feds come to close down some of the TV show videos, it's not our liability because we're not hosting it, we're merely linking it.

There are sites that legally provide full-length TV show embeds.>>

Personally, I'm voting no because I come to VS with intent to browse many submissions by many sifters and to actively play a part in the community process while exposing myself to a wide variety of content that I may never have seen otherwise. I don't come here to sit on the same page for thirty minutes to an hour watching an entire television show. If you want to introduce the community to a show that you enjoy I think it can be accomplished well enough using clips of several minutes in length.

Not everything can be conveyed in glib 3 minute clips without any context.

joedirt says...

I strongly suggest that VIDEOSIFT remain for internet media.

I think the future will be for channels and TV VJ sites, because HULU interface is a piece of crap, go ahead and try and find a new episode there.

I recommend a TV.VIDEOSIFT where maybe voting isn't even used.

Just posting regular movies (like Big Lebowski) will turn the sift to crap.

Thylan says...

My instincts about full shows not being legit is too ingrained, but I realize this poll is actually in response to the fact they are now becoming available, and that this may be the future.

This is my way of saying I'm lame with an itchy vote finger, and I switch my vote from nay to yay.

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